3 days later in Second 1st

  • Aug. 17, 2022, 3:32 p.m.
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So, The family thing was nice but mom’s elaborate beliefs about the COVID vaccine crippled the number of attendants. That being said Jeremy, Cammy, and Rachel showed. Jeremy brought his youngest and Rachel’s oldest brought Rachel’s boyfriend for a bit. It was really nice. Uncle Gary came too so all my favorite relatives… so that was all that mattered. Just chilled and played cards and chatted. We got Hungry Howie’s pizza from across the street. Worked out really well. Got it delivered for hilarity.

Apparently, It was Rachel’s only day off.... she’d told the “boyfriend” that she’d go do a job with him for $300.... I say “boyfriend” in quotations because Cammy says they are dating but Rachel is embarrassed and won’t admit it. They did sit rather close … so I’d believe it. Though I don’t think she would have a reason to be embarrassed.... other than he’s a “Jack of all trades”. Anyways.... they most definitely have a thing because… They’d had an argument and Rachel stole his car keys so she could do the family thing and then go do the job with him. lol He called asking where they were and had her son Chase drive him over to the park. It was funny because it was in her pocket and she knew it the whole time.

Just after 1 (1:10 or so) Jake’s mom showed up. I said quick goodbyes and was on my way. We got lost.... like Vanderbilt, the hospital in Lapeer has 2 towers, and we first went to the wrong one. His mom had been complaining about her back since we left the park but she was adamant about seeing her son.

Once we got up there I apologized to Jake for being late. If it had been up to me I would have been there at the door to be let in at 1.... being as he literally has nothing to look forward to all week aside from 2 hours of visitation on Wednesdays and Sundays. I’d bought a set of cards just for the visit .... I’d used them with family but got them approved when entering the ward. I got to use my medical card for the Cochlear because it made the detector wand go off :) yeah! that was not an issue and the nurse was slightly entertained.

The visit went well.... well… for what it was.... we couldn’t touch… not allowed… I chose to sit across from him rather than next to him because of that. High 5’s and fist bumps fine.... but no holding hands across the table.... so we played Garbage.... sort of.... Jake was hardly shuffling and barely playing lol.... His mom irritated him rather quickly. She wanted to talk about her issues as soon as she sat down… issues he can’t do a darn thing about… he made a big fuss over then asked her to leave. I’d already arranged to have mom pick me up as she had planned on ending the family thing at 2 and I would be out at 3....... That worked out well. I hated seeing Jake like that and I miss him terribly but it is for the best. I don’t know what it’s like to lose someone to suicide and I don’t want to find out.

Jake asked me to do him a favor.... irrational favor. His friend Tabitha was going to court and possibly going to jail. He wanted me to go to a friend of her’s house and pretend to be her cousin.... Gave me an address.... I told him I would… that’s what you do to people in his situation. Then, I worked my way around it as Destiny also has ties with her.... Anyway.... she had to serve the weekend or some such thing and all is well now. .... or as well as it will be....

Mom and I decided to just drive home.... We stopped at a Kroger to get some snack things.... she got a bunch of fruit she swears was cheaper there and some stuff for lunch so that we could have a cheap ride home too. … We swapped about every 2 hours and were home at 2:41 am Monday.

Monday, we slept till.... 8ish and mom moved her stuff from the rental car to Rocky’s car. We took the car to be cleaned. I remembered we had a mailer coupon for the local Wash n’ Roll so we used it for a free wash. vacuumed it out real good and turned it in. Rocky did a plasma donation and picked us up. We grabbed Chinese for lunch and took mom home.

When we got back I took a nap but I was unable to work… head was off… I was off balance… I did stay up till late....

Yesterday, the calls from Jake were talking about making Destiny his mother’s power of attorney and getting her put into an assisted living situation. Apparently, she forgets where she’s going when she drives. And many other cognitive issues that are real stressors for Jake. Destiny agreed and they will be working on that. ....

I worked 4-9:30 pm yesterday.... worked again 4 am-7:15 am this morning. Yes, I did sleep last night.... and after the shift this morning. I plan on going back out at 4. (3:23 pm right now) ..... Till whenever.

Jake called saying he’s severed his relationships with his mother and Tabitha and has nowhere to go when he gets out tomorrow. He’s upset but sees the value in doing so. Still can’t be easy. Destiny has offered him a place for a week or 2 but she won’t get away with much more than that I’m sure. .... He’ll be sleeping in the bed I bought. :) To me that’s comforting.

The plan is.... get his mom put in an assisted living situation and get Jake into his family home. nothing but waiting and praying on this side for me.... being so far away..... and married.

Moving on.... Rocky is getting the car taken apart.... needs a new CV axel.... support arm… brake line… and obviously a ton of physical work. In the meantime, I’m working when he’s home.... within reason.... have to sleep and eat at some point.

That being said.... I just made a bunch of chex mix.... won’t be amazing as I used salt-free options for most of it.... but it should be nice to have on the road.

In order to catch bills up in a 2 week time frame, I need to make 112.5 a day… I think it’s doable.... well it would be if I was working during the day.... so I think the split shift is going to be the way to go.... we will see… so far I’ve had some mild headaches and sleeping issues brought on by the anxiety of the idea.....

moving on with my life.... time to get out there and make some money.

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