Superposition ⋅ 39 ⋅

Earth is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here.

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So I had my weekend this last weekend. Overall, I’d say it was beneficial. My wife booked the hotel for me, and it looked really nice in the pictures, but when I got there it was pretty old and ...

There’s this one lady who has really fucked with my head through a few of my manic episodes. Telling me she is some higher dimensional being and that she knows who I am and that I’m fucking up my...

I have been using Open Diary since I was 15, and it looks like old habits die hard. Even though I am not a frequent user anymore, sometimes I just feel the need to write this out into the ether. ...

August 10th at 11:52 pm, we welcomed our son into the world. He was born at 9lbs 9oz, and 23 inches. My wife is a fucking warrior woman. I was so amazed to watch her, how composed she was through...

July 25, 2020

Praise be to Satan in Questions

My wife and I watched a documentary the other day called “Out Of Shadows” or something like that…it was on Youtube. It basically stated that all of the people in Hollywood, all of the rich and po...

July 20, 2020

Arrow in Stories to bide the time.

What a strange year, right? Pandemics Killer hornets (sort of) Nation-wide protests Secret police The president is shilling beans My son will be here any day now, could even be tonight. I woul...

December 21, 2019

An update. in Questions

I just felt like I needed to share a little update with the internet. Mostly because I have been living in San Diego for the last 6 months and have been away from all of my friends and family so ...

I actually went for a run on Saturday. Other than that I just stayed home. I’m only writing because I want to remember last night. Lex invited me to Kung Fu De Mayo, which is this thing her fr...

Everything was fine…or maybe it wasn’t. I can’t remember in this moment. It felt like I was having a fine day…I was laughing, I was having a nice time, hanging out with Lex and watching shows. T...

Running through your own mind like a hot knife through butter it sizzles and bubbles in an off-gold smoke as you breathe in and breath around within and without your eyes begin to betray you abou...

She told me not to write about her anymore, but I can write about whatever I want…that’s kind of the point of having this thing. Buuuuuuuut because I’m a petty bitch sometimes, I decided to make ...

One of my friends is a magician from Manhattan, and last night he invited me to The Magic Castle in LA. It was pretty god damn amazing. I saw so many mind blowing tricks that, at a certain point...

I pulled a theme card for the day, it was Yesod. Yesod is the conduit from the higher dimensions to the third dimension. A literal, sentient, gateway. You dream through Yesod. This card represe...

I actually don’t have a lot of time to write today, but I feel like I need to come and write a little bit about what’s been going down because I feel like everything has been changing so rapidly ...

I did some astral projecting last night. Traveled to see my boss and talk to her about everything. She said she knew that everything was out of her control and she knew everyone was pissed off ...

I slept in today. I still can’t remember my dreams, but I know I’m having them. Today is 4-20, so I’m going to buy an eighth of some really nice stuff to take to a party at Deanne’s place, but ...

I blew up for the first time in a long time. I feel like a total asshole. I want to crawl into a hole and die. But I was just pushed too far. I was asked to help open this restaurant…so I cam...

Eating acid in an empty mansion by the beach was a really good time. So, about Lex. I met Lex through Brittany a few years ago, I was super depressed and Brittany offered to come over to cheer m...

The Alpha Brain is finally kicking in, I think. Last night my dreams were insanely vivid. It’s crazy because I even felt like, at a few points, I began to question if I was in reality or not, but...

I wish these human bodies had detachable parts. I have the worst headache right now, and I honestly believe with all of my heart that if I could just take my brain out and soak it in some saline...

Maybe I should just kill them all? Maybe that would be easier? I wonder if I could kill all of my friends fast enough, before the ones still alive started to catch on to what was happening…I’ll...

Waking up early is really fucking with me. I’m not sleeping any earlier still…it’s been about a week and a half. On Monday I woke up at 5:45, so I think I got approximately four hours of sleep?...

“I was feeling for a while that maybe you didn’t feel good about being friends or wanted to keep me at a distance or something because I felt like I always hit you up but I’d never hear from you ...

Yesterday was a good day, which is cool, because I have been having good days in spite of some difficult feelings I’ve been having lately, so I’m glad that I’m able to do that. I woke up early a...

Seriously, what the fuck? Can’t we just skip to the part where we’re comfortable with eachother and we can be real with eachother and it doesn’t feel like a chess match? Not tonight, apparently...