Entries 30
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We have a major weather event occuring here at the moment. Not a cyclone or a typhoon but a low that got trapped by a high out east over the Pacific, which meant the constant rain was stalled ov...
Pics from the last few weeks
Because life has been crazy for me this year, so much so that I’ve been writing terrible-vocabulary entries from my mobile phone, I’m finally getting around to uploading a few of my piccies from ...
Decade review (in selfies)
Look, I honestly don’t know how I’m meant to do the decade in review thing. I started to and realized that I’d only completed writing about the highlights of the year 2010, let alone the other 9...
Flood photos
I’m fine where I am, but not too far from me, and also in northern NSW, this is happening! These are just some random photos I’ve seen shared over the day. Mt Lindsey Highway Beenleigh Logan R...
Darwin (the pic entry)
I just went to type in ‘OpenDiary’ in the address bar. Old habits die hard, hey? I posted all the annoying individual touristy photos on facebook, but have just put them into Grids for here, you...
Me as a bunch of grapes (Snappys)
I just went for a couple of semi-big walks around on my last two days off this week. Don’t worry, I won’t bombard you with random photos around the city this time. I did snap a few selfies on S...
Parklands walk
Just another entry of random pictures from my walk yesterday. Also to somewhat mask my whore of an entry earlier today :P I had breakfast outside for once because it was such a nice day Random ...
New hurr
I’m not posting this photo on Facebook, because I don’t like how I look in it, but I AM happy that I got my haircut today :) I’m sure I’ll look better when I style it my way tomorrow, but I’m ju...
My weekend! (lots of random pics)
I went for a really long walk yesterday for one of my days off. This time I picked a south west direction haha. I swear I’ve done so many of these walks over the years, but I figured I hadn’t b...
Recent selfie pics
Just uploading random selfies and snapchats that I remembered to save over the last few weeks or so. Figured I might as well put them somewhere other than clogging up my phone. That, and the pho...
Just adding the few pics from my walk yesterday that I blue-toothed to my laptop from my phone and then uploaded whilst tethering from my other phone that has credit. Technology these days…geees...
I Powerpuffed myself
I think I got it pretty close to reality, TBH.
Springbrook day-trip
James and Vish said that they were going to Springbrook on the Good Friday public holiday and invited me along. Initially I thought there might be a few other boys coming with (Mitch and Angelo)...
More never-before-seen Europe pics
Two months on from my trip overseas, my landlord FINALLY decided to send me photos that he took on his phone of me, so I can finally upload them here! :) This was me in the Tower Bridge in London...
My Paris posters :)
I thought I timed it pretty well, doing my 6:30am - 1:30pm shift, then doing a much-needed gym workout (which was great btw) and getting home in time for my groceries to be delivered that I order...
Jetlag isn’t going anywhere. It’s 1:30pm and I’m tired as fuck. God-damnit. I go back to work on Thursday so I hope this is gone by then! I already had a bit of a nap. Not quite sure how I’m...
Just a couple of snappy’s I took on my walk home from work this afternoon. Sundays are so different because everything is so quiet compared to during the week. I’ve especially noticed the Jacara...
I had a good time in Sydney, but I haven’t even had a chance to read or write anything until now, since I stupidly finished work early today and crashed out asleep when I got home, resulting in m...
More pics from my lil bro's wedding
So the wedding photographers pics have FINALLY shown up. I just picked out the ones with me in them :P Me and my little bro (the groom) at the hotel before the wedding. I look horrific in this ...
Moetoberfest 2015
Well, that was pretty fun. Man, I am so fucked now though. Fucked = tired as fuck. A 9-hour shift yesterday, finishing at 4pm, to rush home and grab my bag (luckily I’d prepared the previous nig...
Cool features
I kinda like the new Android update on my phone, especially in regards to photos. It groups like-photos all together and creates collages, animations, panoramas, and even puts some effects on so...
Few more wedding pics
My sis uploaded a few more pics, so I just picked out the ones with me in them :) Me and my sis. Mum, me and my older bro.
Sister and me
Couple more photos have emerged from the wedding that my mum put up today on Facey. I realized I don’t have any photos of me with my sister until now, so I’m glad she got these. I’ve always b...
So after those hideous pics in the previous entry, I now have had a haircut. I got the same chick as last time, which was cool. Her name is LaKeesha. What a cool name, right? It was very busy w...
Ekka 2015
I’m gonna keep this short, because I’m fucking exhausted haha. I spent most of the afternoon there. I didn’t want to get there too early, but I still wanted to see everything. I’m actually quite...