6footunder ⋅

sometimes random thoughts, sometimes workout stuff, sometimes over dramatics, sometimes calloused analysis.

sometimes it tough being with the living when you'd rather be with the dead

Entries 123

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February 11, 2014

cardio hell in my challenge

lots of cardio on this mess. which at times can be frustrating. the results don't show like they do with lifting. i don't see the extra reps at the higher weight. i don't feel like i've pushed pa...

I talked to the girl that left the country. We talked over Skype for hours. It's funny to see her insecurities still prevalent. It's funny to realize how hung up on me she was/is and how it can n...

February 10, 2014

starting week 5 in my challenge

ok the title isn't really appropriate anymore. i am going to do a full cycle even though i have already done a month. this weekend caught up with me. i had to take it off. everything was in pain,...

February 06, 2014

week 4 day 3 in my challenge

ok yesterday was the worst workout i've done this whole time. my legs were a mess from the previous day. i'm not really too happy with my output. i had to take it light and i couldn't get the bes...

so i moved over from od to here. i just found out they are shutting down. its weird. i forgot i had like 10 years of my life on there. so i downloaded my stuff and put up a goodbye note. lets see...

February 05, 2014

week 4 the restart day 2 in my challenge

this cardio heavy program is killing me. though i did work out and then go straight to a metal show where i spent a good portion of the show in the pit. i'm half deaf, bruised up, sore, fighting ...

February 03, 2014

end of week 3 in my challenge

well i got to the end of the 3rd week. i didn't work out over the weekend. partially due to the superbowl festivities and partially due to the pain my back and joints were giving me. the schedule...

this is nearing the end of week 3. i'm pretty stoked that i've gotten this far. i thought for sure i wasn't going to do it yesterday. i was tired and unmotivated. somehow i just started the video...

I can really hate myself. It's impressive how little I think of myself. I just want someone to realize that. The ego stroke is great, the appearance of having it all together is not entirely supe...

January 23, 2014

day 9 or so in my challenge

ok i might have slipped on writing. but i am still at it. the exercises are getting easier because i am a bit more familiar with them. now i just do the exercise instead of paying more attention ...

January 20, 2014

first week done in my challenge

ok so the first week is over. i was sore, i learned a bunch of exercises that worked muscles i had never isolated like that. i hit the point where i didn't want to do it anymore. so today's worko...

January 18, 2014

day 5 and 6 in my challenge

so i am going to combine 2 on this one. yesterday i got through alright. my legs have been killing me though. i have to be careful with them. today's workout was mostly push ups, squats and that ...

January 17, 2014

day 4 in my challenge

it was all push ups, chin ups and pull ups. my shoulders, chest and arms are a bit sore because of it. i think today is a mix workout. i finally got some sleep yesterday, woke up with energy. tha...

January 16, 2014

day 3 in my challenge

so i didn't quite kill it as hard as i have on previous days. but its mostly due to the pace with the exercises. i wouldn't remember how to do a certain progression which really cut in to my reps...

January 15, 2014

day 2 Part II in my challenge

so i woke up this morning feeling super sore and beat. my legs were killing me. on my way to work today my knee was giving me some trouble on the stairs. just hurt a little nothing insane. i am c...

January 14, 2014

day 2 done in my challenge

finished day 2 my body is feels super heavy right now. so exhausted. all my limbs are sore. but i did it, even though i was exhausted before hand. i had my protein and then made dinner and now pa...

January 14, 2014

day 1 in my challenge

well i knocked out day 1 yesterday. i was sweaty sore and very happy about things. i've decided to go with p90x3 this cycle. i haven't gone with the extreme protein diet yet. i might switch to th...

my winter jacket doesn't fit right. i put on a little weight recently. it doesn't help that right before the holidays i pinched a nerve in my shoulder. which put me out of commission for a bit lo...

you picked a poor time to decide to get crazy on me. i was going through some tough stuff. which you knew about mostly some of it i didn't even know about until months later. you say how rough...

no matter how often i travel i am always incredibly reflective when i do. sure it could be due to my lack of sleep or even the half asleep state i often travel in. i get to look at my life as a g...

i had an account on another blogging site and its pretty much died. i needed somewhere else to go. so here i am. i'm still getting used to the way this thing works. so i am posting my back log of...

I've had flu like symptoms all weekend. Randomly sleeping and waking to confusion. I couldn't remember what day it was or what had actually happened. But there were a lot of messed up dreams. I c...

It's early in the morning. The light peaking out, painting the whole world in a different shade than it is at any other time of day. It's about the time I'd be walking home after saying goodnight...

Books 2

56 Entries