
Me Being Me

by Jodie

Entries 326

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Go back to work and I don’t blame him. But he has to start moving and he isn’t. I am thinking he is still not strong enough to go that far so i will let it go for a few more days. Then I will get...

March 17, 2024

My Son Is Here.

I feel like I am being usefull and wanted. This only happens when my son is here because then I feel like I have a purpose in life. This slum lord makes me feel like I have no rights and no purpo...

For the rent receipt I asked for and that hubby asked for to give to me because I no longer have apaper trail for my rent. She said it would be in the mail box and it’s not. And hubby said he wil...

February 24, 2024

UPS Really Sucks The Big One

They told me that the pick up would be no charge to me and for me not to worry about it. But I got another invoice and this one has interest added on to it. Why don’t they do what they say they w...

February 07, 2024

What's With Facebook?

Yesterday facebook was asking me for a code that they sent to an e-mail I don’t have anymore. So until I figure what and how to get my facebook back I won’t be able to play my games or talk to pe...

December 07, 2023

Nothing But Money?

It seems like every other day I am spending more and more money on my comfort and warmth. I am now spending another $100.00 because the cunt is too cheap to put the heat higher. So now I am getti...

December 06, 2023

Not Enough

I have been waking up what seems to be every two hours becasue I feel too cold or sweaty and I don’t know if it’s the lack of heat or my body tempature My tempature is still in the 95F range and ...

December 05, 2023

I Think I am Feeling Better

I woke up around 5 something this am and so far I am just stuffed up and haven’t coughed much or sneezed at all. But the day is still young. And I am cold. And my teampature has been around 95 so...

December 04, 2023

I Have A Cold

I am coughing all day, sneezing half the day and waking up coughing and I have a headache so I have been talking too many pills. So you feel sorry for me? And there is no heat comming out of the ...

December 03, 2023


Did you know that Christmas is not the only holiday that is celebraterd in the Month of December and January? Do you know what they are? I bet not many people know this but this is what I do know...

December 02, 2023

A Thicker Skin?

I was told by a few people in recent history that I need to grow a thicker skin because there was so many things that people said that either offended me or hurt my feeling or I just didn’t want ...

December 01, 2023

The Doctor Said....

My memory is good. I am at 80% which I think is not that great but I am only .3 away from “normal” The doctor told me when I forget where I am then that will be an issue. So I am glad I am not as...

November 30, 2023


We all do it weather we realize it or not and it only take about 5 seconds. We either like the people or thing or not. There is no in between. This is true for when you meet new people. Someone s...

November 29, 2023

No Dryer

Hubby and I waited all day and till 8:00 pm for the dryer and it didn’t show up. So around 6:00 pm I called costco to find out what time they stop their deliveries and they told me 8:00 pm and th...

November 28, 2023

Why Won't You?

Stop your suffering and just live the best life you can? Why is it you have to suffer and force those around you to suffer also? And how long are you going to be miserable for? I know for a fact ...

November 27, 2023


How do you really know if you have depression? Does someone have to tell you? or is it one of those things where a doctor just hands you a bottle of pills and tells you to take them and you will ...

November 26, 2023

My Most Favoritist Shoes

That had celebrated 20 years have finally broke and had to go to shoe heaven. And they were my most favoritist shoes I have had in my life. But the sole just broke so last night I had no sole. Bu...

November 25, 2023

Party Night Tonight

Tonight it’s hubby’s work holiday party and I get to go as a guest and sit with the other workers there and their guests. And I am sure it will be fun. And since hubby has been working there I ha...

So now that Thanksgiving is done and over with and the clean up has started are you now ready for Christmas and New Years? Oh and Boxing day? Well my thanksgiving was last month and it was just m...

November 23, 2023

Another Cold Day

It sure feels like winter but it isn’t. The temperatures outside feel like it’s freezing but it’s only 34 F and inside it’s only 67 with no heat coming out of the heat vents. So it makes for a da...

November 22, 2023

I Screwed UP Big Time

I just paid all my bills and have figured out I don’t have enough to pay my rent and I am not sure what I am going to do. I do still have a check to deposit but then I won’t have any money left ...

November 21, 2023

Something Got Done Finally.

Now I am being treated like I have some sort of disease because she isn’t talking to me even though I have all the information. But then I tell hubby what I know so basically it’s all I have said...

November 20, 2023

Done Shopping For The Holidays

I have been done for a while now but hubby is now done. So all we need to figure out is the holiday meal. I really don’t want turkey or ham so maybe a nice roast beef and all the fixings that go ...

November 19, 2023

I Am Trying

Really I am but it’s really hard to wake up everydseuay and be cold and wonder when the heat will be on? I always have so much to do b ut the coldeness stops me because my whole body feels cold e...

November 18, 2023

Why Are We So Selfish?

Every now and then I start to think about those who have become more selfish especially at the holoidays and how ti’s all about who can keep up with the Jones’s. Why can’t we celebrate life every...

Book Description

I am living the best I can