duchess ⋅ 42

Image was a google search, unable to fine artist name/link to the artist. Will update if I find it.

Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical'' don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.

Frank Kafka

Entries 29

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November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving... in 2018

I’m sitting at my parents house watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Helping mom as she needs help (though mostly she just wants us to stay out of the kitchen). I need to update about m...

September 06, 2018

Short entry in 2018

I need to be doing laundry and cleaning house and being a responsible adult....but I am giving myself until 8:30 to write an entry, eat dinner (spinach, cheese, garlic pizza) and catch up on FB n...

August 24, 2018

Friday eve... in 2018

I should be aslee. I have to be at work at 5 am. I worked 5 am-1pm today. It went better than I thought. I mean don’t get me wrong…the alarm going off at 4 am still sucks, but I love the getting...

August 20, 2018

Survey time again in 2018

1.) What were you doing at 11 last night? Talking to my dad. 2.) Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in 10 years? My childhood best friend? Sure, though we don’t see each other ...

August 19, 2018

Quiet evening in 2018

Just got back from meeting someone for a drink. This is the 3rd time I’ve gone out with him....he makes me laugh but I’m not sure it is a romantic match....not sure if I’m looking for that anyway...

August 16, 2018

Relaxed in 2018

I forgot how removing 1 dramatic person from your life can reduce stress levels! I’ve removed several people that were drama seeking and I can’t remember the last time I was just relaxed even wh...

July 10, 2018

I lost my draft in 2018

I had an entry written and I could have sworn I saved it in my drafts but its gone… Work is work. I want to apply for another job, which I could do via an internal job posting, but if I do a mess...

June 08, 2018

Suicide. in 2018

I’m sitting here reading about Anthony Bourdain, how sad, that along with Kate Spade, and of course that does not count all the suicides that don’t make the news because they aren’t celebrities. ...

I love having my days to myself. To be able to get things done during the day, and to sleep late and not have to work during the day time hours can be wonderful, but on days like today, when I w...

May 21, 2018

Sunday night. in 2018

Why does the weekend fly by? This was an exceptionally long weekend. I had the memorial service Saturday morning, (which was nice for what it was, but memorial services are hard anyway…I didn’t ...

I found a pin on Pinterest on writing your personal history…so I figured I would write some of the prompts: The first one is “Write about your name. Where did it come from? What does it mean? Fir...

January 01, 2017

January 1, 2017 in Daily thoughts..

Today is the first day of a 365 book....lets write a good story. THE YEAR AS A HOUSE A Blessing Think of the year as a house: door flung wide in welcome, threshold swept and waiting, a gra...

I went to my college reunion end of September/First of October. Had a great time! I will write more about that later. Left my laptop at my parents for 2 weeks (hence lack of writing) and this pas...

September 17, 2016

I should be sleeping. in Daily thoughts..

I went into work, ran the one test I needed to run (it took 90 minutes due to rechecks), logged in histos/cytos and prepared the send out box. Talked to K on the phone while I was at work…was sti...

September 11, 2016

Sunday night in Daily thoughts..

I’ve decided Sunday nights may be a good day to re-cap the previous week/talk about the upcoming week....not that I don’t want to be better at writing in here, but lets be honest…I kind of suck a...

I should go to bed…I have to meet a friend tomorrow morning (assuming I can find her address)…plus I have to check in with the weight loss counselor, and work, and I start my class tomorrow night...

First thing you wash in the shower? My hair…I like being able to leave conditioner in it while I finish showering....limited the frizz. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Probably n...

I am working tonight so I have all day off, I slept late (stayed up late last night). I should catch up on my laundry (only 3 loads). I need to mow my yard but it is 91 F and feels like 107…so m...

I am working tonight so I have all day off, I slept late (stayed up late last night). I should catch up on my laundry (only 3 loads). I need to mow my yard but it is 91 F and feels like 107…so m...

Work has been long....but I refuse to discuss that now because I am on a mini-vacation! I drove down to my parents house on Tuesday, then dad and I left this morning at 8:00 and drove to Rome Geo...

I have work from 11-7 (though today it is 12-7), then I have a class at my church that is from 6:45-9:00 I never arrive before 7:20…but I still try to go. This week is exceptionally busy. I have ...

April 08, 2016

TGIF!! in Daily thoughts..

All I have to do is make it through tonight....and I get to go back to days....and tonight it going to suck because we are busier on Friday and I’m not actually suppose to do much to help (I’m mo...

March 16, 2016

I'm so tired in Daily thoughts..

O f screwed up work schedules....tonight I am working 3:30am-12:30 pm (my manager has to go to a funeral). i don’t mind on things like that....but I am SO READY to be back to my normal 11:00 am-...

I say “we’ve” like I have anything to do with it, but as long as her references come back okay we have an employee for nights, which means hopefully by April I can go back to my normal day shift....

So this split shift at work sucks, but one positive about it? I get Tuesday/Thursday’s off (well atleast during the day). So it lets me get stuff done around the house, sleep and feel rested for...

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