Suggestion Box, February Edition in Suggestion Box

  • Feb. 7, 2014, 4:08 p.m.
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People keep asking "Where's the February suggestion box?" Fine, here it is.

I'm not actually asking for suggestions right now, mind you; with the fall of OD I'm a bit overwhelmed with suggestions already. But if you have something burning a hole in your brain and need to get it out there, here you go.

I only ask for your patience, and if you don't get a response it's because life is busy.

Comments are closed.
One Angry Dwarf February 07, 2014

I SUGGEST A SUGGESTION BOX oh shit never mind

i suggest pancakes

on tuesdays


(Honestly, thanks so much for keeping our shit together post-OD. I know it's a huge job, and we all love you for taking it on.)

(But only if you implement pancake tuesdays, like, right the fuck now)

Nomolos One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 07, 2014

What OAD said.

Deleted user One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 07, 2014

Nope. It's spagetti Tuesdays. :P

~Pixie Wings~ Deleted user ⋅ February 07, 2014


Lachlanne One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 07, 2014

Yes. Pancakes.

Figuring It Out One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 07, 2014

hahaha! Love it!

eolhsand One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 07, 2014

Thank you for putting up with post-OD angst. We like it here!

Ophidia One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 14, 2014

Omg I love that you wrote the first comment AND that the first comment was this. <3 you forever.

CollieBrookCrossing One Angry Dwarf ⋅ February 18, 2014

I second this! PANCAKES! Maybe some with little chocolate chips in them. Every Tuesday. Every. Single. Tuesday.

Lobbastah February 07, 2014

Ice cream.

Life Is For Living Lobbastah ⋅ February 07, 2014

Definitely ice cream.

-.Just.Keep.Swimming.- Life Is For Living ⋅ February 08, 2014

Pancakes with ice cream!

=bernard= -.Just.Keep.Swimming.- ⋅ February 13, 2014

=bernard= -.Just.Keep.Swimming.- ⋅ February 13, 2014

Pretend Mulling February 07, 2014

I've been wondering about having interest here like there were on OD? I always liked that feature.

LAFF Pretend Mulling ⋅ February 07, 2014

Me too!!!! or age catagories, geographical locations.... something? Any thing?

Fabulous Jarred Pretend Mulling ⋅ February 08, 2014

I'll second or third that. Finding other diarists or entries based on categories/common interests is about the only thing I feel this place still needs.

The Enabler Fabulous Jarred ⋅ February 09, 2014

Hear hear.

Gonewiththebreeze The Enabler ⋅ February 09, 2014

I fourth this!!! I liked the circles OD had

Gonewiththebreeze The Enabler ⋅ February 09, 2014

I fourth this!!! I liked the circles OD had

Fries Fabulous Jarred ⋅ February 10, 2014

I fifth this. I liked that feature alot.

tragicgalaxy Pretend Mulling ⋅ February 11, 2014

agreed, would like that option.

Notoriousliz Pretend Mulling ⋅ February 17, 2014

Yup, now that I'm here, I have no way of getting in touch with ODer's that are on here, I don't remember anyone's name!

QUEENCESS AZARA Notoriousliz ⋅ February 24, 2014

if Prosebox starts a Circle section, then we need a OD circle, for ex-ODers.

Deleted user Pretend Mulling ⋅ February 17, 2014

Yes, please :)

Deleted user February 07, 2014

Spaghetti Tuesdays, on Wednesdays.

TellTaleHeart February 07, 2014

Is there a way to cancel writing an entry? All I see is a Save button (with the check box option to save it as a draft). What if you scribble out an entire entry and then think "ehhh, nevermind"? :)

crafty_tori TellTaleHeart ⋅ February 07, 2014

Can't you just close the window...?

TellTaleHeart crafty_tori ⋅ February 07, 2014

Well sure. But a Cancel button would be simpler. :)

Deleted user TellTaleHeart ⋅ February 07, 2014

You can always delete the entry right afterwards.

Tiburon's Rose TellTaleHeart ⋅ February 08, 2014

CTRL-A then delete?

Krud TellTaleHeart ⋅ February 18, 2014

I find that throwing your computer to the ground and stomping on it works.

Linda February 07, 2014

I'm good. Thanks for everything.

