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Anonymous journal writing and sharing made easy.

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Organize your writing by creating separate journals for them to live in.

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Recent Entries

YouTube I'm not suicidal

YouTube, I am not suicidal. I appreciate people caring. I may not be on YouTube, Rumble, Prosebox, and Opendiary much because I am busy with the final edits to my novel. This might go on until e...

Bio - 35

Note: This section was written in 2005 and edited in 2024 for sharing. With tears streaming down my face, we left the mountain on September 7th. I felt beaten, helpless, and hopeless. It seemed...


Zamawiam sprzęt i suplementy od dłuższego czasu, a najczęściej korzystam z różnych dostawców, w tym , bo mają dobrą ofertę na transport i logistyka idzie sprawnie. Co do ...

In the Life Log - Day 219

Today was a pretty good day. I already slept late last night since my training also finished late; regardless, I was able to get about 7 hours’ worth. I was worried that I’d oversleep, but thank...

Your father is deceased.

My dad died. I knew it would be sooner rather than later, but it was still sudden and unexpected. Rob and I had been visiting his family 13 hours away when I got the phone call. His neighbors ha...

Use Klarna? Your opinion?

Anybody ever use klarna before? I am debating on buying a ditto projector and will have to pay payments for it.

When I was in the hospital

They treated me as though I were elderly. Prior to all this mess I went to the Y 4 days a week. I am a proportional height and weight. There is nothing about me that reads elderly. They aske...

October 21 are American's sleepwalking into a dictatorship?

It’s something I’ve read smarter people than me wonder about and their wondering and talking about it has made me think about it. I used to think that maybe it was just extreme talk, but now I t...


I don’t know what’s going on with me lately. My brain has been fighting me on everything. I went back to work after our little anniversary extended long weekend to find out that I was put on a t...

200 Days

  • By J.E.
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  • 16 hours ago
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I’m making my rounds of trying to catch up with everyone. I’ll post a proper entry later but I just wanted to mark that it’s 200 days sober today. I’m famished and got ribs on the grill! ✌️ Y...


  • By Nin
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  • 20 hours ago
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I am so tired. I haven’t had a good nights sleep since Dana left. I try to go to bed early and I can’t sleep. I just lay there, listening to the animals breathe while my brain runs like it’s in...

and yet....

I drove over to pick up Jo to take her to get her taxes started.... I do not live in the same city as Jo it is not a long commute or anything but is takes about 20 mins to get there. I took a sh...


Votex and Portals. My time has shifted. I’ve had startling revelations where I realized it was me, always me, talking to myself through time. I can’t really explain it, of course. I only have ...


I’ve been crazy for a while now, I guess. Like, all of this “No you’re only insane if you ANSWER yourself” stuff, fuckin’, you know, it’s like, TRUE, man! I’m such a cool guy in my head except f...


Most of yesterday and last night was VERY strong winds and torrential rain, I loved every second of it! We had our bedroom window open all day/night! We went to the Crown &n Cushion for Ful...