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So I went for a little bit while my daughter and her big sister went to the park and got coffee. My daughter brings me a coffee because she knows what I always order. It’s just so cute how she re...

So we left here yesterday about 3:45 and got home about 9pm. It was a good night. I ate hot dogs from the gas station. My daughter was very good as usual. I have noticed new pain in my left shoul...

I’ve just been cleaning and cooked burgers for lunch. I kinda want my daughter to take a nap and maybe venture out later for a little bit. I haven’t made as much as I’d like to for this week. I w...

So my daughter woke up this morning with red, itchy bumps all over her. She’s allergic to her antibiotic so I had to get her seen. Good news is that the ear infection is gone but now she’s having...

I’m just waiting to make some money. I’ve showered, eaten, and wearing a fresh set of clothes. I think I’m going to buy my kid a new cell phone. I’m probably going to run and do that. I’m hoping ...

So the guy I was seeing lived across from where I get my morning coffee. I’ve noticed that I never see his truck there anymore. I remember the other day as I was leaving the drive through, I happ...

Being a single Mom with no village and going years without getting CS or any help from the other parent really starts to mess with your head. I had to talk with a caseworker today about food stam...

My daughter had another morning where she was asking to stay home. I reminded her again that she doesn’t have to go to the after school program and I told her that she doesn’t have to go to schoo...

Little is at school and I came home and made breakfast. McDonald’s doesn’t have my $1 coffee coupon anymore so I’m not going there until they have it again. I also like not spending money everyda...

I got my sink full of soap and water before I dropped my daughter off. I planned to come home and start doing stuff but then worked for an hour. I finally got home, made breakfast, took a shower ...

I slept pretty decent. I’m going to wake my daughter up and start getting her ready for school. She was telling me last night that she misses her after school program. I’d kinda like to ask if sh...

We got some more work in this morning. I haven’t been keeping track of my hours but this morning we did 3. Last night we did about 4 and Friday we did almost 5 and that’s not counting the rest of...

My daughter and I went yesterday from about 3 until almost 7. She did great in the car, as usual. It’s not too stressful bring her with and it’s definitely cheaper than paying my Mom to watch her...

I have a couple of hours before the alarm goes off but I just can’t sleep. I’m wide awake. Again, I go to bed way too early and then I wake up and have nothing to do. I go back to sleep and then ...

I got my daughter to school and stopped for coffee and a sandwich. Every day she tells me how she doesn’t want to go to school. I’ve talked to her about telling her teacher when kids are mean and...

I am so glad to get new brakes but my car had a kink in the idle yesterday so that sparks a new concern. I’m hoping it was just a fluke because it is old and has a lot of miles. Just gives me som...

Yesterday was one of the those days to remind me that I’m still on my own and to remain humble. I spent $300 and got my brakes done. Yet again, no one helped. I had to pay someone to put them on....

I got my daughter to school and got breakfast. I have since washed dishes and now I’m just sitting here. I need to pick up my medications today. I don’t have anything planned. My work is slow so ...

February 26, 2024

Money. in Since OD is shutting down....

The weekend is going by really fast. I took my daughter with today and made some money. I also went to a friend’s house to ask if he’ll put brakes on my car. He said for me to call him on Tuesday...

So I hung out with that guy a few times. I blew off my friend that was here because his boyfriend was bound and determined to make things uncomfortable if we would have actually hung out. I’ve be...

My daughter has an ear infection but decided last minute to go to school. I’ve hung out with a dude the past couple of days and then this morning, I went over and hung out with him. He was just b...

I’m definitely struggling with things. I don’t know how well my side hustle is going to work out and I’m diligently looking for some type of job. Again, I don’t have any help here so I doubt I wi...

February 15, 2024

V Day. in Since OD is shutting down....

So I got my daughter to school. Ate my breakfast and had my iced caramel coffee from McDonald’s. I decided to do my side hustle. I went up until about an hour before I got my kid from school. I g...

My daughter and I ran errands this morning where I noticed my brakes are starting to grind. Not a huge issue but the sooner my brother puts new pads on the less expensive this is going to be. I’m...

It’s been a really emotional day and I’m beyond thankful that it’s getting to be bedtime. I just drug my ass out of my bed and home to get to work. I walked in planning to work and my boss walks ...

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1163 Entries