Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40

Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life

Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.

Haruki Murakami

Entries 2,313

Page 2 of 93

February 05, 2024

4 Shows Down in Whatever Will Be Will Be

Three to go. I am massively going to miss this cast and this show. I realize Hermia is chomping at the bit for it to be over and I will benefit from having more time on my hands but… I have lov...

Today was an interesting health day! Woke up and… couldn’t go a full 60 minutes without needing the bathroom. That was even just pushing water… not even attempting food! Hermia suggested some OT...

I hate writing on my phone but this will have to do. Yesterday, I grabbed a rapid lunch and ate it quickly. Then I went back to work. Where I threw up into my trashcan in my office ruining my ti...

Honestly, I wish I could approach this space and just share heaps of joy and happiness; that I could be sitting in a beautiful 3 season room, enjoying Autumn weather, while reading other people’s...

So, this is my job. But there is just so much of me that can’t help but look at the assortment of… pardon my language… assholes that I deal with from an almost paternal perspective. I don’t han...

Story by Amanda Marcotte taken from SALON (found HERE) Despite the best efforts of the mainstream media to portray the Republican Iowa caucus as a real competition between Donald Trump, former Go...

January 09, 2024

01.09.2024 in Whatever Will Be Will Be

Okay, very much OW. After rehearsal last night, it started to snow. It was expected to be bad. Going home added several more minutes to the route. I even went to bed early because I had a doct...

January 08, 2024

01.08.2024 in Whatever Will Be Will Be

Lots I can/should/could write as ever. But busy as ever. But this time operating on a grand total of oddly gotten sleep. Friday Night I literally couldn’t sleep a wink. No nap, no eyes shut f...

January 02, 2024

01.02.2024 in Whatever Will Be Will Be

Well, I have been writing here since 2014! That.. is intense and interesting. As ever, I haven’t the time to do what I wish to do; which includes writing here. NEW BOOK and all that. I’ll com...

So, it is a obvious statement that 2020 did NOT go as planned!!! ROFL. This time last year? I was already reaching out to friends to plan trips. There was going to be The Final Canada Trip to...

December 26, 2020

Pills in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

Shit. I didn’t take my pill yesterday. It isn’t like a massive negative issue if I skip a day but considering the lack of D Vitamins, the way life in general has been going and everything else? ...

It is bizarre that this would be a thing for me, but since tightening security (needed) on my PB space… I don’t show up on the Front Page anymore. It’s ridiculous that such a small thing would b...

December 15, 2020

PURGE in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

This is the results of a needed purge. Chuckers was arguing with Essen today and referenced “Chris passing out on the floor of his room!” The possible ways he could have gained knowledge about ...

Grumble, though I’d like to not. I had a social engagement every night of the weekend. Which is massively impressive and makes me SUPER happy(!!!) But add that to the single digit temperatures ...

Should I go Friends Only on here? Not because I’ve received any added abuse or anything; simply because Essen’s husband is making his move. Something to consider. Oh, and as you read what follo...

December 10, 2020

Baka in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

Grump. But I shouldn’t be. lol So, last night Victoria came over to help me set up my bigger Christmas Tree in the basement for her COVID safe birthday party/holiday party. Instead of any hanky ...

So.... I stayed home from work yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well. And Remus was getting a COVID test so I felt that was best. Remus’ test was negative and the kids have been sharing a hea...

Apparently, I can hold on to my confidence for approximately 4 days. After an excellent shot of confidence and feeling loved, I was doing very well until Sunday. Then, with no warning or reason...

Today, I was playing with the kids. I was doing a great job of it. Victoria said the only thing missing was a kid of my own. I know she meant that (and stated) that I would make a great dad. I...

Before I go into the more recent, I want to make sure I explain something from a few nights ago. You see, when I say that Nala loves when Victoria and Essen’s kids come over… and loves those kid...

December 02, 2020

Bah in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

I got maybe 67 minutes of sleep last night. Drove to Des Moines and back for new glasses. Was still in the office by 10. Working on the dumbass list of Magistrate Bullshit tomorrow. After work, l...

Call me judgmental but… I sent this to my therapist: Condensing: I need and want to treat Therapy like a Battle Strategy because I like knowing I’m making progress. And this year “progress” in an...

Today I woke up feeling only two things. Anger and Emotionally Cold. That’s… not a great way to wake up. I’m wondering if it is because this is “back to work after a Holiday”… the whole concept...

I just received the greatest compliment of my life Essen said that I remind her of Samwise Gamgee. “You’re loyal, pure, steadfast, and determined through adversity. And you’ll come home to your...

There are three things that I see from my tower that I feel I am in a unique position to see (1) Man’s absolute inhumanity and cruelty never ceases to surprise or dismay me. The brutality, the h...