
Entries 91

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June 17, 2014

cannot. sleep. in

I have to leave the house at 8:30 to get to work on time. I do NOT have to be awake before 6 a.m., but my cat thinks I do. As soon as it's light... he'll stand by my head and meow. Or... jump ...

June 06, 2014

Be careful out there

I just got a phone call from clearly a call center - you could hear many people talking in the background. The man told me I had a legal issue I had to take care of right away - and gave me a pho...

June 04, 2014

how rumors start

I am fascinated about all the "information" about the POW who was exchanged for the war criminals from Gitmo. One woman wrote that he was a "Taliban sympathizer". I asked where she got that... ...

May 08, 2014


I work as an interpreter in the grand jury - a step before the jury we see on television and in the movies. Usually I interpret for the "complaining witness" or another witness. Once in a while...

May 05, 2014

History2 (H2) on Cable

Just like fringe science, there seems to be fringe history. And this channel revels in it. So many of the shows focus on different conspiracy theories. There is my absolute favorite, Ancient A...

May 04, 2014

Cat questions

How does the cat know when you're just starting to wake up... and hoping to doze a bit longer... so he can stand by your head and MEOW at you... loudly? Why is it when you've finally figured out...

May 03, 2014

junk food

For some reason I cannot fathom, I have been overdoing it on junk food lately. Day after day - cheese puffs, wafer cookies, Reese's cups... starting a bag... finishing a bag. This is after eati...

May 03, 2014

Farmville on facebook

I wrote this initially to post on farmville feed - a facebook group for those who play the game: An open letter to Zynga/Farmville: I am DONE! I have been playing farmville since the first year....

May 02, 2014

jury duty day two

Got here early - needed to arrive at 10 a.m. There's a recycling area for newspapers and magazines... I found a book (The Golden Calves)! It's by Louis Auchincloss - he's an excellent writer an...

April 30, 2014

on jury duty

I got here way too early... oh, well. Got a sandwich on the way to the building, then stood in lines, then sat... and listened to a long drawn out orientation. Got a cup of tea... and sat... an...

April 22, 2014

Loss leaders

The price of food has been skyrocketing lately. It's gotten so high that the only items I can buy are the ones on sale... you know, the ones they advertise at a deep discount to get you into the...

April 13, 2014

Getting old(er)

Like most people who are senior citizens, I can't quite believe it. I KNOW I am 62, but still cannot believe it. I look at my shopping cart at CVS and laugh - metamucil, probiotic supplements, ...

April 02, 2014

Josh Elliot

He started as a newscaster recently on Good Morning America. OMG, HOT!!! And tender-hearted, sweet, loved babies and animals, great sense of humor, had bromance with Sam Champion. Then the c...

March 31, 2014

Allergy season

has begun! For me, it's usually April and May. I know it's worse for many others. I was fine, except for food allergies, till I bought an apartment across the street from a park... Still fine ...

March 21, 2014

I have many skills

But housekeeping, homemaking - NOT in my skill set. I don't consider myself a hoarder as I am fine with giving things away - not as good with the throwing out. Terrible with the straightening u...

March 13, 2014

No gain, no pain

Someone on facebook posted a link to things only your best friend would know about you. In reading it, I realized, according to the designer of that list, I have no best friends... there is NO o...

March 13, 2014


Again, I am trying to figure out my body. I can be playing on the computer, fighting sleep, wanting to finish something. Then when I go to bed... my mind is racing and I an TOTALLY awake. The ...

March 10, 2014


I wish I understood my body and it's reaction to hunger. Often I eat when I don't really feel hungry - cravings. Often I am playing on the computer, feel hungry, yet don't feel the need to eat....

March 08, 2014

low energy

I just want to rest, to sleep, to read, to play on the computer. I just went shopping at CVS - milk, eggs, vitamins, etc Between the walk up there - carrying packages of books to mail - and the...

March 06, 2014

a new kind of scam

I just got a wrong number... clearly from a telemarketing type place. They asked for a person... nope wrong number. Then... is it a certain address. No. Then we have ways of lowering your ele...

March 04, 2014

It's so cold...

This is what we used to call "face hurting weather"! I live near a river, and the winds coming across the water and up the block seem to drop the temperature 10 degrees between one avenue and th...

March 02, 2014

A birthday

I once had a friend. She was a neighbor and MUCH younger. Actually I was closer in age to her mother, but she and I didn't get along as well. After her father died, her mother moved to Ohio....

February 28, 2014

interrupted sleep

1 - Since I am on the far side of 60, I cannot go through a night's sleep without at least one bathroom break. Years ago I trained myself that if, in a dream, I am either searching for or USING ...

February 28, 2014

office "politics"

Although I retired from my regular job, I am on call, when needed to interpret in the courts system in Brooklyn. Usually I fill in for the regular person when she has an appointment or will be o...

February 27, 2014


At each age, we worry about something different. When I was a small child - around 8 years old - I saw a headline on the National Enquirer at the newspaper stand - child dies of old age at 10 y...

Book Description

This is a place to whine and complain. If that’s not what you want to read, you get to skip it, gloss over it, whatever.
I like this idea of “books”.