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  • June 17, 2024, 6:52 p.m.
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I’m kind of up for writing an entry right now. I feel like I have lots to say. We will see how it goes.

I’m using my new computer. I should just pack it away and use the old one since it’s happy since it’s been recharged. I should get Jim to buy another charger so each computer will have its own power source. I’m not sure we’ve ever had an extra functioning computer. Kind of like life insurance.

It’s warm here today. I’m not sure what the weather will do. We have had a lot of rain and that is good. Well not good for haying but good for everything else. Jim got most of the first crop baled but he says the quality is not good - it was too wet when he baled it. At least since it’s big bales that stay outside they will not burn down the barn. It’s been a long time since we made small bales - it was the old days when we made hay with kids and old ladies on a whole line of different locations - lots of hay made on rented land. It was a good time. I remember it fondly. But times have changed. Now Jim tries to make at least one load of small bales because the cattle love them so and they can be used to pacify and persuade when he wants especially good bovine behaviour. (Oh I accidentally put a U in behaviour and my spell check left it alone. The spell check must be bi-literal.)

Tomorrow is my Writers Group. I went to town this afternoon and printed out my cat opus. I wants to thank you all for your patience with my anti-cat screed. I really don’t not like them but they are what they are as I am what I am.

I am somewhat worried about what will come up at the tomorrow’s meeting. We are political and I talk too much. I’m worried about the wars in Palestine and Ukraine - how and why and what can be done? I don’t have answers and I doubt anyone else does either.

I am concerned about our country’s presidential candidates. It’s just like four years ago. Both are old, one is crazy - take your pick - I won’t say which I think is. We have until the first Tuesday in Novemeber for all the craziness of the world to get deeper as we wade through it. And after the last time - even when the election is over, it’s not over. I am used to losing elections but I am not used to being told my vote doesn’t count. Oh and what are we ever going to do about the electoral college? I think I remember from country school the blue civics book with the silver statue of liberty on the cover said the electoral college was a fail-safe to prevent a really unacceptable candidate from being elected by popular hysteria. I need to get my hands on that book. Not that it would do me any good, but I get it still exists somewhere.

I have a million other things to write about. I haven’t taken any pictures. Pink, Floyd and Nancy are doing well. They are progressing to dry food. I’d like to have a fenced in area in the yard so they could be on grass. Maybe that will happen. The orioles and humming birds are still coming round for their sweet treats. I’d like to get Joana’s other shepherd’s crook and start feeding gold finches too. They eat thistle seeds.

My flowers aren’t great but they are progressing. I need to fertilize them more often. I fill gallon plastic milk jugs with water from the bathtub and put in a quarter teaspoon of Miracle-gro - at least that’s my plan.

Katie’s birthday is tomorrow. I haven’t done anything. I looked at cards at Kwik-Star and thought of sending her a gift card from the same place but didn’t do it. Instead I made myself a fancy iced coffee from the fancy coffee machine. Will’s birthday is July 11. I can always remember that date - something big was happening at my old old old job that day and John called me and I had to be paged and I took the call in the inspection crib which was a social center of the plant. He was happy to have a son. They had opted out of being told the baby’s gender. I am proud of my son and his family. I wish them well. Things aren’t always easy for them, but they are generally admirable people.

At the library I met Carolyn from my old old job and we had a nice talk. She’s a bit older than I am, she has pretty white hair, curly in a flattering cut. She’s a cat person too, but doesn’t have any any more because it’s hard for her to take care of them. We both miss working.

I watched on YouTube a bit of the Nascar festivities at the Iowa race last weekend. The La Jolie guy who had the wreck drove a car with the Iowa Hawkeye symbol on it. I realized the the racecars are duded up with different ‘liveries’ for every race and it reminded me of what we did at my old old job. We made decorative covered for beer coolers mainly, and I was let go when they went from silk screening to computer printing. I could see how the printing on the racecars would be designed the same way and printed on adhesive backed plastic and then applied to the cars. I love life. It’s just so full of stuff. Dumb unneccessary stuff and evil painful stuff… and still always more and more and more of all of it.

I guess I will call this an entry.
I wanted to write more this month. I had the idea of writing an entry every day at 6 am and another at 6 pm. I would call then the Angelus. And make the church bells ring. Noon too if you make it really the Angelus.

My father had a friend in his premarried days who was the janitor at the Catholic church. Part of his job was to ring the bells at 6 am, noon and 6 pm. Sometimes the guys would be out having a good time and it would be after 6 pm when they got home and then bellringer would want to go ring the bells whatever time it was and he would have to be talked out of doing it. That was before automatic bell ringers on timers.

Here’s the La Jolie guy.

Guess this is it.
Have a happy evening. Love you all.

Last updated June 18, 2024

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