MemoryFails ⋅ 42 ⋅

I was diagnosed with MS in February of 2013. I am a married lesbian and I have been with my wife since 2000. We had a commitment ceremony in Iowa in 2003 before it became legal there. We moved to FL where I was born and raised (she's from IA and we met online) in 2005. We have decided against having children, and instead have animals. :) I am a struggling addict, about to get treatment, so you will read that here. I do not censor myself. You have been warned!! <3

"When you love someone, they become the most beautiful thing in the world to you." ~ Stephanie Spencer

"Love is when she is hungry and you feed her." Me

Entries 194

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Well, no other deaths. The remaining two kittens got taken to the vet right after, like the day after, extensive blood panel was run, everything. They all turned out fine, and they are both per...

July 15, 2016

Death X 2. :( in Baddies

We lost another kitten. Please, if you are my friend on fb, we are not saying anything about it on there, so lips zipped, K? We are now starting to think it was the Boric Acid we put down. It ...

July 11, 2016

Death. in Baddies

Laura discovered the dead body of one of the kittens last nite, Daisy. This is her: Yea, so that was her back then I dunno how old she was but it was only about 8 weeks if that. They are 4 mon...

I just got done feeding Archer, the kitten I am bottle raising who is not quite 2 weeks. So Imma let fb out on yall… This is not one of those cases where I was fuckin around with my boob and fo...

Well, he got a new battery put in the truck today, but guess what? I have to stay again at my Mom’s because I have a very important doc appt. with my primary at 8am in the morning. Laura was a ...

July 04, 2016

SO. in Baddies

Ugh.... Went to walmart with mommy earlier. It was not supposed to turn into something all bullshittery. LOL. First, when we got done, ice cream in tow, mind you, the truck would not start. ...

I don’t really wanna talk about it much, but I am prolly goin in the hospital again because I have another UTI and my leg/knee is hurting really bad with my knee being swollen and red and hot to ...

June 23, 2016

One thing.... in Baddies

That I have never told anyone..................... When I was 15, it became spring break, and I packed my suitcase and headed over to my then-best friend Heather’s sister’s house. Her sister wou...

Hiyah. I am outta the hospital. Doing OK, the pain is better but still here. When my Mom came to get me from the hospital yesterday, she had a flat tire on the truck right when she got there. ...

Arrrgh. I went for my post op check up and this happened: Well, I went to my post op appt. and they think I have an internal infection. They are not sure where, but I have a fever and when they...

June 15, 2016

We Are Them in Baddies

Because we are them. Because I have been there. Because I live here, right in this state that has now become synonymous with words like, “tragedy”, and “deadliest”. Because it could have been me....

June 14, 2016

Sadness in Baddies

OK, I know why Fun’s “We are young” bothers me, and no it’s not that I don’t like it because I do! It’s because when it first came on a few years ago, I wanted to fit the lyrics and be young. A...

June 12, 2016

Infamy and Infection in Baddies

Hmm… lots of two’s in ones in my life right now. LOL. But first, seriousness. Last night marks the worst shooting massacre in US history and it happened at a gay night club. In Orlando. As a...

OK, so. I feel fine. Except for this one little tiny thing where they just haaad to put a catheter in me after my hysterectomy (I know it is standard, hush. lol) and then rip it out way later t...

K, so… I survived. LOL. And yes I feel sooo much better and am so very glad I went thru with it! I got out the very next day, so I only stayed in the hospital one night. The fact that I was n...

So, not only do I have the surgery coming up on Thurs. But tomorrow we will be going to a small concert here locally, downtown. It’s for Buckethead, who, if you did not know, is my wife’s musica...

May 29, 2016

Update in Baddies

We talked today. I told her that both me and my Mom are considerig the NA meetings in the link she sent me when we weren’t talking. LOL. I knew about the meetings held every Sunday downtown, b...

May 28, 2016

13/16 Years in Baddies

Today marks the 13th Anniversary of my wedding to Laura and 16 years since we first met in person at the airport. We spent the day mad at each other. We said Happy Anniversary to each other on...

OK, so can I just say that finally getting to cook in your new electric skillet and being excited about it is depressing enough, but when you finally do, and the cats knock the whole thing off th...

OK, so… I believe I last left yall, I’m sure, with visions of, well, not so great images of me trying to plug a hairbrush into a cellphone charger and whatnot. It’s all good, I can (somewhat) la...

April 13, 2016

Part Two in Baddies

So, thanks for not being all judgey and stuff. Yall really proved that I do have some great people on here to read and that read me, so thanks for that. It’s nice to be proven right once in a w...

So I’m either gonna take a huuuuge leap and let this be a public entry, or try out and finally see if the ones I have chosen to be on my super duper cool friends only list have what it takes to b...

I wish you could make this shit up. Well, you can, technically lol, but I am not. Last, oh I dunno when it was exactly, sometime last week… I found a lump in my right boob. I went to the gyno ...

I just want to make it clear that this entry is being written against my will. LOL. Anyway, the surgery was postponed when I went to my appointment on the 19th of Feb. I was disappointed, but ...

For the most part, you all were very supportive and understanding of the situation between my wife and I and what happened. I should have explained a little further, but in all honesty I don’t f...

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