Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40 ⋅
Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life
Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.
Entries 2,341
Page 5 of 94
Hatred Based on Age in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
As a Sexual Assault Prosecutor… I have a small hatred against certain groups based on age. Above a certain age, I still run into far too many who believe “it isn’t rape if you’re married.” Above ...
Follow Up to a Needed Conversation in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
The evening was good. Better than expected while containing little of what was expected. Victoria came over and was clearly lost deep in thought. Her son is having trouble in school and it seem...
Over Dramatic in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Call me over dramatic but my sense of personal justice had already been pushed to its exhausted end. After seeing my state go overwhelmingly in favor of corruption, fear, and hatred? My sense o...
Well crap in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
So… After writing, I finally nodded off. For approximately one hour. At which point I had a horribly graphic nightmare that involved me in a very painful car wreck. Got up, threw on some jeans,...
0357 in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
I got my tasks done and in bed at a reasonable time. Fell asleep okay. Nala woke me at 3 a.m. I’ve been trying to get back to sleep but… my thoughts prevent it. I think about Essen and her day...
Twitter Sized Thought in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Today my brother texted us about my niece. After her schooling, she went to her Dad and asked him about his day. How seminary is going… how his studies are different to hers, how he is doing. A...
Can You Imagine in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Can you imagine believing that your faith is the ideal faith, that all people should follow it, that your version of God is the only correct path… and then literally attempting to force people th...
The Power of the Mind in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
I’ve always known I’m more of an abstract being. Mental over physical. Everything about me suggests as much. I prefer more sedentary interests. My academic life was focused on the intangible ...
Insanity in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
My county had 17 cases at the end of lockdown. Then in May, Governor COVID KIMMY decided that “the businesses couldn’t withstand anymore restrictions.” We went from 200 cases to over 550 cases ...
The Obvious in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
I hope everyone enjoyed their Full Moon Extra Hour Halloween! I spent mine with a family I was friends with in High School. Cool to catch up… see how they are, see their kids. My facebook feed ...
Well it don't break even in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
(1) My self-destructive tendencies are getting the better of me (2) My body is in pain, my heart is depressed, and while I can push myself to move my body… I can’t summon the strength to do any w...
Silly in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
HA! So… I had spoken with the judge and all the attorneys yesterday. Nobody wanted to go to the courthouse today (as early voting kicks in, additional unmasked people flood our work space, and c...
I waaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnt in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
to write some poetry. But I am worried it would come across as lacking in subtlety, being whiny, being annoying, or being entirely ignorable. Bah. So instead… I’l jot down notes and then expand...
MATHS FOLLOW UP in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Please read the previous entry as that entry is the entry of substance. This is merely a correction. After receiving many notes as to people concerned about the mortgage payment being too much o...
Let's Put It All Out There in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Some notes from the last few days have been amazing… some… not so much. Some of you have seen and understood what’s going on. Others haven’t. That’s fair. Ultimately, here’s the only thing yo...
The Duality Push in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
This is likely juvenile and immature and beneath me but… I have quite the strong urge to simply distance myself from Victoria and Remus and Essen. Remus changed the name of our Group Chat to Poly...
Adventures In Dating Apps in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
What a way to start a morning. Woke up to someone on Tinder having actually matched with me. I have Bumble, Tinder, Match, and OKC and between all of them… I never get picked, much less matched....
Further Fallout in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
After Saturday and returning to a new… significantly more empty house… a thought spiral absolutely took me out. Other than the fact that this house is so much more empty… other than the fact that...
Short Phone Entry in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Had my first dream about Aoife in a long time. She came to surprise me after hearing about my divorce. A nice, unrealistic fantasy-type dream. IRL she probably does know about it but I am cert...
Surprised in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
I’m editing something I wrote and adding more detail because… y’all already know most of my original writing: I’m not one of those guys that drags his ex-wife. That being said, there is a reason ...
Therapy and Other in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Therapy for me today was good. I’m always pleased when a professional therapist is astounded at my self-reflection, self-awareness, and knowledge of emotional and intellectual concepts. We disc...
Remoulade in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Funny thing is? This happens. I have words floating around in my brain completely unattached to ANYTHING. Meaning… no definition, no picture identity, no historical markers, no emotional conte...
Sod Off, Today! in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
I woke up today to loud thunder booming around the house. Not surprisingly, after a few of those… Nala decided she no longer wanted to sleep on the couch and came back to sleep on the bed. Her l...
Updates in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
HA! Me writing for the first time today at 2:00 p.m. We must be busy! Today started with what I would call an interesting issue. Depositions in a Domestic. Most of the notes are familiar. Defe...
Stirring the Pot in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020
Here’s some humor! I may have started a bees nest of bullshit. I follow a page dedicated to being against Toxic Masculinity. Considering I was on College Boards about that subject before the ter...