Entries 1,613
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Too Early For Phone Calls...
There I was, wrapped in my blanket sound asleep. My phone rings, tearing me from a nice dreamless slumber. Plumber is on his way, awesome. It was 7:59 AM. New toilet is installed and it’s kinda ...
But It's February? Update (x 2)
It’s is 76 F outside. 24.4 C for my non Americans. I’m hot… So far I went back to the docs office with Mom’s new insurance info, then to Chick-fil-A for lunch, Walgreens for her meds. I got 34...
Paging Mr. Herman
I have been on the go since 10:40 this morning. Finally got back home about 40 minutes ago around 7 PM. I am sofa king tired…
Busy Week
1:16 AM For a few good days I’ve been asleep before midnight. Last night I stayed up reading. Today (Monday the 3rd) I had to wait around the house. Mom had her once a month care provider dro...
New Rule
To hold ANY office in this country you have to take the Citizenship Test. Basic government questions, shouldn’t be hard, right? You fail? You’re stripped of your legal status and have to app...
Angry AKA Oh Go Fuck Yourself!
4:33 AM Just woke up a little while ago. “Real sober people don’t count days.” Oh, is that right. Well then I guess I’m a fucking AI bot then. Guess I’m just making this up then. No, I’ve neve...
Blow My Brains Out (Earworm)
I’ve had the fucking 80’s Chipmunk theme song stuck in my head all day. Again! I know the last time was a few months ago but c’mon! Singing that shit to myself has to be like not healthy, r...
Son Of A Bitch
Fell asleep way early (7 ish PM ish) and woke up an hour ago, fully rested. It’s 4:36 AM. FUCK! I’m famished…but almost feels to early to like actually cook something. There was no dinner la...
Today is 300 days sober. I’m going to grab lunch at the Chinese buffet in a few then get started on my day.
One Of Those Days
Picture it. A nice, deep sleep. Not a care in the world, probably dreaming you’re laying somewhere comfy. Then you’re suddenly torn from that paradise with a commotion. It was 5 something-is...
At Bee Kay, Have It Your Way!
You suck! I haven’t been wearing an undershirt with my belt and now that skin in the area where I button my pants/buckle up is tender and itchy. Please don’t let me break out in a rash! I don...
Couldn’t find the clip I was looking for. The fireplace is a vibrant mess of tongue like orange flame, licking away the chill in the air. “Uncle Jed!?! I got me a girl!” “Oh yes, and a city...
Oh ya! Joker: Part Poo is on. Oh God I can’t stop it. Those sweet juices. Opens the sluices. Roll around my tongue, it loosens. Squint the eye Not because between thighs These gumny worms I sl...
Belching Smoke
Just had my last Havana Honey cigar. Damn. Much like my pipe, I like to puff on fine tobacco when I’m reading. It’s relaxing. Eventually I’ll get a smoking jacket like Claude Raines had in The I...
1:23 AM (HA!)
Mellow Cheddah spread from the Swiss Colony mail order catalog rocks. The bacon and Swiss is gone. Jalapeno cheddar and a… I’m drawing a blank here. I’ll look at it later. Took the car int...
Do I Make You Horny, Baby, Do I?
I just finished Max Shulman’s Anyone Got A Match? Ever read a book, or see a film or tv show where all the characters are completely reprehensible and just plain bad people? That’s this book. ...
Community Outreach
Conversing through my awkwardness with complete strangers about horror in video games was super duper fun and next month’s topic is 90’s horror series like Goosebumps, Fear Street…etc It’s a d...
I Hate January
This seems to be a repeated cycle.
He Stands Before The Ashes
Smoke swirls in the air, rubble lay strewn about…the bodies…and the smell. Oh God, what have I done… ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3:24 AM It’s been a day. Mom was especially hard on m...
1:07 AM
Caramel Vanilla Drumstick ice cream cone is good eatin’. It snowed. I slept in (accidentally.) By the time I got dressed and went outside to have a look around it had turned to sleet and well,...
2025 Y'all Part 2
Guess I should have specified. I have two friends that are out with COVID, my best friend had a toe amputated (A FREAKIN’ TOE) due to complications, mom seems to have gotten sick PLUS we’re gett...
He Gets Us...
2025 Y'all
One end of the country is a blazing inferno and the other end is entering a new ice age. Good start! /s
New Glasses, Who Dis?
Went to LensCrafters this morning. The clerks were lovely! Had the same frame and color, gunmetal gray. So…$230 dollars with a 1 year warranty later I have brand new frames. And now here is ...
The Wall
I just hit it. I’m done with today. Found myself longing for my jail bunk. Once the routine set in there was no point in thinking of tomorrow. I am so tired tonight…been a long one today. Nite ...
Book Description
I came on my own volition.
I am the man that got away.
Work -
Tonight I clocked in at 4:30 PM and it was suddenly Wednesday when I worked 6:45 AM to 6 PM with only an hour lunch break and on my feet the rest. I was trying to relieve Logan in the back who was frying chicken both for our loose case and boxed hot case so he could go to lunch. Instead I got mixed with a redneck who wanted a Philly steak and cheese. I made his sandwich to order only to be confronted with the elderly gentleman behind him. He, to this shit. o, wanted a Philly. I was annoyed. Angry. Granted chicken side cooking sucks At least you’re away from the customers. I can, “pretend”, like I’m cooking chicken in the back but dick around for ten minutes, which actually rarely happens. You learn to smile and accept this shit. Made him his sandwich, didn’t stop to ask the next customer if he needed help. Instead, went straight to the back and told Logan to take his lunch, I was taking over, box up what just came up out the fryer and we’re good.
It was just one of those days. People wonder why I get stoned before work.
I’m versatile.
Put me in any situation and I come victorious.
Even on the bad days.
So when I go the hardcore bitch mode of my assistant manager on Wednesday after my eleventh hour there. I got irate.
I know she does a job for two.
Her boss/my boss sucks ass.
But fuck....I’m part time.
If you want to bitch and yell about the shit that the full timers didn’t do…bitch to them.
I’ve been working for this slave camp for three and a half years.
I lost my insurance last year due to me being stupid and the store manager catching on. Which is actually a big blessing. I haven’t missed a day in a year.
But I’ve been there for every shift.
Sleep, no sleep?
Fuck it.
Show up for work.
The computer takes over on schedule and now I don’t qualify for our good insurance.
I have to take the government stuff?
I’m a democrat.
Don’t tell me what to do.
I’ll go another year without health insurance.
I want my good Blue Cross Blue Shield Back.
Make my job give me the hours back for insurance.
People close to me say I need to see a therapist.
After A.A. and an almost check in at rehab.
Maybe I do need anti-depressants.
This is a rant with no one I know reading this.
Its liberating.
I welcome ProseBox into my life.