woman in the moon ⋅ 78 ⋅

The only sin is quitting.

Familly saying.

Entries 985

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I listen to this album. And I know it’s the story of my husband and my life It’s how we were It’s all we were There’s pain and commitment Reasons to live and as many not to This might be our ...

Last few years there has been a new way for farmers to spend money. Mid-summer, now in fact, the air is filled with helicopters. They spray corn for a fungus. I had Jim explain it to me and...

All of us, it turns out. You may as well try this one too.

I’m awake in the middle of the night a lot. I don’t mind. I nap in the daytime. I suppose it would be better to be awake in the daytime and asleep in the night but that would take more disc...

The actor Bill Nighy https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/oct/28/i-think-about-death-35-times-a-day

Oh I have lots to say. Somebody finally came to look at the barn. And then they finally called back with an estimate for straightening it up/keeping it from falling over, and tinning the wal...

plus a bonus dog

I live to a great degree in my spiral bound notebook - the cheap kind that come with 70 narrow lined pages and a bright colored cardboard front and a plain cardboard back. The current one is ye...

Just a few kinda random stuff from London. I need to go mining in the camera again soon. Top pics from the National Museum. The livestock were at the British Museum. The song ---------real...

July 03, 2023

Home in These titles mean nothing.

I thought there might be an order to these pictures but there isn’t. Or maybe there is.

https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/05/08/jackie-kennedy-camera-girl-carl-sferrazza-anthony-book-review and read it too if you have the time. It’s worth it.

No he’s not. The video of A Pirate Looks at Forty says it was made in 1975 when I was 29. But he was born the same year as I was - in December and me in June. In other words he was looking...

Minnesota clematis Irish roses - or maybe English - either way they like a more moderate climate than the center of North America. And some more roses because they were so pretty. And some Iow...

and here are four of the five thousand I have all gummed up somewhere. Cliffs of Moher on the westest coast of Ireland A Renoir at the National Gallery in London Two rather odd views from in fr...

Well, one house and two apartments. Deb picked them out and paid for them and mastered all the details. I was just along for the stay. Still I enjoyed them and loved the way they felt. Like...

On the overnight flight from Newark to Dublin on a wide body United flight. My son in the aisle seat, me in the middle and the woman who said she liked to talk in the window seat. She was fro...

Is Imgur working? It lets me upload pics but when I go to look at them in Images it gives me an error message. A cute error message but an error message just the same. I can’t see any of my i...

I went to Ireland, Paris and London, and now I’m back home. I plan to write about at great length and to post some photos. As of now my photos are in limbo and as I recall my religious training...

bath * shampoo * filled water jugs for flowers * picked 4 red peonies from under the light pole, 1 white from the SW corner of the house * clipping coupons Dollar Fresh, trip to buy pop in my fu...

I’m in a funny mood this morning. Not hilarious, but not extremely odd either. I’m not even sure what I want to say. What I can say. What would be wise. Or comforting. To either you o...

Tell me what you’d like. Tell me how you’d like it. Will it last long? Will it last forever? Does it come with ice cream? Is tomorrow like today? Sunshine in fact or fiction? Time lasts forever....

…Mother’s Day plus a week. … my 58th wedding anniversary minus a day. … a sunny cool day of blossoms and tall grass. … a day that is a gift full of public radio and weak cocoa. Plus a couple o...

For the holiday ----- You don’t have to be specific. I won’t be. First child was named for his grandfathers. Second for his father and his uncle. All four names are pretty common and I supp...

Wild plums. And a violet. I weeded a little today. I planted my will-to-propagate potato and some couple year old marigold seeds. We move on.

Pup and I had a nice walk this morning. I took a bunch of pictures =- and we practiced ‘no’ or what seemed more effective, ‘hold it’. She pulled herself out of her collar last night and while...

Books 6

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