
These titles mean nothing.

by woman in the moon

Entries 851

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4 days ago


First, thank you for the notes on yesterday’s entry. There are lovely people here, who are caring and sweet, and whom I remember fondly. Second, I went to town today. I voted. And I ...

6 days ago

Do not foresake me

oh my darling I think that’s from High Noon. I’ve been spending time with John Cheever. We just took a liner to Portugal - destination Rome, for a year - to spend his windfall from his first...

October 01, 2024

First 2sday

Ah here we are in a new month. I didn’t write much in September. I had a few things to write about but I was lazy. Summary? Travel? Events? - I went to my class reunion and it was pleasant. ...

September 30, 2024

The good ones leave...

is Labor Day. I used to work with a guy whose birthday would sometimes be on Labor Day. His name was Bob and he was a gossip and perhaps a tattletale. Well, aren’t we all? At times anywa...

August 29, 2024

Oh hi everyone

It’s me again. First entry since the big update. I haven’t really noticed any differences but that’s ok. I am at the stage of life that differences are the enemy. Even good ones make me s...

I’m here. Between jig saws and notebook jottings. Somehow I’m sharing it with Frank Sinatra. Who would have thought? It was a very good year. All my bright tomorrows belong to you. And a ...

I want a little amusement from time to time. I get so tired of you. If it’s free, you’re the product. A self-serving truth. They are handwritten on a yellow light bill envelope. The firs...

August 09, 2024

My Minnesota flowers

Some are from seeds purchased at Hampton Court a year ago in June. This one contains a self-portrait of the photographer. These came in the email yesterday. John had called earlier and we tal...

August 08, 2024

Books, bed and me

This is something I watched last night on youtube. It’s an mutual interview between two writers - Ann Patchett and Amor Towles. In the book they talked about her book - These Precious Days a...

August 06, 2024

Life is a funny thing

It’s 4 am. Yeah, that’s a funny time. No idea why I’m up. Even less of an idea why I’m typing here. I almost called it writing but that’s too far. Not far enough? Either way. It’s bee...

July 28, 2024

Once a month...

I was thinking - there is a new month coming in three more days. We get to start over a little bit in a little bit. I was thinking I might buy a hair product each month. I was thinking I ha...

July 19, 2024

Stop it

Bob Newhart was a great gift to our time. Does anyone else remember this skit?

July 12, 2024

What dogs do for us

Writers Group - July 2024 - My Favorite Pet Zelpha told me that my favorite pet is my current pet. So sorry, Gracie, it’s Lib. Gracie was the yellow lab - Samoyed cross who came from the neig...

July 11, 2024

False start

I started an entry here and now it’s gone. I do not care enough to try and do it again. Sunny day here - semi-chili in the frying pan. My wild geranium dishpan flower on the deck looks good...

July 09, 2024

Bunny by the road

He’s a little movie.

July 09, 2024

Another secret survey

Have you ever bought anything from Tiffany’s? Or have an experience with the store or its merchandise? Notes private. Make up a story if you wish.

July 08, 2024

Another secret survey

Have you ever bought anything from Tiffany’s? Or have an experience with the store or its merchandise? Notes private. Make up a story if you wish.

July 07, 2024

High Water

These are Jim’s pictures. I left my phone at home today. It’s actually easier to have him email pictures and then I download them and then upload them to Imjur, than it is to down load them...

July 07, 2024

What I really look like

This picture is maybe a minute and a half old. It’s not flattering but it’s real. I took a series before this one, trying to make myself look good. I failed. I gave up and went back ...

I’m in a bit of a writing mood, but I’m not sure what or where - or maybe eve n how or when. Oh well here I am. A fresh PB window. I’m on the deck. Warm, sunny, bird-noisy. I have to squint ...

July 03, 2024

Tom Cruise is 62! I’ve never been much of a fan, but I like him better than Brad Pitt. Brad is 60 by the way. But to be fair, her...

Keep in mind I used to do this kind of number play in my old old old job. Also keep in mind that I was being paid to do it. Also that I had better equipment both personal and professional when I...

It’s a beautiful day in my corner of the world. More sunhine, fresh dry air, a breeze, enough birdsong to entrance a bigot, and I’m happy on top of it all. We fed the three calves - who are gro...

Book Description

Just a few words that don’t mean anything.