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Well, Brad is officially married! As I alluded to briefly yesterday, there was a little pre-wedding drama but nothing that couldn’t be handled even if I was a little less than tactful with it. Th...

well, we are at the church. In just 2 hours Bradley will be a married young man. Had to take a moment to step out by myself, the bride’s family is bickering. I am tying to maintain my composure ...

Well, Happy Holidays! Things here are rolling along. A short update. Brian has been sick with bronchitis and has missed a few days of work, but hopefully will be able to be back to work soon....

Well, the holiday season is upon us down here. Our Thanksgiving Day was very nice. Got my whole little clan gathered under one roof, although Brian was late due to work. My eldest son, Brandon ...

I haven’t been on the computer much recently. Lots going on in the Frazier household. Brad and girlfriend Shea are getting married Dec 16, and are expecting in April. Feeling both excitement and...

Only a short entry tonight. Sunday was my last day on the security job, back to only one employer. Tomorrow is my last work day for this week, then four days off in a row. It’s been so long i may...

Well, lots of developments recently that involve decision making, and I would love some feedback on them. My primary employer is pushing hard for me to quit my second job. I’ve been resistant to ...

The last time I was here, I spoke about my weight loss, with which I am very happy. A few days ago, I heard that the organization that got me started down this road has closed it’s doors. The co...

This morning while while driving to work, I was talking to my friend on the phone. As I disconnected the call, the Bluetooth was dislodged and fell into the floorboard by my feet. Without thinkin...

A weird thing happened last night. My second job is in an unsavory part of town, rife with drug addicts and homeless people. After work, I stopped for coffee for the long drive home, and a homele...

Things are rocking along at home. Had some issues with Brad overspending, partying with friends and such, then coming to me for money for diapers, gas, cigarettes, etc. After having to deny him s...

I am kind of ready to blow my top at my primary job..... They recently instituted mandatory overtime, so that I have to give them one of my days off. This means, that I had to tell my second job...

Good afternoon everyone. Sitting in my car staring at a shoe store, preparing to fight the forces of evil should anyone decide to rob the store today . As slow as things have been lately, that mi...

Well, things are going better than they were this time last week. Gail is actively looking for a place; she's not happy about it, but there's no sense in dragging out the inevitable, and I think...

June 15th 2014 Well, today is Father's Day Day in the great old USA , and per usual I am at work. Bradley is supposed to come relieve me at 5 p.m. so that I can go to Brandons house for a Father...

Well here I am for my 17th day in a row at work. I'm a little tired but nothing major, I think it's probably more mental than physical. I'm starting to feel the need for a day off though. I'm re...

May 29, 2014 19:47 cst Well, life has been busy lately. Bradley moved back home, bringing a girlfriend and baby with him. Brian graduates high school on Sunday, June 1, 2014. On that day I have o...

its 4 a.m. Central Time, and I'm feeling a bit loopy. I've been working the last 12 days in a row between the 2 jobs.I'm off tomorrow (well today if you want to be technical) but my day is filled...

It's not been a good week over here for me. Not sure if I'm just having a down week or if people are really being this insensitive in my household. First, the GF, Gail pulled a little boner that...

I just got a text message earlier this morning that my cousin Tammy's husband passed away during the night. Rick has had health problems for several years and has been in hospice recently, so we...

I am highly caffeinated and my mind is all over the place lol. Random thoughts are running through my head tonight in down here Texas for no apparent reason. An armadillo was just in the park...

Well, things have been eventful since I last posted. Not bad, just eventful. To start; Brad moved out, somewhat against his will. Things were just not working out with him at home anymore. He r...

Well, I decided I wanted to start out with something positive and decided I would mention the weather. It's about 70F here, and sunny. Very nice day. I had to leave work yesterday due to an on...

Well, I wasn't going to post anything else today, but I just had an almost heated discussion with my neighbor about home schooling. I will preface this by stating unequivocally that I am very mu...

Well, I just found Prosebox via a facebook entry by another former OD (OpenDiary) member such as myself. I had no idea that OD had shut down until after the fact, so I was, regrettably, unable t...

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132 Entries