Since OD is shutting down....
by justme25
Entries 1,169
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Okay so I’ve been really busy with work this week. I’m so glad it’s Thursday and we have 1 more day until the weekend. So last night, I got yelled at because I left kids alone for a minute to let...
Work and drama.
So yesterday, Friday work went a lot better. I definitely had a better night and I’m grateful for that. Everyone was a lot more friendly and social. Probably because it was the end of the week. I...
I hate it all.
Work was just stupid last night and I would be happy to never go back. People are just so rude and I seriously don’t make enough money to put up with it. I am diligently looking for another job a...
CPR class is done!
So I worked yesterday and was able to leave a little early. My friend had some groceries delivered to me by mistake so I came home and put that stuff away. I was able to eat before I went to my c...
I got my kid ready and off to school. It’s pretty cold but above zero. I’m going to take a shower soon and get myself ready. Tonight I have my class and have the stress of hoping my brother comes...
Last day of break.
I ended up getting some extra money that I definitely did not expect so we went and did breakfast. My daughter’s been asking to get adjusted so we went and did that as well. I stopped and got toi...
We had breakfast and then went and got a smoothie maker. We had one for a long time and then I threw it away because I couldn’t take it apart to clean it properly and it looked gross. My daughter...
We had breakfast and then went and got a smoothie maker. We had one for a long time and then I threw it away because I couldn’t take it apart to clean it properly and it looked gross. My daughter...
We’re still in the middle of the deep freeze, but we went and got breakfast this morning. It’s still going to be in the negatives today but not as bad. I’m definitely sick of this but such is lif...
Shredding papers.
So we made breakfast and then I decided to start going through all my mail and personal documents to either put in my safe or shred. I either need to buy a big safe or another lock box. I’m reall...
Job, Child Support.
So overall my job is going well. I still have an issue with one of the teenage girls and I plan to address it again once the boss is back tomorrow. She just finds any reason to be rude and make m...
Emotional weekend.
So we did the skating rink thing again on Friday and then my Mom babysat again at my brother’s house. I took her home and noticed her car was gone. I asked and she said she had sold it to give th...
Emotional weekend.
So we did the skating rink thing again on Friday and then my Mom babysat again at my brother’s house. I took her home and noticed her car was gone. I asked and she said she had sold it to give th...
I haven’t written since Monday. I’ve been pretty busy with work and getting used to not drinking soda. I miss it because it was easier just to grab one out of the fridge than putting water packet...
I haven’t written since Monday. I’ve been pretty busy with work and getting used to not drinking soda. I miss it because it was easier just to grab one out of the fridge than putting water packet...
So I’ve been sick the past few days because I quit taking my diabetic medication. The side affects are absolutely awful. I didn’t think to Google it before I stopped taking it and I was super sic...
So I’ve been sick the past few days because I quit taking my diabetic medication. The side affects are absolutely awful. I didn’t think to Google it before I stopped taking it and I was super sic...
Night time.
I made my ravioli stuff for dinner and now we’re just hanging out before we lay down with our phones. I’ve been feeling like shit because of my medication. My nurse happened to call while I was o...
Got breakfast.
We did the breakfast thing and then went to the store. I got socks, 2 wax melts, hand soap, body wash, a big bottle of conditioner and then got my daughter a Bluey body wash for the bath and a co...
We finally got out and did breakfast this morning. My friend called and I talked to him for about 2 hours. I guess his unemployment is running out so he’s looking for a job. He had gotten a bunch...
Christmas is over, Blizzard!!
My daughter bugged and bugged to open all her gifts yesterday. She got so much stuff and I’m definitely grateful for that. It started snowing last night and today it’s just a blizzard. Roads are ...
Christmas Day.
I brought in the rest of my daughter’s gifts and she opened them this morning. I’m so glad she got as much as she did. I was pretty worried that she wasn’t going to get much but hopefully by this...
The big sister came through last night. She gave my daughter a couple of gifts and then left 2 full garbage bags in my car and then a couple of big gifts. We went over to my brothers for a little...
I hate holidays.
Literally, I’m going to be so glad when the holidays are over. I just hate how everything closes down, the mail is delayed and you’re just to be at home. My daughter and I have basically been her...
