Jodie ⋅ 60

I am just a crazy Canadian trying to live life the best I can

Be Kind, Be Calm, And Be Safe And do have agreat day...

Entries 1,032

Page 6 of 42

Fot some reason I woke up feeling sick. I have a headache and my stomach thinks it wants to puke but hasn’t. And I have gas in my stomach so today isn’t starting out like it should. And everyday ...

August 15, 2023

Brain Cramp Again. in Me Being Me

How does a person go to bed on a Sunday night and wake up the next day thinking it’s Tuesday? This has happend to me more then once and then it takes me till hubby wakes up to tell me it’s only M...

August 14, 2023

Back To Life? in Me Being Me

Question? When you have had a week off or went somewhere other then the city you live how long does it take you to get back to life before you left? I don’t think you even have to leave home but ...

August 13, 2023

On To Something Else? in Me Being Me

If you think about it everything we do we only do for a short time them we move on. And we never repete it the same way we did before. And we always never go in the same order especially when it ...

August 12, 2023

Looking For A New Pet? in Me Being Me

I am not but if I were I would be looking for something that doesn’t shed and doesn’t bark and is easy to train. And isn’t high strung. When I was growing up we had a smaller size poodle because ...

August 11, 2023

Saying No? in Me Being Me

How do you react when someone says “NO” to you? Do you get all defensive and ask why? or do you just accept the answer? Depending on what was said no to I often think of the most logical reason a...

August 10, 2023

Life Is Life. in Me Being Me

No matter if you hate your life or not it’s where you are and maybe there is a lesson to be learned and i’s time for a major change? Or situations come up that we have to deal with alone and ther...

August 09, 2023

I Need To Be Happy. in Me Being Me

I have decided that me being happy is everything to me and others will not stop me with their negitivity and with their bullying and their empty threats. And whatever it takes to make me happy I ...

August 08, 2023

What Do You Think? in Me Being Me

I need to know if you think I should have a sit down with the slumlord and try to have the kind of relationship we had when I first moved in here? I would tell her that the relationship is the wa...

August 07, 2023

The Bus Ride in Me Being Me

For the most part when hubby and I take the bus somewhere we ususally have a nice ride and we get to where we want to go with no issues. I alwasy try to be respectful and offer my seat to those w...

I have decided that the slumlord has been abusing me. Not physically but mentally because of the way she treats me and the way she talks to me and how she never listens to me. Just because she th...

August 05, 2023

Some People in Me Being Me

My slum lord is not only a pig but she is also rude and when she talks to me I always have to ask her what she said then she has to repete it agin and again and then she gets frusturated and just...

August 04, 2023

Another Day? in Me Being Me

I can not understand why some people don’t take their responsibilites seriously and just do what they are suppose to do. And when something needs to be fixed why not just fix it when it first hap...

Well she came to look at the dryer and all she did was shortened the air hose thing that goes from the bottom of the dryer to the outside

around 11:00 am the power went out for three hours because there was a car accident somewhere near where I live and there were more then 900 homes that didn’t have electricity. So that was fun. ...

Well the holiday is over and it’s been a blast. Although hubby had some appointments he had to go to and he went to a football game and we did go do some shopping and we did spend a lot of time ...

Since the slumlord upstairs got this dog it has been nothing but a barking and misbehaving thing. It barks at everything that moves and at every sound it hears especially when it’s out side or n...

To start thank-you all for the birthday wishes. They were very much appreciated and made my day. I got everything I wanted and now I am all set for another year. My son gave me a space heater so...

July 29, 2023

Am I Old Now? in Me Being Me

it’s my birthday so say “Happy Birthday” Thank you so much for the birthday wishes, much appreciated. I am now 60 and I got 5 more years before I get to have the old age pension and other old age...

July 28, 2023

I Am Okay in Me Being Me

I figure as long as I am above ground it got to be a great day. And life will go on and I will do what I need to do to survive. The thing I don’t get is how can we be greatful for other things wh...

There is a list of things and stuff I want from one of my favorite on line go to places and yesterday I got some more stuff. And someof it will be here tomorrow and the rest will be here by the s...

I know this because birthday cards are starting to come through the snail mail. So far I got one from my aunt abd she usually sends me an e-card but this year she went on a cruise with my parents...

July 25, 2023

I Did What? in Me Being Me

I went yesterday after our Costco trip and laid down for a nap. It was about 2 pm in the afternoon and I figure I would be back up at about 4 or 5 pm to start dinner. Bu th that never happened be...

Last night I told hubby that I want the dryer looked at and the mold taken care of and the crack in the cement fixed. And he said that there is really nothing wrong and it’s all fine. The dryer h...

July 23, 2023

Today in Me Being Me

Is just another day of doing the same things that was done yesterday and the day before and the day before that. It just seems that we are all boring and never do anything too exciting like go in...

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