Entries 274
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What to do, what to do
Tomorrow morning I take my very last pill of my toenail medication. It doesn’t look that different lol. It’s still black haha. Which is weird. I remember last time it was black, I cut the nai...
T-minus 13 days
My leg injury seems to have been a three-day thing, as I barely noticed it today. Just a little bit, but I haven’t had to walk anywhere so there’s that. I’m off to the Goldy soon though to Bren...
Short entry. Bit of a stressful work-day today. I did something to my right leg yesterday. I’m not sure when or how but I find myself limping when I walk, fine when I’m still. I’ve been tryin...
t-minus three weeks
I’ve had a couple of roughish days mentally, overthinking and such as I do. It hasn’t been overly bad but it’s been noticeable. I’m stuck in a rut and something needs to change, or I need to do...
Hectic Commonwealth Games
Bloody exhausted after today at work, sheesh. And we had a crazy lady in first-thing this morning. Turns out she was my store manager’s cousin, but man, talk about a few sandwiches short of a p...
Jacinta & Harry (our new pets)
I haven’t written an entry in what feels like the longest time, albeit the concert last Friday, but a lot of other stuff has been happening, naturally. I’ve had a few crazy weeks at work, just ru...
Fuck this
I think this might be my last Mardi Gras for a while. I mean, I’ve been pretty much every year since my early 20’s, and we now have marriage equality in my country, and this is the 40th Gay &...
There’s a new system at work this week. It’s meant to make things easier but ergh. I guess it’s still early. The RF units still drag way longer than they should and ordering tickets is a bit o...
Here goes
I woke up to a message from my store manager saying he’d organized a follow-up appointment for me at 1pm and if he wanted me to get him to pick me up again. I’m probably well enough to walk there...
Glamp the camp
I think I’m gradually feeling better. I’ve been taking the Sambucol dosages like drinking water and have also been throwing down Vitamin C pills like a 17yo downing ekkies at Schoolies. With al...
Not well
Well, I am sick :( I woke up on Wednesday with no voice whatsoever, so that was fun. I know it’s my own fault. i didn’t think the air-conditioner was working properly because I was so hot in be...
4:30am storm
It’s 4:30am and there’s a storm outside. Pretty cool every time that happens, which is pretty rarely. I’m still awake, haven’t hit the hay yet. I’ve been up watching episodes of the American “...
Spring cleaning
Someone posted this on their FB today. Can anyone spell ‘I-R-O-N-Y’??? Not too worried. There’s been a couple of pre-polls suggesting that the ‘Yes’ vote will win by at least 66%. I’m leaning...
Well, I think you all make it pretty clear what you think of OD LOL. #shoveitupyourarse I personally can’t believe some people are considering giving that guy money. The only good thing seems t...
Camping ideas
Is anyone reserecting their Open Diary? I know it’ll be a subscription-only service, so I’d be limited to reading those people who are also paying for the service. I also don’t trust the DiaryM...
Free tent, anyone?
I’m listening to Shania Twain’s new album “Now” at the gym. It’s not bad. It’s definitely no “Come On Over”, but then again, either was “Up”. I’m only a few songs in. Man, Spotify is so much ...
Work crap and Baby Jane
We’ve has this replacement store manager at work whilst our actual manager has been away doing a relief at another store, and she is the most awesome manager I’ve ever come across. In fact, she’...
I guess that's not happening
Ergh, what a tough work-week, especially yesterday. I mean, I’m usually run off my feet at work, but yesterday the back dock guy just never showed up. He only works for us one day a week on Sa...
Is that a banana in your pants?
I got a bit of shock being awoken this morning by a delivery man knocking on the front door. I must be edgy or something because I was actually awoken by the footsteps walking onto the front bal...
Fatty boom-baa
My bum cheek has stopped hurting, lol, thankfully! I feel like I may have had something I didn’t know about. Just a feeling I have. Like, I feel a lot better. It could just be the effects of ...
Home sweet home
I’m back in Brisbane! Home sweet home. It’s always nice to come home after an extended trip away. I’m thankful for my comfy bed again. The bed at Ryan’s place is for people with back’s of ste...
French backpacker housemate
Sorry bout my boring work-rant yesterday lol. I let fly at work today at my manager, saying I was sick of the blame-games going on and that the last three weeks have been a joke. I also said I ...
Rambling shit
Finally forced myself to get my arse to the gym. I was so fucking lazy last week and only went the once, and I don’t like going on my days off because I like to kill two birds with one stone by ...
Yep, I was right to whinge
Yep. I’m about to cut a bitch in half after that shift. I’m actually livid and trying to calm myself down. I started at 6:30 and didn’t take lunch until 2:30, and I finished at 4. Ho-ly shit. ...
Me having a pre-whinge
I decided that I wanted to have a bit of a bitch before I go to bed lol. I’m looking forward to the pay for working this weekend at work, but I am not looking forward to the actual work, purely b...
Book Description
Just a book for cool stuff I come across written or shared by other people.