

by J.E.

Entries 1,494

Page 1 of 60

Rep. Preston “Bully Boy” Brooks faced no jail time, either. He literally assaulted Sen. Charles Sumner on the Senate floor. I’m wondering when it will happen again.

RIP Robin. Just thinking tonight is all. It’s a little past midnight, I should be asleep.

5 days ago

Bizzy Bone

Made a comment that I was tired. Mom reminded me that I’ve been busy today. More laundry, cooked breakfast, mowed the lawn, cooked dinner and have kept the dishes up. Funny, I felt like I had b...

7 days ago

Rainy Day

It’s been very peaceful today. Got up a little after six. Made breakfast. Did two loads of laundry. Got an Icee 😁 Between all that I relaxed and read after being busy all week. It rained all morn...

July 18, 2024

Booky Wook

I enjoyed Swan Song more than I’m enjoying The Stand. The bad guy was a lot more… entertaining. Let me get to the end for a final thought. Just showered. Earlier I had to wrangle Rosie Butt for...

July 17, 2024

Worn Out

Between trying to tackle the ungodly stairs yesterday at the Indian Mound or all the food and walking I did today, I’m absolutely worn out. My thighs doth protest. That’s what I got for trying t...

July 17, 2024

Morning Dew

6:20 AM The last few days my sleep schedule is on a good track. Asleep around 11 at night and up between 6 to 8 without an alarm. It’s been nice to walk barefoot in the warm wetness of the gras...

July 13, 2024


Just great… The powder keg just exploded. Buckle up America, the ride has started.

July 13, 2024

Swan Song: The Musical!

A let me borrow the book Swan Song. It was a good read. Post apocalyptic with some touches of fantasy. But now…I really must learn how to Watusi. 😎


July 06, 2024

Saturday Shenanigans

Went to Decatur to visit the Cook Museum of Natural Science. Some neat stuff for exhibits. Today I learned it was founded by the guy who also founded Cook’s Pest Control. Originally it was a c...

July 05, 2024

Holiday Hate

Spent nearly three months in jail, I’m okay. No cravings One fucking holiday weekend on the outside and I’m thinking, “Some rum or vodka would rule right now.” Fuck this shit!

July 04, 2024

Independence Day

Standing in my kitchen, puffing on a cigar and waiting. I’m about to go for a walk around the neighborhood and see fireworks. Then I’m going to grill burgers n brats. Afterwards I’ll shoot off my...

July 02, 2024

Mt. Dew And Watermelon

Not a bad combination actually. I’ve knocked out two of the graphic novels from the library Last Gang In Town by Simon Oliver is about a group of London punk rockers in ‘77 who attempt to steal ...

June 30, 2024

Scratched That Itch

We went and picked up a few groceries yesterday. I loaded up on fresh veggies because I missed them. Heh. Nothing but canned grossness in lock up. Chicken strips, roasted asparagus, roasted wh...

George paused, just for a moment, and Israel realized: it was the pause. The pause that everyone dreads, and that everyone knows ultimately is coming, and whose meaning is as clear as any outpo...

June 29, 2024

Dancing For Rain

I wish it would pour tomorrow. Got this vision in my head, sitting on the covered porch, feet up with book in hand, space out to the sound of the rain. Yeah, that’d be nice. Even though I said I ...

June 28, 2024

Blew A Gasket

2:47 AM and don’t care about sleep tonight. While I am happy that I got out…the last few days haven’t been so nice. I’ve been out on the road every day running an errand or committing myself to s...

June 26, 2024

It's Good To Be King

Grilled ribs, roasted corn and homemade mac n cheese. All dishes done. Legs propped up, AC going nicely, new cigar the clerk recommended and a book. This is the life. (I forgot to mention, mom ...

June 26, 2024

Soles Worn Thin

Still not sleeping right. Caught about five hours this morning. NO NIGHTMARES! That was a constant on my gov funded vacation. Today I finally got to do my banking. See, when you’re released...

June 24, 2024

For Today I Am Thankful

Back into the rat race today. Had to take my aunt to the dealership to check on her repairs. Had some hibachi for lunch. Went to the library but alas, I couldn’t find any David Wong. I read t...

April 04, 2024

9:36 PM

I managed to fall back asleep for a few hours this morning. I have felt like crap all day. Hungover and drank a bunch of grape juice with it so my stomach has been totally screwed. I’ve got c...

April 04, 2024


Fell asleep early, woke up early. I’m in need of a shower My pits reek. Then again a hot bath sounds great and my lower back does hurt a bit. Oh, and serve me ribs as I lay in the tub, by candle...

April 03, 2024

It Hurts To Grow Up

I miss my dad. He died when I was sixteen and I still have nightmares at 41 that he just up and left. I never got to have that beer with him when I turned 21. I really want him back.

April 03, 2024


I’ve got sensitive skin so I’m very prone to getting rashes. I now have one on the lower corner of my stomach and it itches bad. This is why I wear a tank top under a regular shirt because the ...

Book Description

I came on my own volition.
I am the man that got away.

Work -
Tonight I clocked in at 4:30 PM and it was suddenly Wednesday when I worked 6:45 AM to 6 PM with only an hour lunch break and on my feet the rest. I was trying to relieve Logan in the back who was frying chicken both for our loose case and boxed hot case so he could go to lunch. Instead I got mixed with a redneck who wanted a Philly steak and cheese. I made his sandwich to order only to be confronted with the elderly gentleman behind him. He, to this shit. o, wanted a Philly. I was annoyed. Angry. Granted chicken side cooking sucks At least you’re away from the customers. I can, “pretend”, like I’m cooking chicken in the back but dick around for ten minutes, which actually rarely happens. You learn to smile and accept this shit. Made him his sandwich, didn’t stop to ask the next customer if he needed help. Instead, went straight to the back and told Logan to take his lunch, I was taking over, box up what just came up out the fryer and we’re good.

It was just one of those days. People wonder why I get stoned before work.



I’m versatile.
Put me in any situation and I come victorious.
Even on the bad days.

So when I go the hardcore bitch mode of my assistant manager on Wednesday after my eleventh hour there. I got irate.

I know she does a job for two.
Her boss/my boss sucks ass.
But fuck....I’m part time.
If you want to bitch and yell about the shit that the full timers didn’t do…bitch to them.
I’ve been working for this slave camp for three and a half years.
I lost my insurance last year due to me being stupid and the store manager catching on. Which is actually a big blessing. I haven’t missed a day in a year.

But I’ve been there for every shift.
Sleep, no sleep?
Fuck it.
Show up for work.
The computer takes over on schedule and now I don’t qualify for our good insurance.
I have to take the government stuff?
I’m a democrat.
Don’t tell me what to do.
I’ll go another year without health insurance.
I want my good Blue Cross Blue Shield Back.
Make my job give me the hours back for insurance.

People close to me say I need to see a therapist.
After A.A. and an almost check in at rehab.
Maybe I do need anti-depressants.

This is a rant with no one I know reading this.
Its liberating.

I welcome ProseBox into my life.