
I Can't Believe It's Not Twitter™... Spray!

by Krud

Entries 13

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April 12, 2018


Overheard at office: “I prefer warm weather over cold, because I can always take off enough to cool down, but I can only put on so much to keep warm.” I’m… pretty sure this is the opposite of rea...

February 27, 2018

These are getting shorter...

…because most of my timeline’s getting crankier and/or more political. (Note I left in one or two of those, so before anyone complains, just be glad I left out 98% of them.) The dinosaurs didn’t ...

Disclaimer before you continue: There are no politics in the following entry. But it took some doing. The past few months (or year) have been… weird. To put it mildly. And a lot of my tweets have...

I figure it’s been a while since I’ve done of these, partly because life has been a tad bit more stressful lately, for various reasons, both political and personal. (You know the politics have ra...

(So I wrote them out in longhand.) - Boss [whenever asked about plans, scheduling, etc.] “Let me rub my magic lamp…” Me [in my head]: “That’s NOT how magic lamps WORK!…“ - If most people’s ideas ...

(That is a total lie, btw. As you will soon see.) Future me is often a disappointment to past me, but to be fair, it’s often because past me was such an inconsiderate jerk to future me. My favo...

Anyone who trusts their senses implicitly has never had their smartphone vibrate when it wasn’t. If I were an AI running The Matrix, I would make sure to implant the idea for a mediocre trilogy ...

So in lieu of brand-spanking-new material [not that I condone brand-spanking], I’ve put together a handful of tweets, but this time I wanted to share some of the ones that involved hashtag games....

Some of the tweets below, I’ve slightly expounded on in [brackets]. You’re under no obligation to read the expanded content (or, indeed, any content whatsoever. You are still your own person.) -=...

August 08, 2014

Making A Hash Of Things

There's no I in "team," but there is a "patio" in "participation," so I'm gonna go sit out on that. When life hands you lemons, make lemon pepper braised tilapia with brown rice and steamed su...

(Wow, that song is a lot creepier the other way around.) So, not long after I started doing the online journaling thing again, something happened that I might write about in a less public venue,...

I know I just did one of these a few days ago, but that was just a test run that spanned a three- week period in January. So this one should get us up to speed. Not that this is a necessary state...

[Brownie points to whomever can name the movie the title is from.] [Note: once in a while I will expound upon a tweet, if I feel the tweet was insufficient or I just have the urge to say more. B...

Book Description

I’ve decided that since some people enjoy it when I post an arbitrary “best(ish) of” my tweets, I will go ahead and create a book for that. Because let’s face it, Twitter itself is not the most neatly navigable place ever, and for every amusing tweet I post, there are two or three others that are inane, whiny, or just responding to something someone else said. I still probably won’t do this as much as I did back when I simply wasn’t writing as much, but at least this way, it’s hear in an easy-to-ignore form. Enjoy! [Serving Suggestion.]