
Second 1st

by JHkerriokey

Entries 992

Page 3 of 40

February 16, 2023

the last of diary stuff

The night Chris was born so many of her friends had come to see her in the hospital. Jake and I of course.... Lindsey and Stephen.... Krista, baby daddy (yup I can’t remember his name he’s that i...

I woke at 1:30, there was no air in the room, and I couldn’t breathe. It’s a mental thing of course. It was too warm and neither of the fans were on. (Grammarly wants me to say was on wtf not eve...

February 14, 2023

OV: day1

Yesterday morning I had to deal with the repercussions of bad choices. I’d eaten a few handfuls of dry roasted peanuts Sunday afternoon and did I ever feel it. Thank God no headache till I laid d...

February 12, 2023

those first entries

Feeling super nostalgic and have way too much time on my hands right this minute. The first mentions of Jake are in an entry dated 1-29-2001. Amongst so much other crap… It’s a catch-up entry af...

February 11, 2023

aww old journals

Once upon a time I used journaling to help friends see the side of me I wished to present. Sometimes things I put in my journal weren’t exactly how I felt about something but what I knew they wou...

February 09, 2023

Car and care

Fast entry from my phone. Waiting at Dr office with Rocky. Took him awhile to get here not entirely his fault....they had a water main break and rescheduling but we are here now..... Updates- Jak...

February 02, 2023

Vid, Jake, car updates

Been a few days. I’m doing better. I finally got Rocky to take a COVID test yesterday. He’s showing signs of a cold.... says he could still go to work so I didn’t think he’d caught it yet and luc...

January 30, 2023

way too late night thought

11:30 and I had moved to the living room because I don’t have a phone charger in the guest bedroom. I have an almost permanent cord next to my chair in the living room though. I watched Tic Tok ...

Jake in back in the hospital as the voices in his head insist he hurt himself :(. There is a fine line in his meds.... too much x and he gets overly anxious not enough x or too much y.... or at t...

January 29, 2023

ear update and the vid

The 26th I had the latest visit with Vanderbilt Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences for updating my Cochlear implant and tests on progress....even though I told the specialist that I really...

January 22, 2023

opinions please

I welcome all comments unless you want to talk about my weight.... please don’t, already hate my body don’t need to hate it more thank you.

January 21, 2023

hair today...yesterday

So … what has brought me here randomly? .... a bunch of little things.... The accident was Monday, I had an appointment in Nashville on Wednesday so I just worked 2 days of Doordash at $135 to c...

January 17, 2023

so then

Yesterday..... Everyone was okay. I bumped my head on the visor or something and have a nice goose egg… nothing more than a bruise though.... and a few sore muscles that got all tense and st...

January 04, 2023

and it begins

First, have a look at the latest entry to wrap up and loose ends… .Though begging was done on the 17th there has still been no progress there. I thought for sure by Tuesday giving him time to res...

December 24, 2022


So, I had started an entry and the power went out.... now I don’t have the umpf.... and I’ve been procrastinating things and don’t have a tone of time to do them as I expect my family to start sh...

Thanksgiving went well. We’ve found our happy medium amount of food for the holidays. No one will be stuck with huge amounts of leftovers. The morning was a mess because even after making sure it...

November 23, 2022

procrastinating for pokemon

House is clean except the bathroom. After making $98 door dashing today I gave up to put some time in. I’m extremely happy about it because Rocky really put in effort to help! I came in at 11:45...

This week’s Door dash goal will be shot. As usual, when it happens it happens with no real warning.... Had a date with Krystal this morning.... and Rocky wants to go see Black Panther: Wakanda Fo...

November 18, 2022

Pic-heavy promised entry

November 18, 2022


I know I’ve been quiet and I always apologize and promise to do better.... I’ve been busy.... I officially quit at Envision and have taken on full time work with DoorDash.... I say full time but ...

November 18, 2022

dream I had

I was in some situation where I needed to escape and in order to get the things I needed for whatever spell I needed I had to use 3 clues to get 2 item but I’d done it all before somehow so I ski...

October 16, 2022

yard sale over

The yard sale is over, I would say it went fairly well but.... it should have gone better. Mom came up Wednesday. David looked at the car with Rocky and ended up pocketing my keys. I swear mom br...

So, I made the goal yesterday and I’m home today. This is great because a quick call with mom revealed that I have sooo much to do at home. Mom and Joshua will be coming up Wednesday.... around 1...

October 06, 2022

catch up

So I took Gabby to the family party for James’ passing and I didn’t stay. I probably should have to be there as support for Gabby, but I’m not sure in the end that I would have much nice to say. ...

September 23, 2022


Destiny made choices, calls, and arrangements and headed down to TN on Monday. I watched her progress in Life360 and finally got to poke fun at her for the hours it takes to get here. From Lapeer...

Book Description

I was away, I am back. It seems like my world is all kinds of changed since I had blogged regularly before so I shall start a new book.