
The Napkin.

by Timmy™

Entries 426

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March 16, 2022

The Gateway.

As I was heading out of the gym and back to my car, I passed a woman and a medium small boy following her. Because small medium somehow has a different connotation. Made me think “gosh, that’s ...

I was only mildly distracted during my workout. It was too early to try contacting Wifenado. (I never bring my phone to the gym; I knew I would have to borrow the phone of the front desk lassie...

March 13, 2022

Weekends blow.

Second rest day in a row. Weird how it messes with my head. I have no desire to do anything. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve written that. I would have just stayed in bed and done “nothi...

Former is a low stress compared to the later really effecting my wife. I knew bad shit would happen after my vacation. Might elaborate when my head clears.

February 23, 2022

I can't relax.

Just one of those days. It’s a rest day. I did some LISS just to check the box. Just LISS, nothing strenuous. I have no sense of appetite other than wanting to binge chocolate. That can’t be ...

February 18, 2022

Well, at least I did lift.

My avoidant tendencies are flaring up again. I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Slept just fine, but still. I annotate these things. As (almost) expected, had a touch of gym anxiety...

So anyway, I was pacing, dragging my feet before hitting the gym. Then I realized, “dude, you’re going on the dreadmill. Just go and pick up this conversation there.” I doubt I’ll be able to us...

February 14, 2022

Mostly caught up on the MCU.

At least with the key ones. It feels like I watched the season premiere or season finalé of some show, with a lot of key things happening off-screen. I seriously have had to google things at th...

I checked my calendar and I haven’t washed my hair in a month. Seems like a weird thing to track, to outsiders, but eh. Like, I always shower after I lift. But the stalls are tiny and its cramp...

February 11, 2022

If you squirt.

It’s the skene’s gland. You learned something. You can go to bed now.

February 04, 2022

The Grey Rock Method.

Here’s a phrase I ran across at random. In short, it’s boring someone to death to make them lose interest. This kind of sums up how I deal with my dad to keep the peace. Be brief: When communica...

Kids having body image issue isn’t anything new. Hell, I have issues with my own mirror. Where it was magazines before, now it’s everywhere online. Do you remember when you had to LOOK for hal...

February 01, 2022

UCM, Part I: Endgame.

So, without watching anything prior, I watched Endgame last night. I found the CGI distracting. I’m not even talking about the video game action cut-sequences. Giant purple dude took me out of ...

January 31, 2022


So, not a secret that I’ve avoided most of Comic Books: The Cashgrab. Oh, not a total boycott - I did see Shazam in theatres and enjoyed it. Just the whole notion of needing to watch thirty som...

After lifting seven days in a row, I took a rest day. Well. Not rest-rest. I find that if I take a day of complete rest, I get hungry. I know, it sounds weird to outsiders. Exercise still fun...

I was a little neutral to the rebranding of small diabetes pills. But, with the right being a bunch of snowflakes to cover their news cycle, I’m amused. I’m old enough to remember when they int...

Someone complimented someone else’s shirt at the gym. It said, “Running Sucks.” I agree. I checked and its sold on amazon. Eh. Sure, I had a moment of “I could get this on a wife-beater.” Bu...

I got a compliment on my squat today. It’s funny, it was my first time squatting this year. Been “just” deadlifting. Not sure why I thought my squat would suffer. It’s not like I’m some elite...

January 21, 2022

OK, Boomer.

I’m officially going to be broadening the usage of this term. From now on, whenever I hear one generation tease a younger generation, I’m going to say “Okay, boomer.” Because it’s the same dam...

January 19, 2022

More Fasted Lifting.

Lifts still going up. Energy through the workout maintained. It still boggles my mind, given how I used to always have preworkout nutrition. Then again, we “fast” during the night and somehow d...

January 18, 2022

Sleep and Potatos.

Sleep continues to be excelsior. Still low carb six days a week. (20c or less). Getting easier and easier. Any sugar desires mostly correlate with general hunger. As for hunger itself… Gosh...

January 17, 2022

Fasted Lifting.

My experimenting continues. Over fifteen years ago, I educated myself in The Way of the Rat. Okay, close enough. Part of my self-education in How to Move Inanimate Objects was nutrition. Namely...

January 16, 2022

I don't understand Murica.

Even before lgbtqiabbqafkc++ became a thing, gender reveal parties were weird. Sure, now it’s the “YOU’RE IMPOSING GENDER ROLES BEFORE THE KID IS BORN”. Which is all philosophical, and heady, ...

January 15, 2022

You do you, man.

So, I was in the back of the gym doing farmer’s walks. There’s a guy doing some ab exercise on an apparatus. And he’s audibly breathing “One! Two! Three! Four! Gotta get fit at the gym!” Sec...

January 12, 2022

Just Some Nonsense.

I’ve been spending too much time reading forums. Takes a bit to filter out information. I’m midway through my second week of low-carb, and it’s going well. It was only the first few days that ...

Book Description

Off-hand thoughts which I won’t organize as well. But feel safe to share.