Park Row Fallout ⋅ 40

Midwest Attorney trying to navigate the waters of life

Each person feels pain in his own way, each has his own scars.

Haruki Murakami

Entries 2,313

Page 6 of 93

Last night, I went to bed… nothing special. BUT I had been informed that there was a FROST ADVISORY… meaning temperatures so low overnight that animals should be brought inside and windows close...

I feel like I’m about to do improv comedy in front of a firing squad.

September 29, 2020

S.O.B in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

Not… a great start to the day. I was up late last night cleaning and catching up on house chores because with this week being what it is… there was no other day I could do that. I stayed up past...

September 28, 2020

Crap in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

Uh oh! There was enough lull between getting today’s work done and leaving for my busy evening that I caught the sad. Shit. I hate that. I have so much to do tonight. Cleaning and laundry and ...

(1) The office computers have been slow today. Like… irritatingly slow. Like the over 60 year olds who don’t push their processors are even complaining about how slow it is. For me? A guy tha...

Jury Trial Number One starts tomorrow. Jury Trial Number Two starts Thursday. So, I expect I will be “break my back” busy. At least today I certainly will be. But still, two bits: (1) I was tryi...

September 24, 2020

Damn in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

So, I’ve been trying to sleep for the last 4.5 hours. Nothing. My mind isn’t even the culprit, I got to my “calming restful” mind space. But my body is just in “fuck that” mode. The best I co...

So I don’t know if people have been interested in my particular perspective on certain issues. I am an attorney, but I’m sensitive. I am a prosecutor, but I am genuinely for ending police bruta...

I decided that proper sleep, relaxation, and a fresh mind would be the best preparation for trials set tomorrow, so I told the office I was working from home today. This also provides me with th...

Writing more because I can. Sorry to bombard the space so much. Just had depositions on Domestic Abuse. Big massive brute of a guy and this would be his third conviction for it if there is a co...

Well, shit. My pain levels are pretty bad today. And my voice is going. But considering what’s going on in the office for the next two weeks… can’t be sick, can’t get sick. So we’ll just push ...

Okay, folks, he said it in public and on the record. For any of you that believe Donald Trump isn’t racist, your arguments will now be deleted and mocked. Because we already had all the proof t...

This is something that most won’t truly understand. Even, I dare say, my most trusted readers. But that is the way when coded expressions rely on older references. You see, when I was consideri...

September 21, 2020

Grump in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

If I’d known then what I know now, lol. In this case meaning? I should have selected TODAY to be the work from home day, not last Friday. Last Friday? Nothing happened. Which sounds like a go...

So, here’s something.... Yesterday, Nala was desperate for a walk. All of my “walk buddies” (read parents with children) couldn’t come to give Nala the added stimulation she needs. So I decided...

A spiritual statement on this Sunday… even as far back as pre-teen, I never had a problem with faith. Faith being a knowledge, a sense of certainty, in the Divine. I know that there is somethin...

September 20, 2020

HST in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

Here’s something tragic..... but also Here’s Something Timely..... so, in 2019 I believe there was an entry about a man in his mid to late 20s having sex with a girl in her early to mid teens. A...

So, it’s kind of… really weird. I can say with all sincerity and authenticity: I do not want Nancy back. I am better off without constant arguments, being insulted repeatedly, and being disrespe...

September 18, 2020

:( in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

I am not doing okay today. I massively hurt my foot (giant tear through multiple epidermal layers) I am filled with a severe apathy in connection with my job I feel incredibly isolated and dista...

Victoria came over last night and… man, those evenings really are just the best. Not just “yay a sexual activity” because while that kind of thing is awesome and… fuck even without an orgasm for...

Last night, when I got home.... scratch that. Starting over from earlier. When I left for work on Tuesday, Nala was dead asleep on the couch. Didn’t move or wake up as I went about my morning s...

I’m still struggling. That’s just… honesty. My body is in pain. My work schedule is a mess. My marriage is over. And I’m struggling with my own self-worth. This is actually a regular part o...

Either I’m prepared to cover my boss tomorrow; or the world explodes and I have to put together a jury trial with Duct Tape and Sweat. SO.. here… have some of these Even though mine is an ...

My body hurts so much that putting my shirt on irritated my skin. But this is Jury Trial Week and we need all hands on deck. Frankly, if Nancy were around to crack my back- that would be a small,...

September 13, 2020

Huh in Book Seven: Reconstruction 2020

I had something I wanted to write here but then… it vanished. I suppose… I’ll just use this space to say, then, that… if we ever get on the other side of this COVID thing? And this “race to Apo...