Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40

Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life

Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.

Haruki Murakami

Entries 2,313

Page 3 of 93

So, my Therapist’s response to THIS was “So sad you are struggling, Chris” So… I pretty much explain the last 36 years of my existence, repeatedly tying it back to the concept of “Less Than” that...

For some reason, I am seeing a lot of Facebook posts today about “Women, don’t let your man treat you bad.” Or “Why ain’t there men with emotional intelligence?” Or “How hard is it for a man to k...

I’m writing my Therapy Assignment here so that it doesn’t get deleted by a Refresh on the Therapy page. The assignment was to dig through your past and present to determine why there is such a c...

November 25, 2020

Bah in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

Oof. Super slept in. Have house cleaning to do. The hyper-Trump “COVID is a hoax” former High School friend in Texas? Live tweeted her travel this week. Apparently she and her husband went to t...

(1) I didn’t want to simply launch directly into a complaint of anything so I wanted to state at the beginning that I had a lovely night last night. I don’t know what the specifics were necessar...

I really don’t feel good today. It’s all having to do with sinuses, post nasal drip, and my stomach. Not to mention there is a Boil Order in my city. You see, afraid that November wouldn’t hav...

I am not okay. I don’t like it and I don’t know what to do about it. But I am not okay.

It’s fun to confuse my therapist. She was shocked by how confident and certain I sounded when I said, “I know I’m a catch. I know I’m capable. With motivation, point me at a task, I will accom...

So I came into the office today. The only reason I did so was because I anticipate a defendant coming in to sign papers “at some point.” Otherwise, I’d be home. Because today is all about “Pla...

I wouldn’t normally come to this space to discuss this issue but it seems that my avenues to discuss this are quickly shrinking and I don’t think I’d be doing myself any favors by not being open...

Yesterday was an epic win for the dog. Some… issues… but that is to be expected with 5 kids running around for longer than normal. Like… yes, Nala did get some of the couch fluff again… but tha...

My sinuses were bugging the living shit out of me today. Coughing, making it hard to breath, worried about a fever. Yes, I did wonder if it could be the Rona. Temperature Gage at work said 96.1 S...

This entry may involve some content that some would find objectionable. Fair warning. When you think about things, the following items are true. (1) Nala is almost 2 and still has a great deal o...

Victoria, Remus, and Essen volunteered to do literally whatever they could to keep Nala around. I plan to email Nala’s vet, too. And talking to the neighbor. And blasting all of the area Fac...

UF! So, I was planning to call my parents when I got home as discussed in therapy. However, when I got home… Nala (my dog) had lost her tiny mind. She has been an unholy destructive terror and...

I’ll summarize therapy really quickly: “So your parents… what is the protocol there, then?” We’re supposed to call them. “Is that always true?” No, they used to call me a little more. But ever s...

The plan for Wednesday as I knew it was as follows: Wake up. Go to Des Moines to get glasses fixed. Come back to get my car fixed. Victoria comes over, we walk Nala, have dinner, enjoy each ot...

In some ways this shall be a more in-depth retelling of events than I sometimes get into but… that is the benefit of not working tomorrow. (This was written on Tuesday) During my work day, as it ...

Iowa’s Supreme Court, recognizing the massive strain COVID is placing on the state, have once again cancelled all Jury Trials. To be renewed in February. This is… both positive and negative. ...

(1) Remus, Victoria, Essen, and all the kids came over last night. It was actually really good up until the end. Kids had kind of a massive melt down. (2) Victoria has downloaded Tik Tok and ha...

This is a short follow up to what I’ve been writing in the last two entries, apparently. I am SUPER happy that when Nancy was over yesterday, she fixed the couch. She texted me about it, I check...

I don’t like emotions that confuse me. I’m pretty clear about that. I’ll obsess over something until I understand it, if I care enough. Which is odd… I lost a case this week and… not obsessing...

As a Sexual Assault Prosecutor… I have a small hatred against certain groups based on age. Above a certain age, I still run into far too many who believe “it isn’t rape if you’re married.” Above ...

The evening was good. Better than expected while containing little of what was expected. Victoria came over and was clearly lost deep in thought. Her son is having trouble in school and it seem...

Call me over dramatic but my sense of personal justice had already been pushed to its exhausted end. After seeing my state go overwhelmingly in favor of corruption, fear, and hatred? My sense o...