
Procrastination Journal

by arsenicsauce

Entries 69

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January 10, 2015

surveys r fun

Food Survey 1. How do you feel about golden oreos? I don’t have a positive outlook on oreos in general. 2. What is your favorite dessert topping? Ice cream? Okay I know that’s cheating, ...

23 DEEP ASS questions, one at a time. What is more difficult for you, looking into someones eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they are telling y...

December 30, 2014

relieved & happy

Coco got her LFTs rechecked yesterday and they were like TONS better. Before this, the other doctor (they go through residents) said that we would be looking at a larger biopsy–either thru the sk...

actually Forget liking someone. And crushes and that bullshit. My state of being should just be called “life ache” Everything sucks and it doesn’t get better

no. actually, because my flirting level is zero if not negative 20, I need to start to learn to flirt. Actually, back when I liked Clark Kent, he was telling a story about how a 13-year-old pati...

And sometimes dogs should mean more than people. For example, you might care slightly more about the dog you’ve had for 12 years, since she was a puppy, more than a woman you’ve known for 3 yea...

Okay I wrote something in May and the lie detector test determined that was a lie. I have been catcalled and it’s really uncomfortable. I haven’t been catcalled 100x in 10 hours, only 3 times in...

October 31, 2014

ya boy

Weeks ago, I said hi to him when he came into lab, he immediately tried to come over and hug me. I should have let him (because aww), instead I freaked out and said “oh, you thought that meant c...

May 31, 2014


I got invited to a Bris! My classmate had his new son a week ago. This Sunday they're having his Bris (circumcision & naming). He invited all the people in our club (Interfaith Club, which...

But I've never been catcalled, so I guess I will forever be The Outsider. sigh

My classmate sent me this text: "what can I do to my voice to make it sound like epic black gospel?" I am currently trying to figure out the reply that would most make him feel guilty about bei...

A classmate asked me if I was parked close, and when I said no, that I was just going to walk, feeling sorry that I can't give him a ride he comes back with, "Is it late enough that you need an e...

March 23, 2014

Super Villains

Neuro block is over for now. Passed, thank God. The lab practical was pretty good. Some questions I was just like "bwah? Uh... when in doubt CN V" but the most unsettling thing is that Mal...

March 15, 2014

Against Suicide

Here are some of my reasons and some reasons I've heard about. Probably one might apply to you. This is only a semi serious post. it gets better because of your 7-year-old daughter God won'...

February 21, 2014

Theory vs. Practice

In theory I am heterosexual. In practice I am asexual. And that is how science works. You're welcome.

January 27, 2014

Snow your Roll

Basically there are snow rolls happening, and It's kind of a big deal (in my head). They are lovely little cake rolls of snow. Since it's cold enough and also pretty windy, nature has tried to ...

January 12, 2014

my aunt is hilarious

She just said, "I think I'm going to be an alcoholic after I retire." I was expressly forbidden from sharing it on Facebook, so here it is.

January 07, 2014

Bones and Muscles

Cutest bone 1. Vertebrae (due to its ability to look like a scotty dog and a giraffe head) 2nd place: fibula Sexiest bone 1. Clavicle 2nd place: none, no other comes close to a sexy collar b...

January 07, 2014

I am Dolly the Sheep

I have had the jarring realization that I want to be a pediatrician because it's the only way I will be able to have kids. No, I am biologically unable to have kids. It's not my uterus or anyth...

Book Description

journal that is not on opendiary haha