Stressed out.
I took my daughter to get a picture with Santa. We do it every year. We then got some things at the dollar store and got her lunch. I checked the mail where I got a couple letters stating that ou...
Book Description
I’m really not into switching to another site but it looks like OD is going offline in the next few days. I downloaded my diary but it looks way different and doesn’t seem like all my entries are in it and that makes me very sad. I’ve gone through so much in the past 3 years and everything is documented on OD.
Anyway, I’m just exhausted from work and school. I love that I have so much going on and I am creating a better future for myself but getting enough sleep is always a task. I still have to take TYlenol PM every night or else I will be wide awake until I do. I am just so sick of it. I miss being able to go to sleep on my own. There’s just so much going on nowadays and I don’t want to spend all my free time at home sleeping.
I got most of my homework done and I feel pretty good about that. I’m glad that i’m in an easy math class this semester because that is my toughest subject. I love my computer class because it’s stuff that I already know how to do, I’ll just get better at it and learn a few things along the way.
So it looks like I’ll be going to court on the 21st for my small claim lawsuit against the place that fucked me over on my car. I talked to the mechanic today that worked on it and he said that he would go to court with me but I never believe they’ll actually do what they say until the time comes. I really hope he does because his statement is really important and I just don’t know who else is going to come with me.
I still don’t have much to do with my family. My Mom is probably the biggest bitch I’ve ever known and I just can’t stand trying to talk to her one the phone. I called her yesterday to let her know when the court date will be because I couldn’t hear her because they were in the car with the windows down because they were smoking and I tried to tell her I couldn’t hear her and she got all defensive so I hung up. I was just too fucking tired to deal with her attitude and how rude she is to me so I hung up and went about my day.
I decided that if they don’t give me any money when they get their taxes that I will be completely cutting them out of my life. I helped them with $1,300 in the month that I borrowed her car and gave it back with a full tank of gas so I do expect even $40 when they get their taxes. Her and my Dad both told me that they would give me some but I really doubt they actually will because they NEVER pay anyone back and that’s why no one helps them anymore but I almost lost my car and got my cable shut off from helping them and I just feel like if they don’t even attempt to pay me back then they didn’t appreciate me helping. I know that I need to cross them off regardless if they pay me back or not but if I don’t hear from them when they get their taxes, that will be the last fucking straw for me. My family has done nothing but use me and shit on me my entire life so I don’t expect much but it’s just sad how much they have fucked me over and the negative affect they’ve had on my life.
It’s been nice to be off today and yesterday, it’s been much needed. I just feel like I never get enough sleep and being sleep deprived all the time is really not good. I’m glad to have just been at home to hang out, sleep, take a hot bath and get most of my homework done. I hate feeling like I never get enough sleep and I feel like I walk around like a zombie most of the time. What made it worse was having to get up 3 days in a row and 2 of those days was dropping my car off to get some shit fixed. It’s nice to take my car to the mechanic and not have to deal with a bunch of drama to get it back. I don’t have to worry about anything and that alone makes me grateful to have a different car.
My ex is still on my mind quite a bit, more than what i want him to be. I just can’t understand why I can’t just forget about him and move on. I’m still stuck on why he treated me so badly and how he did everything he could to convince me that it was completely acceptable for us to never see each other and that if was fine for him to never include me in his life at all. I was just fighting a losing battle and wouldn’t let go of it. I know that it’s because I had no one else and loneliness was a huge factor but I will NEVER again let someone talk to me like he did. Just because he didn’t call me names like my ex John did, doesn’t mean he was any less abusive. He said some of the most awful things about not only me but people I loved and cared about. He got sick pleasure from knowing how much he brought me down. My friend at work said that I need to find happiness within myself and she’s right. I need to work on myself and figure out my feelings towards my past before I try to find another relationship because it wouldn’t be fair if I met someone now because they would suffer from how others have treated me and I’m not ready to be with someone. Yeah it would be nice to have someone to do shit with in my free time and I would love the company but I need to figure out myself first. My ex left behind a very confused, hurt, shattered person and I need to fix what he did to me, not by finding someone new but learning how to be comfortable within myself and focus on school and work and just doing me before trying to bring someone into my life.