
Entries 100

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August 21, 2014

eat my words

11:20pm So, today was interesting. In one of those weird, I don't know what I'm supposed to think about it, kind of ways. I think I mentioned last week that we ran into a client at that Expo we d...

August 18, 2014

life I wanted

7:17pm So apparently all the old entries I've been posting are showing up as "revised" in that huge list. It wasn't doing this before, I checked, so I'm not sure what changed. Either way, I didn'...

August 10, 2014

get back to it

10:02pm Tonight's been a pleasant kinda night. I mean other than the leg pain I've been dealing with all day [for several days really]. I'm not sure if I've torn a muscle in my thigh or if it's...

August 09, 2014

work impressions

5:03pm So apparently my attempt at writing last night was a complete fail. I got distracted by the whole "no phone line" thing and by the time I got back to it I didn't feel like writing anymore...

July 18, 2014

Nosy Neighbor

3:04pm So I was going to make some comment about how it was probably best that no one made coffee this morning. When I'm alone at home I tend to drink the entire pot because it's there and it's ...

July 17, 2014

quiet nights

10:48pm I don't really have anything specific to write about today. No topics on my mind that I'd like to type out and get off my chest. I mean, there are a ton of topics floating around in my h...

July 14, 2014

That's the way it goes

July 13, 2014 9:26pm Of course things did not go nearly as bad as I thought they might. I'm always so worried about the unknown. I hate that. It's so hard to plan life when you don't know what's...

July 12, 2014

All the anxiety

July 11, 2014 8:38pm So, I'm still kind of tired from the trip. It's always hard to recuperate from the constant social interaction and non-stop action of a trip. I mean, I absolutely loved it a...

July 06, 2014

ready for a slow down

9:54pm So I’m back home. After about 11 days on the road I am back in my own bed and trying to recharge from all the social interaction. We actually got back yesterday morning around 6:30 after d...

June 23, 2014

overly complicated

11:09pm I am so mentally exhausted right now, it’s not even funny. I haven’t felt like this since college when I’d scramble to get last minute essays done. Darn that procrastination! Especially o...

June 22, 2014

after midnight

12:26am I'm not sure what I'm doing... I've been up for the last hour, or so, talking to Kyle. I won't lie though. I kinda logged into chat to see if he'd come around. I've been needing someone t...

June 19, 2014

new adventures

9:22pm Updates are becoming few and far between. There isn't anything going on. I mean I was on vacation for two weeks and work has been crazy since I've been back. We're only working two days a ...

June 15, 2014

block it out

9:19pm So, I'm back home. Got back yesterday and I have mixed feelings about this, but it's okay. A lot of things are nice about being back in my own space. Like today I just took a recovery day....

June 09, 2014

easy talk

3:36pm Things have been quite interesting the last few days. It went from hanging out and watching Ryan work to lots of fun stuff because we had the weekend off. I have slightly less motivation t...

June 04, 2014

old me curse

10:57pm So apparently I made a mistake a month, or two, ago by not deleting Ck's message off the answering machine at work. =\ I had to call in today to see what the heck J wanted with his printe...

May 29, 2014

bragging rights

11:51pm I've been staying up later and later these days. No real reason. Just not really having anything to wake up for, I guess. Although I have been waking up earlier than normal this week due ...

May 23, 2014

flannel pride

10:58pm So, I'm about six drinks in tonight. We went out to dinner and I had a couple drinks there, plus some delicious chocolate cake they gave me for my birthday! Then we went somewhere else f...

May 19, 2014

don't dwell

6:40pm Wow, three days in a row! This must be some kind of record. [Or I'm bored and have had a lot of time to quietly sit with my thoughts...] I don't actually have anything important to say. ...

May 18, 2014


5:50pm You all should know that homemade sun-brewed raspberry tea goes well with vodka. I thought that was important to share with the world and I've only had one glass [today (so not even drunk...

9:24pm Well, the birthday went well. I had to work in the afternoon so I didn't do much that morning. Just had an awesome breakfast and got ready to head out. Wore my favorite blue dress because...

May 14, 2014

well enough alone

11:18pm Man, it is hot here! Hitting the 100s already and we're only half-way through May. I don't know how I'm going to last the summer. I might actually have to invest in a fan this year. Most...

May 12, 2014

rodeo thoughts

9:07pm So I've been into this cowboy thing lately. Getting back to my roots, or something. ;-) I mean I had a severe obsession with horses when I was a kid. I wore boots, and fringe, and cowgirl...

May 08, 2014


7:57pm I have this horrible habit of failing to sit down and write entries after big events in my life. I think it's just one of those things that's slightly overwhelming. Like I want to say All...

May 02, 2014

east and west

12:31pm Not much new to report. Except I just glanced up and saw there's a giant black spot on the ceiling in the hallway, which I'm guessing is a spider. My spider killing mother is gone and I...

April 28, 2014

near the surface

5:30pm Well, it turns out I'm totally not a woman of my word! So much for "refusing" to contact CK again and all that bs I rambled on about. After one [or six] too many beers last night I lost ...

Book Description

The continuation to a life changing year…