
Second 1st

by JHkerriokey

Entries 992

Page 5 of 40

July 12, 2022

.... and finally!

Jake and I are in .... mutual encouragement.... competition… whatever you want to call it. I ask him for a daily goal and it helps me regardless. He has been doing door dash for like a year now s...

July 12, 2022


We were out, I don’t remember what I was talking about but I had said “Sometimes, I can be such a stubborn bitch.” Rocky went suddenly angry. I said “I don’t know what I said just now but I’m sor...

July 10, 2022


Updates.... Appeal.... I got a letter That basically has all the things that were used in determining the denial and it says to let them know if anything new comes up before July 21st. I will hav...

July 06, 2022


It’s been a good week…well sort of… a good week that foreshadowed the annoyance that is about to occur. Rocky had Sunday off. Which honestly, that sucked… it cut my hours short with Door Dash an...

July 05, 2022

That dream though....

I dreamed this morning… this is just a quick jot down before heading out to do door dash this morning. I pulled into a parking lot driving a go-cart that was only slightly bigger than actual go-...

July 01, 2022


So, basically we aren’t going to get to the point where Rocky says ” let’s go to consoling ” until we have money in the bank.... We won’t have money in the bank until I go get it. I can’t go ge...

June 30, 2022


After the last entry, I mentioned the wonderful friend I’ve never met in Canada to Jake. Within seconds he’s making plans “It’s only x hours to Toronto from here.” “Get your passport in order and...

June 27, 2022

Surgery and just after.

We got up at 3 am and were out the door by 4. Nothing was open along the way for Rocky to grab food till 5 so as far as I know he went without breakfast. He swapped between watching tik tok and c...

June 25, 2022


It’s been a few days as usual. Honestly, Dashing has kept me pretty busy. I’m working as hard as I can to get this money back to right..... I haven’t heard back about the appeal.... Surgery is ...

June 22, 2022


So, my days had gotten messed up with the Juneteenth holiday and Rocky having Sunday off. We’d waited for the tow for about an hour and ultimately Rocky decided to call and cancel his plasma dona...

June 20, 2022

Break down here

We’d made a plan for yesterday. Rocky really wanted to go to a German Restaurant at Opry Mills. I’d been irritated because I was working hard to put the money back… and he wanted to spend it. I m...

3 things to go over.... 1. the call I just had.... 2. the call I got from mom.... and 3. the not dream.... So, I”m going to start with the call I got from my mom today. I was out doing Door Dash...

June 15, 2022

Have fun with it ya'll

I drove up to McDonald’s, waited for a door dash order and ate some pop tarts in the parking lot. Destiny called just after I picked up my first order there. I had another order and it was to a r...

June 15, 2022

Thank you Karen

I’ve always allowed private comments on here and for the most part, my entries are public. I have friends here who don’t wish to be seen. I understand. However, lately, because of the interest J...

June 14, 2022

but why?

Did a few dashes and ended up in a whole other area. Decided to go home being as there weren’t any orders up in my area. I’d planned on a bit of a refresh but Rocky is up now. So, I threw the lau...

June 14, 2022

partial thought

It’s been a few days since my last entry. Not many.... just a few. I’d felt like I didn’t have anything to talk about as usual, but in this case, I want to talk about the fact that I feel like th...

June 08, 2022

Throw some water on it.

When we got home from the reception. I thought I wasn’t going to make it down the stairs … so I said my goodbyes to Alyssa. Gabby decided to stay the night with her Grandma. I’m sure it was to av...

June 08, 2022

Reception highlights

I also apparently had been another bitch moment after the wedding and in order to gather the wedding party for pictures at the Stream. Heather, Destiny’s sister, had decided it was a great opport...

Let us pretend the last entry isn’t there as start where is should have.... OMG these nails are horrible. I thought this would be easier on my PC but UGH typing..... Here’s a zoo pic that Jake g...

June 05, 2022

Umbrella entry, so sorry

We did finish the signs Friday morning. Then it was off to the races. Everyone, had jobs to do. Rocky actually got up at 8:30 to help the guys pick up the chairs. Destiny and I went to pay off t...

June 03, 2022

Getting down to it.

Yesterday morning I wanted to take the girls to school but I couldn’t find the damn keys.....then I couldn’t find the wrench to put put the battery back together. Both were in his pants....after ...

June 02, 2022

Starting the round up

A bit flummoxed this morning. Destiny had given out Brides maids gifts. Some silly necklaces she wants us to wear at the wedding. I’ve already misplaced it. It’s around here somewhere. I will hav...

June 01, 2022

Poop and stuff

It was a great day yesterday. I took the girls to school because I could. I was up and had nothing to do till either Rocky got up or Jake got here. Destiny said I’m spoiling them bur honestly, t...

May 31, 2022

React dang it

Went to breakfast yesterday, told Rocky about touches and stolen kisses. His reaction a calm “If you want to stay friends you are going to have to cut that out.” That’s it. I planned to spend Tod...

I honestly thought I’d died inside. That between Migraines, dizziness, medicine, stress, age, too was just gone....that it’s been me....that I don’t want to because of those th...

Book Description

I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.