
Just Jane

by Deckles'Mom

Entries 15

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May 16, 2014


I started working on healthy eating almost 2 weeks ago. So far I have lost 5.5 pounds. I have had my less than perfect days, but the most I have ever gone over my calories was 500 and that only...

April 28, 2014


Well, I turned the big 4-0 on Saturday. R, The Boy and I were supposed to meet two friends at Red Lobster for dinner. I had my suspicions that there might be other people there, but didnt want...

April 21, 2014

For Customer Use Only

Why do I find it so hard to get up the gumption to write in here? And why do I begin so many entries with "why do I find it so hard to get up the gumption to write in here?"? Declan's party was...

I cannot believe a year could go by so fast! Some days (and nights!) seemed never ending, but they went by in the blink of an eye. Declan was my pie-in-the-sky dream for many years. DH and I had...

March 25, 2014


So Declan made it into the semi-finals of the Cutest Baby in Tampa Bay contest! So excited that he made it this far. Below are the details, in case anyone out there wants to get their vote in! ...

March 21, 2014

Giving myself a break

I realized yesterday that having Declan has brought about such a litany of changes and that I need to stop being so hard on myself. When I stopped to think about what my life is like now, its no...

March 19, 2014

Only Two More Weeks

till Deckles is 1. Holy Cow, I cannot believe it. The time has gone by so fast, its unbelievable. We are having his party on April 5th at a local rec center. I'm working on some ideas for dec...

March 10, 2014

Declan's first contest!

Hehe, I entered Declan in his first contest through a local radio station for cutest baby in Tampa Bay. There are 4 brackets. Voting goes M-F this week, then there is a second wave the followin...

I've been away too long. Lots of stuff going on. Declan turned 11 months (!) on Sunday. I cannot believe how big he's getting. He crawls like a speed demon and loves when you try to "chase" h...

February 27, 2014

Poor Deckles

Second ear infection in less than 2 months for The Boy. Seems like he has a cold too. He's got fever, cough and more sneezing than one infant should have. Overall, he is pretty miserable (thou...

February 20, 2014

This sucks

I havent had strep throat since I was a kid. Man, I forgot how painful it is. It started Monday night. Today I went to the doctor where I tested positive. Starting antibiotics this evening. ...

February 12, 2014

Round two?

I think we maybe might have decided to think about trying for #2 in maybe about 4 months. I will be at least 41 when I give birth to this hypothetical #2 child. That is all.

I dont feel like explaining it all in here, but someone asked, so I am posting this link. [

January 31, 2014

We the Sheeple

It always chaps my ass when I think about how we as a country are just a bunch of sheep. We don't question things. We believe everything we're told as truth and we don't do our own research or ...

January 28, 2014

OD Transplant

I see I am just one of many OD transplants coming over since the demise of the much loved website. I started writing on it in 2002 when I had a 3rd shift do-nothing job where all I had was time. ...

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