
Second 1st

by JHkerriokey

Entries 992

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September 18, 2022


So, the rest of things.... mom called yesterday.... talking about the garage sale we were supposed to do this-or last- weekend. ..... My car is taking up most of the driveway so that’s not a thi...

September 18, 2022

possible loss

I figure I have 3 entries in my head today..... this is #2.... so.... Yesterday, the morning call From Destiny didn’t happen.... she’d called out or something after taking her nephew to a strip c...

September 18, 2022

update on disability

There feels like a lot to unpack today… this week… so here.... Delivered to the battery plant yesterday. That was fun. The guy I delivered to sent me an in detail message about how to get there....

September 17, 2022

nostalgic book

Odd moment this morning.... just browsing the front page and see “READ poster” and click it. Missy Elliot holding a book. Wait! I know that book. KNOW that book. There was a page in that book tha...

typed out in Notepad while site was down at 3:30 this morning.... Dream: There were 2 dishwashing areas side by side each required a team of 2 to work them. I was teamed with a large black lady w...

September 14, 2022

hard truths

After chatting with Jake yesterday, I’ve realized that maybe I’m putting too much of his business in here. He’d told me about a situation he’s in that he had not previously mentioned and it freak...

Why would I tell you things that are bothering me if I know you are extremely empathetic? My fears and worries become yours.... why would I want that for you? .... I can’t make your fears and wor...

It has been a rough 2 weeks. After getting back from MI I’ve discovered I can’t work the “night shift” with Doordash because my depth perception seems to change after dark.... not so much early m...

August 18, 2022


It was adorable. Jake called yesterday just to tell me that the nurse called me his wife. “Your wife took good care of you in the ER” it tickles me .... so cute.... When I talk to him I forget t...

August 17, 2022

3 days later

So, The family thing was nice but mom’s elaborate beliefs about the COVID vaccine crippled the number of attendants. That being said Jeremy, Cammy, and Rachel showed. Jeremy brought his youngest ...

August 14, 2022

Last day

Sitting on the porch waiting for Jake’s call....and my mom to pick me up.... A water main broke this morning near Destiny’s so there’s no water this morning.... I’m still slowly catching up on sl...

August 13, 2022

Unplanned plans

Spent the day yesterday grave hopping. Went to my cousi Kim’s in the morning and My cousin Jacob’s for dinner. It was hot and rough. Jake called a couple times yesterday....I tried to call him ...

August 13, 2022

Ice cream

The kids are still asleep…it’s head is killing me....for the second time today. I know why and there’s not a lot I can do about it. Tuesday we got here mid afternoon. We’d passed a Mi...

August 09, 2022

Up and @ém

Mom stayed the night last night, just a few things to put in the car and we are on our way. We ended up with a Nissan Versa. Not my fave car in the world.... David was told they would get a Camry...

August 06, 2022

New plan

POP! and now something new is wrong with my car.... something that feels tragically more permanent. The front passenger tire is askew. No e-fund because the wedding was so important.... and no ca...

I kind of wish I would have posted last night. … Sammy said he was going to be eating out with a friend for dinner so I suggested to same to Rocky. This is the first and only time we’d eaten out ...

August 03, 2022

All the things

I missed the Monday class again.... even after checking the clock all day, all the way up to “One more hour before class” then I just forgot about it. .... That’s 3 of five classes missed :( The ...

August 01, 2022

unscrupulous insecurity

I didn’t get another message from Jake till they got to their destination. I’d said a few things.... maybe something about Tabitha (the girl in the argument) taking advantage of him. During the p...

So this is what I’m sending (now, like I just did it) the Neurologist. I’ve had to move my appointment due to a family emergency. It’s okay as it sets you and the ENT (Watford) one or the other ...

I’ve accumulated a fair bit of a list of things to talk about .... it will get deleted when I’m done so ya’ll will never see it but at this moment it feels a bit daunting. So excuse me if this fe...

July 25, 2022

Getting er done

So far I dug out the previous hole for the mailbox and assembled the post thing … then I was thinking about how far we needed to bury it or what have you I did the research Then I had to dig a ne...

July 25, 2022

get er done

The beginning of another long 4 days.... This week we are behind on a few things that need to be done physically. It’s been so hot and things have gotten pushed off.... namely the mailbox. We’ve ...

even 519 miles away it’s fire still feel the need to shout about it but must remain a liar trying to remember how it wasn’t a lie to begin with I was okay depriving myself deserved for what littl...

Yesterday I set out with a mission. Having been off 2 days practically because of activation Tuesday and ENT Wednesday in order to make my weekly goal I would need to make 92 a day. I’d worked ti...

July 18, 2022

next bits

Today, I’m nauseous and dizzy. The world threatens a storm and I feel it. It’s normal but it makes me feel unsafe driving and therefore today I will focus on things I’ve intended to do around the...

Book Description

I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.