woman in the moon ⋅ 78 ⋅

The only sin is quitting.

Familly saying.

Entries 985

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One question - one a scale of one to ten with 1 being very liberal and 10 being very conservative - how do you rate yourself? Notes are private. Everyone is welcome. Here are a couple cow pic...

A rough 12 hours. I wrote about a large part of it in a private entry and now I’m trying to decide what to write for you to read. Some of you probably know what’s bothering me. Some of you...

First time this year I brought the computer - the new one - the old one suddenly said it was out of battery like it did the first time - meaning with no warning and while it was plugged into the ...

Details - The book is a sequal to the mega hit circa 1990 - Silence of the Lambs. Everybody remembers the movie with Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins - Hannibal Lector was the super killer an...

One thing - when it rains once or more a day - everything looks clean. Here’s LaCrosse - the water’s high, the grass is green - what more could you want? https://www.rotarylights.org/live-river-c...

I’m kind of up for writing an entry right now. I feel like I have lots to say. We will see how it goes. I’m using my new computer. I should just pack it away and use the old one since it’s...

My Pet Peeve Oh I have a million of them and they vary from day to day, minute to minute. One though that lasts a lot and is fairly guaranteed to peeve me up pretty thoroughly is cats. Now I real...

This entry has two sections - My computer - As you no doubt remember as I’m sure you follow my life closely - my old computer died a week or so ago and I replaced it with a new one. Well, gu...

I’m glad you remember me. Why? Because I can’t get into Facebook and I have no history in X. So dear people, you are all I’ve got. It’s kind of like coming back from the dead and finding yours...

My old one was working great until the night before last when it said the battery was down and that was pretty much all it wrote. I checked my connections maybe twenty times and nothing resurr...

What Is So Rare As A Day In June And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days; Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune, And over it softly her warm ear lays; Whether we...

Have a misty sunrise on me. Here I am. Yesterday I had two local medical appointments. I had my pre-June 11 checkup blood test. Before the end of the day I had my result. A1C 6.5. I was hopi...

Lovely day. I’m full of eggs and mixed veggies and coffee/cocoa. I like to buy big bags of frozen mixed veggies. Both big stores, Walmart and Woodmans, have 3 lb. bags of either stir fry or gen...

6 pm. I’ve said before that the month is my favorite unit of time. Trust me to have a favorite unit of time. What I mean is that it’s long enough but not too long. It offers a new beginning ...

Yesterday was my mother’s 111th birthday. I always remember her birthday. It’s the Norwegian Fourth of July - meaning the anniversary of Norway’s independence from Sweden. I always remembe...

Bird feeder and propane tank in the background. <>>>>><> Thank you for your kind and helpful comments. To quote the great Dave Ramsey, they were ‘better than I ...

Yellow one has a Canadian cockpit cover. Here’s the dashboard. And here’s my source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Havilland_Canada_DHC-1_Chipmunk

It’s cold and rainy and I put my inside/outside plants outside yesterday. I ‘always’ say - wait until after Mother’s Day which this year is May 12th to put out or plant tender plants. But do ...

It’s getting light here. I should be out like my new hero Dave Ramsey putting in a couple miles. I don’t know how old Dave it. I assume he’s younger than I am by at least decade, perhaps two...

I’m in a mood. It’s Tuesday. I’m at my kitchen table. It’s twenty minutes to noon. We have left over Casey’s pizza for lunch. Jim’s in town getting a haircut. He said he’d bring home a gallon of ...

It’s the middle of the night and I feel good. A link to Waylon if you want, if it works for you. I made a pot of weak coffee and I’m drinking the second pint glass of it with a tablespoon of N...

I quoted the Bible yesterday. Today the Koran: (relating to a photo of Clint Eastwood and Jane Goodall. He’s 93 and she’s 90.) “To whoever We give a long life We make them stoop. Do they ...

I have stuff to do today. I want to go to town and buy groceries while my pants are clean. I want to plant a couple daylilies and my big investment rose bushes after I come home. I called people...

I can’t control this flesh and blood That’s wrapped around my bones It moves beneath me like a river Into the great unknown I stepped onto the moving stairs Before I could tie my shoes Pried a h...

We are having what I assume is the end of winter. Snow in the woods. My plants did not have a very good summer last year and they haven’t had a very good winter either. But the pink leave...

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