TL ⋅ 38

A comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there

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The definition of crazy is what again? Doing the same thing and expecting different results. I once again applied at my company’s location by my place for the job I am already doing, they have a ...

July 09, 2023

Home Sweet Home in Current Events

This glamping trip was awesome. We definitely created a lot of new memories. It was just what we all needed. I was impressed with the scenic drive. I didn’t know that my province looked like that...

July 05, 2023

Hell’s Itch in Current Events

Have we heard of hells itch? I haven’t until today. That sunburn from Monday turned into an allergy response known as hells itch. It’s as though there are fire ants attack me relentlessly. It’s n...

July 03, 2023

Crisp P Bacon in Current Events

What happens when you lay in the sun for too long after decades of avoiding it? I’m sunburnt everywhere. My face, my legs, my chest, my back, my stomach, all along my sides, even my palms a bit. ...

July 03, 2023

Virus Possession in Current Events

Somebody completely unhinged claimed that I am ignoring gay diseases. Disease states are not inherently gay, whatever that is anymore. This is in response to one of my many tangents about how vir...

July 03, 2023

Petty Rant in Current Events

It’s been a while since I complained about my roommate. I spent half of my check on groceries. It took two trips to haul it all in. I spread it out between two days to clean the produce and put i...

I feel like I could use a glass of wine right now. Maybe a bottle. Perhaps a box of wine instead. I’ll just pierce a straw into it like a juice box. Maybe I could take out the bag and run it thro...

June 30, 2023

Epiphany¿ in Current Events

As I’m in bed tossing and tortured, yet again, I remembered something. Instead of thinking about normal things I was thinking about how everything that the government does goes to shit. Our “free...

June 30, 2023

Day O in Current Events

Somebody died at my work the other day. I was not there when the incident happened and I was annoyed when my supervisor brought it up at our rally yesterday and then just talked around what happe...

June 28, 2023

Anti-Vision in Current Events

My dreams last night inspired me to start my novel first thing this morning. In the first dream, I visited Mae’s house. She was my childhood friend that passed away in our final year of high scho...

June 27, 2023

Surface Pressure in Current Events

If I had to be completely honest with myself, I’m tired. It’s not a physical tired it’s in the soul. I’m just fucking tired. I’m tired of going through this shit. I’m tired of things not working ...

June 26, 2023

Push in Current Events

After my previous entry, I grabbed a yoga mat and streamed a yoga routine for beginners. It wasn’t as challenging as I thought it would be. However, it definitely worked out the inside of my hips...

My day didn’t stand a chance. I woke up feeling crushed under my own dead weight. My first real thought of the day was about how I am at least being creative instead of destructive during this sa...

June 25, 2023

Embers in Current Events

I feel like that fire in me is starting to go out. Perhaps I am just becoming numb to it. I’m not letting myself lose my momentum in being productive and proactive. Intention Deficit Disorder is ...

June 24, 2023

Read for Filth in Current Events

I have been trying to read to break my phone addiction and I finally grabbed one off my shelf that manages to hold my attention. I started my day sitting on the balcony with my mushroom coffee wh...

June 23, 2023

Coffee Break in Current Events

I started working on my website. It’s so easy. Back in 2005, I had to use HTML. I feel like I’m back on OpenDiary making layouts for free. I don’t even remember what I called that page…Dear Diary...

I’m struggling to organize my thoughts today. Mind you, it is first thing in the morning and I’ve only had one sip of my mushroom coffee. I seem to be very concerned about whether or not my roomm...

You know how I’m in denial that I have ADHD? Me neither I’m that good. I heard ADHD described as Intention Deficit Disorder and it blew my mind. You can know all you want and even be the most br...

Today is the Summer Solstice. It is the longest day of the year. The Christian Bible teaches astrology. It is the universal language, Astrotheology is the universal system. It is the day that we ...

June 21, 2023

Band of Horses in Current Events

I bit the bullet and swallowed my pride and I applied to a few workplaces that I have been overlooking on purpose. Beggers can’t be choosers, I have to remind myself. One of them is at a thrift s...

June 19, 2023

Dark Night in Current Events

I’ve come to realize that I am still experiencing what is known as the Dark Night of the Soul. It’s not a term I like to use because the New Agers ruin everything. It is a term they use to descri...

June 16, 2023

Candace Owens in Politics

I like and appreciate Candace Owens but some of the things that she has to say come off as detached and out of touch. Her issues with adaptive wear, for example. Clothing that is designed for dif...

June 16, 2023

Sail in Current Events

I spent the last few hours fully immersed in my problems. It’s sink or swim time. You’re a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do. I have been picking u...

My roommate is experiencing an allergic reaction to eggs. She’s adopted my vegan diet while living together, for the most part. After a few weeks of eating my way, she noticed a huge difference w...

June 14, 2023

Demolition in Current Events

It’s been a lot of whining on here. I miss writing about the things I am witnessing in the world and trying to make sense of it all. Wonder Lust, I think that will be the name of my brand when I ...

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