J.E. ⋅ 41

“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”

Philip K. Dick

Entries 1,647

Page 7 of 66

I am so tired. Managed roughly five hours of sleep. Hit the road about nine. Breakfast at Blue Plate, off to the library, then surgery center to clear paperwork, Walmart for my rehab essentials,...

October 26, 2023

2:12 AM in Hello

Even after taking a trazodone I can’t fucking sleep. 🤬 I have way too much shit to do in the morning and afternoon to deal with this right now.

October 25, 2023

Afternoon Adventure in Hello

Let me start by saying I’m super tired, the DayQuil has worn off (I’ve taken more) and I’m super full. My aunt called saying her car broke down last night and she needed a lift to it to get some...

October 25, 2023

Old Number 7 in Hello

Just got off the phone with River Valley. My assessment has been processed and I’m number 7 on the list. Rehab here I come. Probably another few weeks though. I’m feeling better, sinuses are...

October 25, 2023

Officially October 25th in Hello

RIP Dad I was watching a rerun of No Reservation with Anthony Bourdain when sure enough I dozed off. Managed to catch a nap this evening. Anyways it’s almost four and I’m awake. Dunno what I w...

October 24, 2023

Typical in Hello

I tried to go to group today but when the counselor heard how stuffy I am I was sent away. Oh well, whatever. Ran my errands for the day now watching the Criminal Minds marathon. I normally don’...

October 23, 2023

The Long Sleep in Hello

I didn’t fall asleep till sunrise today. Crashed hard and slept like a log. Glad to report that I’m feeling better. Still stuffy but aches n pains n cough are gone. Hell, after I eat I migh...

October 22, 2023

Can't Seem To Shake This Off in Hello

Still got a bit of a cough and still really congested. My head feels like it’s full of helium. Already emailed the counselor I’ll be out again tomorrow. Currently sucking down a cherry Icee. A...

Please show your tickets at the window as you come inside. My name is Nigel and I’ll be your tour guide, I’ll be happy to answer questions on anything that’s shown. First we’ve got a big surpris...

October 20, 2023

Despite The Minor Win in Hello

I’m so depressed tonight. Just talked with Mom for forty minutes face to face. I don’t know what’s wrong. Dad died on Oct. 25th 1999. If that’s what’s bothering me? I know I wished him alive...

October 20, 2023

Woo Hoo! in Hello

I didn’t even make it into the courtroom. My hacking caught the attention of the Wellstone liaison who went and talked to the judge. A few minutes later the bailiff came out with a slip I had t...

October 20, 2023

Insomnia Or Nerves? in Hello

I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight. My throat is hurting and my cough has come back. I haven’t taken any more medicine for the past two days. I want to walk into court tomorrow sick as ...

October 19, 2023

Dear Readers in Hello

If I don’t post an entry tomorrow afternoon/night, I’m in jail. The PO lady never answered my email today if she spoke to the judge about me being sick. So I’m going to go in there tomorrow an...

October 18, 2023

Bacon Wrapped Crow in Hello

Bizarre Foods America is on in the background. I’m super snotty today. 🤧 I emailed the probation lady who forwarded it to the judge that I’m sick. If you can’t tell I’m trying to get another co...

October 17, 2023

Waxing The Dome in Hello

Shaved my head and lotioned it. I need to get more razors, this one is getting dull and I don’t have any replacements. Still feeling awful. I’ve got court Friday. Odds are likely I’ll be loc...

October 16, 2023

Nicotine Fiend in Hello

I can’t smoke cause the throat hurts too much so I got some Nicorette Gum. The taste is meh but it’s doing the trick. I was feeling better but then all the meds wore off. I’m about to take so...

October 16, 2023

Pooph! in Hello

I hate that fucking commercial. Slept like shit, tossed turned, little here little there. Emailed the counselor that I’m sick, no response. Get up, get dressed and head out. Soon as she hears m...

October 15, 2023

Cat Therapy in Hello

Since getting sick I’ve not done much, just resting. However I’ve been a magnet for the cats. If Lily isn’t in my lap sleeping then Smokey will be. I don’t mind but they get vocal when I have ...

October 15, 2023

Heat in Hello

I’m burning up with a fever…

October 14, 2023

Worse Than Yesterday in Hello

I feel awful. Still stuffy and throat hurts worse. I’m trying not to cough cause it hurts bad. When I do cough it’s thick phlegm. I’m not getting off the couch except to pee. Luckily I don’t ...

October 13, 2023

Gargling Hot Asphalt in Hello

My throat has been killing me today. Temps dipped, it got cold in the house ergo I wake up stuffy with a sore itchy throat and a minor cough. Mom’s not feeling so hot either. She went to the RN...

October 12, 2023

HELP!!!! in Hello

Just kidding. I fnally called facility. Who? Explain. Who?? EXCEP??? Call back this Monday

October 12, 2023

Fire In My Belly in Hello

No, not passion. More like the jalapenos I had on my Italian sub. Practically inhaled the damn thing as I was Shakey hungry. Other than running to the store earlier for some meats and veggies ...

October 11, 2023

Mark My Words in Hello

By the end of November we’ll be paying $5 a gallon. The world’s on fire and we’re playing politics as football. Gather round your team! Eat a hot dog!!!

October 10, 2023

7:16 AM UPDATE in Hello

Welp, guess the inpatient is in limbo for now. I have no new info and they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Shaved my head and face, had a hot shower, now I’m munching down a breakfast bu...

Books 9

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