
Secrets from myself

by woman in the moon

Entries 48

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Spring and Mother's Day are coinciding. Best weather for a weekend, best weather for the year, period. Sunshine and warmth and blue skies and happiness. I went to town this morning - and fou...

I need to make a new general book. I start an entry and try to find an existing book to fit it and none work. Misc. here we come. It's Sunday morning in the middle of March. I am waking up a ...

February 22, 2014


I just transcribed three of my old newspaper columns - chosen by random dates by someone who is not me. As I was going through one of spiral notebooks that contain my old columns, I came across ...

February 21, 2014

What I want....

I want to be competent. I don't want to be the best, I just want to be good enough. Sounds simple.... but it's not. %%^#^^^^ I suppose I'm talking about work. I suppose that's obvious. ...

Prologue - It's almost six am and I am at my mother's kitchen table - mine now of course - in my dark red fleece LLBean robe. I finally took a bath last night and blew my hair dry afterward. ...

February 02, 2014

Plans for the summer?

First here's Dylan: Oh God said to Abraham, “Kill me a son” Abe says, “Man, you must be puttin’ me on” God say, “No.” Abe say, “What?” God say, “You can do what you want Abe, but The next ti...

January 05, 2014

The year...

A hundred years ago my mother was seven months old. My dad was six and a half years old. Ever since we passed their hundred year birthdays, I feel a little different about time. Events a hundr...

December 31, 2013


Overnight we get a new year. It's a pivot in time. Totally arbitrary yet accepted around the world and for centuries. A year is a measure of time. A revolution of the planet around the sun. ...

December 24, 2013

Holiday Edition

At some point I end up feeling the Christmas spirit. Usually it's about now. I either have made some preparations or I haven't, and either way it's ok. Whatever happens now will be this year's...

I am not a shopper. I lack the shopping gene. I have not very pleasant memories of shopping with my mother. We were always seeking perfection without much money and there was always a good bit...

December 15, 2013


My writing life is all over the place. At 750words my streak will get to 365 mid January. That's private and surprisingly satisfying. At OD my history lives. I've been there ten years and I...

December 06, 2013

Middle of a cold night...

Four positive degrees Fahrenheit on the bank clock at midnight. Now it's fucking three thirty and I'm wide awake. I usually don't mind insomnia. I figure I'll sleep eventually. And I suppose I...

December 04, 2013

Meeting men....

I met two interesting men today. Both were in college town. The first one and I were walking down the downtown street together. We discussed weather and dogs. Pleasant conversation. He was...

December 04, 2013

Orientation means....

... lining yourself up with something. Making yourself agree with a set of expectations. Turning sideways as you enter a fast moving stream of water so you will go with the flow. Pulling out fr...

November 29, 2013

My favorite day of the year...

When I worked at my old old job I always had the Friday after Thanksgiving off. It was a union negotiated holiday and the company went along with it for the people in the office too. Since my o...

November 28, 2013

There is always more...

I took a bunch of pictures today. Not great pictures but maybe interesting ones. The top one is of the snow skiffs on top of the fresh ice on the pond at the park in town. The bottom one is ...

November 27, 2013


Today was kind of busy. Some of it anyway. i talked to s. today. He didn't have much time which was just as well. i got myself up to do some of the things I needed to do. About 1 pm the Buic...

November 16, 2013


Quiet night. After a quiet day. I did pretty close to nothing.

November 10, 2013


The preview button on the tool bar is a toggle switch. On and it's preview, off and it's back to editing window. Neat. I used the italic button when I was writing about books, I like tha...

November 07, 2013


I think there might be something in the stripey notebook. But I'd have to get up to get it. Lazy much? I bought a pineapple today. First time in a long time. It's very good but it makes my ...

October 30, 2013


Third night of bulb planting. I have some lilies to plant too. I have not opened their box. There is time. I keep telling myself. The sun and sky were fantastic this afternoon. These last...

October 28, 2013

Good day...

.... at work. Busy. Put double sided tape on Cheeto signs that end up on convenience store doors. Black and orange with the Cheeto cheetah on them. Three strips per sign. Got ink for, caugh...

October 26, 2013

Bear with me, please.

I tried to write in the other place, my love, the place that owns me, that I own, and I couldn't. Twice now. Last night and this morning. It's there. But I am locked out. I am losing a lover...

October 18, 2013

Wobbling through life -

The famous/infamous wobble box. It's on the right side of the bean head for the combine. It converts rotation into back and forth motion to power the sickle blades that cut the bean stems. N...

October 12, 2013


I've spent most of my life working in factories - from age 19 to now when I'm 67. I didn't intend to do that. I thought I would go to college and then write for a newspaper or a magazine or boo...

Book Description

I write too many places. The other place, the other other place, the other other place and stripey notebook. Way too many places. And I forgot twitter. I’m twittering too.
This is deep stuff. Stuff that does not fit the other places. Believe me.