
Whey and Sonic Screwdrivers.

by Timmy™

Entries 422

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The overhead light in my living room is lighting not unlike the gym. I can’t help but pose in the mirror and think that’s me? Meanwhile, bathroom lighting tends not to be as good. All you see i...

How are you? What is your current emotional status? How is your body feeling? How is your family feeling? Are your cats okay? Is your relationship healthy? How are your kids? What is your ...

December 13, 2023

Flow State.

I’d swear I tried writing about this concept, but it was definitely years ago. At least in terms of lifting, I like working in three week cycles. It’s… not unlike college semesters. How long bet...

December 08, 2023

Pink Vaper.

Got a month dry earlier this week. How to describe it for the normies… Eh, you wouldn’t understand. It’s not even like there was despair this relapse. But then again, that might be why it laste...

November 15, 2023

The Personhood of Theseus.

The concept of “growing up” and “acting/being” an adult is silly. Almost a misconception. As if we Pokemon morph into a different person. I don’t know a single friend who has drastically changed....

I was thinking about horeshoe theory. And trolling. How, when faced with an opposition’s stance that is so ridiculous, you can’t help but troll them with something equally ridiculous. Vegan say...

October 20, 2023

Stranger Things season 4

I think I know why it felt off. This season shouldn’t have been binged. Instead, it was dumped mostly at once. The first season, definitely, makes you wanting more. Tight script. I initially felt...

October 16, 2023

What is Seinfeld.

This is something my dad watched when I was a kid. Seinfeld at 7pm, Simpsons at 7:30pm. Monday through Friday. My sister would usually join me for Simpsons. I didn’t get Seinfeld as a kid. I’d si...

October 10, 2023

Intarwebs Slang.

I’ve been spending an inordinate amount of time of instagram, doomscrolling. I’m not shy about it being my current waste of time. Now, the youtube comment section tends to be populated by peopl...

May 20, 2023


Not sure how this came to mind. I think I was thinking about the last girl I kissed, and this somehow got me thinking about Ally. I made out with her at the 4th of July party years ago, but as ...

March 21, 2023

Absorbing the chill pill.

So, she’s doing stuff by the safe, and well, it was that concert of her shirt riding up and her pants riding down. I look back at what I’m doing and say, “You should have been a plumber.” I loo...

March 17, 2023

Weight Lifted.

After some overtime staff meetings, I did get to the gym. Late, but I get a pass for showing up. (For nonreaders, I use “staff meeting” to refer to my interior monologues where I talk to myself ...

March 16, 2023


Told workcrush, “you know I have feelings for you, right?” She didn’t know. I said my staff meeting (interior monologue) had gone silent, and felt embarrassed. That I had to say something eventua...

March 11, 2023

Tonight's Staff Meeting.

Ya know, say that phrase enough times, it sounds like it’s a circle jerk. “Well, it’s nice all of the staff could rise to the occasion.” Actually, I picked up the phrase from Instagram to mean: ...

Okay, we’re not really estranged. Today was our one contractually obligated day to spend with each other: taxes. (That’s sarcasm, people.) I was expecting to feel all the feels. Instead I felt… ...

February 02, 2023

Should I Move?

Well, the answer is yes, but it’s still important to meditate on these things before being impulsive. Because previous management didn’t raise rent enough, rent will be going up from $860/month ...

I wanted to start a new routine this month, but that never happened. I mean more than lifting. Change the small daily habits that pervade. Instead I got sick, and have taken yet another break fro...

I’m so tired of seeing penises that were mutilated at birth. Generations of boys flippant about it. “Oh, I’m fine.” You don’t even know what you are missing. YOU WERE AN INFANT WHEN IMMENSE PAIN ...

December 30, 2022

Sick days, what's that?

Two days ago: 101.6F. Might have been higher, but I didn’t even think to check until I was chatting with wife and she mentioned she and her son were melting. I just assumed I was lethargic and...

December 26, 2022

The Fall of the Berlin Wall.

That’s it. That’s the delimiter. I was but six when the wall fell. Which means. My middle school texts were out date. They had East and West Germany. It doesn’t take much to connect the dots. Ger...

December 22, 2022

Just a couple pounds.

Down the road, I want to have video of me pulling four plates. So, brought my Nokia to the gym today to beta test recording myself. While I have zero video editing skills, well. Gotta start somew...

December 16, 2022


So, as part of an Amazon binge, I invested in some new knickers. It was either earlier this year or last year that I went deep-diving into Amazon to find new knickers. Okay, it actually wasn’t ...

December 12, 2022

Today is a good day.

Tasted some pussy for the first time in 2.5 years, complete with her happy ending. Scored my one year sobriety coin. Had a great workout, rows @ 205 lbs and inclines @ 135 lbs for sets today. Din...

I think I’m back to normal. It’s clear now that I hit overtraining. It’s an overused term in lifting, and difficult to achieve. But. The signs/symptoms were there. It’s not something is sho...

November 20, 2022

The Green Ranger is Dead.

Suicide. Not much older than I am. I don’t have answer. Only to fight even harder. Jason David Frank. May your agony be at peace.

Book Description

Public entries which I hope are on par with Classic Timmy™.