JHkerriokey ⋅

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September 12, 2021

*smh* in Second 1st

Friday we found out just how slim we can go on our shift. Apparently, 5 plus the lead is the bear minimum. Glen was on the line all day and when he “had to leave early” at 5:30 we shut the line d...

Wrote a review on Goodreads for Destiny’s book(because she asked me to). I forgot my password I know I had set up forever ago.... but honestly.... Well.... it’s not like she’ll ever know. This is...

September 09, 2021

crafty stuff: moving on now in Second 1st

I just finished the neck support pillow.... so pics… it’s decently comfortable even if it looks .... well… ugly lol Now to move on. I’d gotten a few things just before I got sick.... I’m going...

September 08, 2021

Ugh in Second 1st

I feel like that was the worst night of sleep I’ve had in a long time.... even through COVID. I also and going to have to pray there is 5 hours worth of sleep information on there because I “slee...

THe day turned out okay… all the riding around and walking and I’m tired. Went to a Gyro place downtown, then Mckay’s, then to Best Buy and Dick’s sporting goods (who knows why) , had a ton of ti...

Sammy was here 15 mins early yesterday. He walked in with his explanation of why he’d not been here the day before and I apologized for being passive aggressive. Apparently He’s had an ear infect...

It’s already 8:35, I have nothing planned for this morning really. It’s a holiday so important things wait...... Yesterday..... Saturday night Sammy had said he’d be over at 1..... I waited.... ...

September 05, 2021

frustrated this morning in Second 1st

So, pizza came in at 7:15. Rocky got home 7:52. Regardless it was disappointing otherwise. I’d ordered myself a small thin crust .... and no mater if you agree with it I got it with Green olives ...

September 04, 2021

after work blurb in Second 1st

I got off work early, about 5:30. Rocky had texted at his lunch saying he needed to get a phone cord and if I needed anything let him know he would be stopping in at WalMart on the way home. When...

September 04, 2021

update just cause in Second 1st

4:30 am here. I’ve been up an hour now. Last night Rocky came into the house just as I laid down. He caught me coughing so he came in for a moment. .... So, Nissan has been shut down the last 2 ...

September 01, 2021

It's been busy in Second 1st

I guess it’s been pretty eventful day(this is my 3rd entry)..... The guy who needed to come get the oxygen stuff just left. We spent a good half hour talking to him. I did want to make it clear t...

September 01, 2021

After the appointment in Second 1st

Happy and not so happy about my visit… told him my story and He (Dr.) had a look at it. He all happy. Seems that it may very well heal up on it’s own. He poked at it a little and said it was “qui...

I’m up early.... woke at 4:10. Finally starting to get to more of my normal time BUT I really have no intention of getting up any earlier than 4. Just after the 5am work I’ll hop in the shower. I...

August 31, 2021

not abnormal anger in Second 1st

I didn’t sleep well last night. I’d honestly spent most of the day angry :( and the bad energy followed me I guess. I’d woken up to a message from Tamara at work. She’s been checking in on me wi...

August 29, 2021

back to normal days? in Second 1st

Yesterday morning I tried to order First Watch. It’s a hipster restaurant. They open at 7 and close at like 2. They have things like Avocado toast (which its a very yummy multi nut/grain bread to...

August 28, 2021

catching up to life in Second 1st

I woke up this morning to an order..... decided to get that sorted out early and do the bill paying. .... I was pleasantly surprised that we got another gov. check. $1200. Also, apparently they p...

So, I’m gonna try to make a real entry. The last couple of weeks have been a blur really. Rocky had gone to the hospital and had been there for a good 5 days? During those days the only things I...

August 23, 2021

pfft in Second 1st

It’s Monday? .... Honestly wonder if I’ll be going to work this coming this weekend. I guess I’m starting to feel better? Only in the last 24 hrs have I realized I’m coughing less and only becaus...

August 14, 2021

Naps all around in Second 1st

Even though they had told me to come in at the time I’d scheduled for Rocky I sat in my car for an hour before they called me in to fill out paperwork..... then another 15 mins before the appoint...

August 14, 2021

Welp, I caught it. in Second 1st

So .... I don’t have time to use to call out with. I feel like I can just use FMLA but if it’s not a migraine.... well it feels a fair bit wrong. Not to mention if I go to work miserable and peop...

August 13, 2021

Thankful in Second 1st

Being sick and sad I went to bed early last night. Around 8ish I got a few messages. I rolled over to see that the wayward friend had messaged me. C&P from comments: I had come by earlier to...

So.... Rocky is sick.... I only know it cause now I am. Feels like a cold or something.... but I’m going to bed way early.... like after this post early (5:20pm now). Still got to work and all so...

Dr visit.... telehealth..... So that didn’t go as I thought it would.... well some of it did.... she’d like to see me back in 4 months. After I’m likely on a CPAP or at least been working with so...

August 10, 2021

just whatevers in Second 1st

Rocky did running with me yesterday but went to sleep around 2:30pm .... I think he got up to go to the bathroom once but he’s been asleep since then.... it’s 7:30am now..... even sick I haven’t ...

August 09, 2021

large update in Second 1st

So the real problem with journaling is that nothing ever happens until something does.... then it feels like it’s a huge effort to type stuff out until there’s a ton of stuff.... at some point it...

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