
Entries 42

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~So my boyfriend broke up with me last week… I’m finally recovering ok. It was for the best, well for me anyways… He’s an idiot… Honestly I treated him so good that he should have held on to me f...

February 11, 2015

Moving On... in Just Moments

~I’m definitely having one of those days… Where nothing seems to go right for you… Where no matter what you do everything just gets so f***ed up and then there is nothing you can do because the d...

~I think I know what my biggest flaw is… I care too much. I always get hurt from caring too much. The people who are really close to me in my life, I really care for, love if that’s what you wa...

December 20, 2014

Last Christmas in Just Moments

~So last year at this time, by then best friend was getting married. Well we weren’t even friends at this time, but we were for quite a few years. About a couple months before her wedding we “br...

~So I have a problem. Actually its a pretty big problem. So G and I have been dating for a few months. Early on I just knew that G would be someone that I would be willing to spend the rest of...

~Wow I can’t believe that summer is just about over. Summer is by far my favorite time of the year. I live in Wisconsin so summer is the only time when its actually warm enough to do things out...

~So here is my problem... G and I have been dating for about 2.5 months which is closing in on being my longest relationship ever... I just haven't dated much in the past and the few guys I have ...

~Wow time does fly sometimes. Life here has been pretty good. In my last entry I mentioned that I met someone, and we have officially started dating and I couldn't be happier. When I'm with hi...

~So I think I've met someone... Maybe the one? I don't know. But all I know is that I have not felt anything for anyone romantically in a really long time and I'm starting to feel again. Its su...

~Wow where to begin... ~M and I are really no longer friends. I haven't spoken to him in over a week and to be honest I haven't really minded... In the end we are on different paths in life and...

April 30, 2014

Am I Worthless? in Just Moments

~That's how I feel. Worthless... ~So recently M wanted me to do something with him that I would never be ok with doing. He just assumed that I would be ok with it and I'm not and now even thou...

~Have you ever wished that you could change something about your past? An event, a situation, a decision? Its been hitting me lately that if I would have done XYZ differently where would I be tod...

~So question of the day... Why do guys say these things that make them seem like such jerks?? I seriously don't understand. If you want to be with me don't act like a jerk. I promise your chance...

~Hey all I know I've been away for a while... I was in Las Vegas for vacation and I've been house sitting this week for some family friends. Its been alright but its just a big empty house and t...

~So M and I started talking again well, we talked once and that's better than nothing but things aren't the same. I'm not sure if they ever will be again. I'm not sure I want them to be the sam...

March 05, 2014

Without you... in Just Moments

~Have you ever wondered how your life would be different if you never met certain people? I have. I have been hurt and damaged by so many different people over the years. And these said people ...

March 04, 2014

In These Moments... in Just Moments

~Moments. That is all my life seems to be made up of. Happy moments, sad moments, stressful moments... all blending together to make of these random images of what my life should be. I don't u...

Books 1

42 Entries