
Entries 54

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Well, Chris and I really got into it. His work is trying to convince him to go to all these drag races even tho I have weddings to shoot on every one of those weekends. They don’t give a fuck ...

July 06, 2015

Catch up and pics!

I bit the bullet and bought a new bed. Memory foam. Something had to give. Sleeping between 3-5 hours per night. NOT straight either. Tossing and turning. Heck, if I got 3 hours straight I ...

June 23, 2015

Mark 8:36

There is a fine line… trying to get Miley to eat her dinner…when she doesn’t she doesn’t get a snack. She has to at LEAST try it. Evelyn does. Evelyn gets dessert or snack or whatever the heck...

June 22, 2015

Hey you, yes you.

Add me to facebook, Diane! (Please lol)

Omg the kids were actual DEMONS this weekend. It was horrible. I mean, I realize that siblings will hate each other to a certain degree but this was just something else. I am an only child (ba...

Just had a weekend long Karate clinic. I basically ran the whole thing for my Sensei and prepped a bunch and ran around a bunch but I also got to go on the floor and train with people who were t...

I’m still alive, just extremely busy! Kristen <3

May 06, 2015

Food poisoning?

Here’s hoping it was food poisoning and NOT the flu. He didn’t move from midnight to the next night at 7:30 for a fire call. Not even to get up puke, shit or pee. HOW? I don’t know. His legs ...

Well fuck. I walked into the laundry room today around 2pm and went to unload the dryer. Empty. Then I went to put the laundry from the washer to the dryer… empty. I had NO laundry to do!! So...

I have a raging headache and I can only assume its from the braces. I really hope so anyway. Because I’ve been getting SOOOO many of them :( I guess we will find out in June when I get them ta...

April 24, 2015

Fitbit- Do yo have one?

My friend Tiffany bought me and her both a fitbit yesterday! Quite the surprise. I love her to death. However, mine didn’t work. I troubleshooted and reset the thing but still nothing. I had...

April 21, 2015


I haven’t seen my dentist about my braces in like 3 months. I really need to make the next apt but I can’t because I have no way to the city, and no sitter! Arg. I want them off now. They were...

3rd test, taken at the health unit, was also negative. And then I got my period this morning! And you know what? I was a bit sad. lol With being 5 days late, Chris and I planned and thought...

April 16, 2015

Test 1 & 2

Test 1: Control line not there, but test line said positive. Took the test late in the day, with diluted urine due to downing an iced cap lol Test 2: The opposite results. Test was later in th...

April 14, 2015


That moment when you realize you’re two days late, and have been having constant headaches and lower back pain, a heightened sense of smell … and are purely exhausted.

April 12, 2015

Advice anyone?

So I got a call back from my Dr wanting me to come back in to talk to me. I guess my finger is way worse than they initially thought. The bone is broken right off and is floating around in ther...

Well, Miley’s teeth are still a work in progress. Our benefits cover the first 750$ per year, and after that is out of pocket. We owe them 1000$!! HOW THE EFF? Dentistry is so friggen expensiv...

March 26, 2015

My trip to T.O *PICS*

OK Recap! I didn’t bother going back to get the stitches put back in, whatever, it healed just fine. Went to Toronto on Friday. My mom wanted to head to the city Thursday evening tho which cau...

March 14, 2015


I’m sick… and I’m so tired of being sick… my whole face is dried out from wiping the snot off of it… ugh. Also my stitches from my surgery came out like the next day but I was too sick to even b...

I had that minor surgery on my lip yesterday. It was the first time I’ve ever had any sort of freezing done in my mouth. Heck, its the only freezing I’ve ever had. NO-thats a lie, they froze m...

Ok I’m almost totally over the last dentist apt. I sucked, but she will be fine. She goes for her fillings today. After school. I meant to come write the other day, Chris and I got into our fi...

February 26, 2015

Worst news in a while

So yesterday I had Miley scheduled for a dentist apt. Shes always been super scared to go so this was a huge thing to get her in there. I’ve noticed she had a few cavities and I was freaking ou...

February 24, 2015

To Toronto we go!

By the sounds of some of the comments, I’m not the only one dealing with these little annoyances. I’ll tell you one thing though, I much prefer these small things over the huge fights we used to...

February 19, 2015

Little annoyances. (PICS)

Omg guys, finally feeling some relief from this stupid sinus infection. FINALLY … that was pretty close to what hell would be like, I assume. I went and did the pics for the fish derby. It wa...

February 11, 2015

Orange Belt

Omg, almost 3 weeks now with this stupid head cold/sinus infection thing. UGH. I mean, I don’t have a plugged nose, I don’t have a runny nose… but I feel like I am plugged up like, farther back...

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Entries in 2015!