
Entries 271

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OMFG Still super insanely busy. As of yesterday, I had 21 sessions I need to edit. I'm swamped! But this is what I wanted right? I wanted to be THE photographer for my area lol I feel honest...

Halloween party- and busy work life! EDIT TITLES Saturday, October 26, 2013 Going out to a halloween party tonight. Chris is coming. I know eh? lol Tiffany and her hubby will be there...

Evelyn turned 2 yesterday!! <3 <3 We went for dinner etc, but today is the actual party :) Should be interesting ! So I did something stupid, I accepted and invite to Tiffany's house Fr...

HOLY MAN I'VE BEEN SO INCREDIBLY BUSY! I'm back now tho, no I haven't gone anywhere. I will continue to write here forever likely... lol First off, the wedding. Tiffany was able to go to the...

Ok lots of comments on the whole antibiotic fiasco, personally I'd rather keep her on them and do the full treatment rather than take her off, so thats what I'm doing. There was a bit of an infe...

To start off, my relationship has been a bit rough these days. He always snaps at me and says things like "why don't you just leave then...".... ?? I never said I was leaving. I don't want to l...

Well Chris is sick, and lazing around. I'm doing everything around here and then some. I hope I have the same treatment when I catch it. Its just a head/sinus cold... but still. Fuck its been...

Chris and I have stopped the arguments. Hes also gotten some shorter shifts at work. So that helps. We've gone bird hunting 3 times now, had a meal last night, mmmmm. Tiffany update: becaus...

Wedding in the city was alright. I'm thinking next year I will go alone. Chris having to watch the kids for an entire day proves to be difficult for him. lol Bride was unorganized and just.....

Chris and I just got into our first real fight in such a long ass time. :( Like we actually yelled at each other. Hes back, full circle. Its a guys notice right? I'm super angry r...

Today was no different. I took some Drivers Ed while preparing for my road test last month... thing is, I know the rules of the road, and whats ok, and whats not a little better than him so when...

Ok, so Chris pissed me off this morning, and yesterday morning. Last week when I would get Miley up and ready for bed, he would just go to Evelyn's room (our room) and snuggle in with her. Mile...

Got back from the big city wedding yesterday :) Will write more later!!! :) Had lots of fun, did some shopping etc. Kristen <3 EDIT Hey guys, back to explain. :) We went to the city becaus...

Got back from the big city wedding yesterday :) Will write more later!!! :) Had lots of fun, did some shopping etc. Kristen <3 EDIT Hey guys, back to explain. :) We went to the city becaus...

We are almost all better!! lol. It was a nasty cold, not in the sense that we were like coughing our heads off but in the sense that I was just totally wiped out. I lost 5 pounds from just not...

Went to bed the night before last, with a scratchy throat, woke up with a full blown sore throat :( Ugh... Miley was complaining about hers too. Evelyn has been sick for like 3 ish days. I bl...

Licensed to KILL-er-DRIVE [Friends Only Entry] Friday, August 16, 2013 Chris went to talk to his old boss, and they didn't talk about him working there again so there is yet another chance ...

Hey guys, if you knew me on OD please note me, I want to add you or friend you or whatever you call it. I want to bring my whole OD diary over here but I want to make it friends only and I need ...

I thought I should touch base about my gramma, not sure if I wrote this here or not yet but she got her latest test results back from her small bowel barium xray thingie, and it came back clear, ...

Well, I'm staying at OD for now. But in the meantime, I will be putting all my old entries in "book" form or whatever, over here... I'm preparing, this way everything will already be here when O...

I have SOOO much in my other diary... so many entries that I wish I could just pop over here. I hate the idea of leaving OD so I likely never will, but having this as a backup is super nice! Kr...

Books 8

83 Entries

31 Entries

3 Entries

57 Entries

36 Entries

32 Entries

33 Entries

2 Entries