Indigo February 07, 2014

:) nothing.

BentnotBroken February 07, 2014

Ohhhh..a buffet. Ice cream,pancakes and fried smelt...yep. That's a party right there. I'll bring the smelt.

Life Is For Living BentnotBroken ⋅ February 07, 2014

I just saw smelt on Masterchef Canada. Ugh.

Jane Says February 07, 2014

I suggest you take a deep breath and have a cup of mint hot cocoa, on me.

crystal butterfly February 07, 2014

Chuckling, I made suggestions, but I have no expectations they will be used.

Overachiever February 07, 2014

I think we need a new suggestion box...and a way for people to vote ideas up and reddit...only without the puerile sub-reddits. We got diaries for that shit.

Deleted user Overachiever ⋅ February 07, 2014

Yeah! I've always thought that was a good idea too... like, 'let's vote as a community on what we want the most'.

Deleted user February 07, 2014

Keep. It. Simple!

sassafras Deleted user ⋅ February 09, 2014


Mesohippus February 07, 2014

Garth didn't find Bugs Bunny attractive when he dressed up as a girl bunny. He was just asking if Wayne did!

Deleted user February 07, 2014

I suggest you come on fhqwhgads. No seriously I have no suggestions at this time. So I guess this comment is um, a waste of your time. For that I apologize. Yes.

Star Maiden February 07, 2014

I don't like that after I click on Bookmarks that it no longer tells me how many I have that are unread. It will just go from 10 to nothing as soon as I click on one. I have a feeling that this does not bother most people - I'm just a little weird sometimes. ;)

Thank you so much for this site. Really.

ElvenAssassin Star Maiden ⋅ February 12, 2014

Just saw this note. I'd rather an 'unread' counter rather than new. Or both.

Lepetit pumpkinesque February 07, 2014

Mind you?? Mind you?? Mind me!!

And omg Pancake Tuesday! So long as we can have it Friday night okay?

FishTacoLover February 07, 2014


Silent Echo/Quiet Storm February 07, 2014

i'm just happy to have a place to write. take care,

sparkli February 07, 2014

thank you so much for all your work! we appreciate PB! this place has actually gotten me back to writing which a miracle in itself. so whatever you are doing, keep doing :)

BentnotBroken February 07, 2014

Ohhhhh..gin....I think I love it here.......

Deleted user February 07, 2014

group hug, group hug!

Deleted user February 07, 2014

A page break in the entries would be nice. It's a tad annoying to have to make my own squiggle line page break to separate my subjects. lol

hoops February 07, 2014

Sorry you're so busy Mr. Ableson!

Wow. Even I'm uncomfortable with how low a blow that was. Sorry, dude.

Lachlanne hoops ⋅ February 07, 2014

Oooooo, too soon?

It's quite possible that even in 5 years it'll still be "too soon"! :)

simple mind hoops ⋅ February 07, 2014

You know, there's an actual conspiracy theory making the rounds out there. It goes something like this: Bruce Ableson, tired of running a broken site and being insulted, decided it was time for a fresh start. So he grew a sense of humor, learned how to code like a boss, and started Prosebox under the moniker "simple mind".

Absurd, right? Well, I'm off to play some D&D, dude. I always get picked as the DM. Where's my 12-sided die?

Indigo simple mind ⋅ February 08, 2014

It was a joke. Sorry, some people did actually leave private notes thinking I wasn't joking. I edited that entry to make sure that they knew I wasn't being serious.

simple mind Indigo ⋅ February 08, 2014

Oh, I know (hence my Scooby Doo comment on it). I was joking here too. :)

Ditch Witch simple mind ⋅ February 08, 2014


moneypenny hoops ⋅ February 13, 2014


Deleted user February 07, 2014

I think you've done a great job, and you saved a lot of people with a great site :) So kudos to you. That said, something which I think would be a great addition to this site, is to be able to respond to comments via the comments inbox, instead of thru the entry. It's a small thing, but ya.

Anyway, keep up the great work. I'm so grateful to have somewhere to write. :)

Deleted user February 07, 2014

A rehash of what I provided in the last few days - Ability to edit/delete a comment both as a sender and as a receiver. - Ability to import the OD XML file. This will establish the community here. - Picture zoom, in place. I shared some script in that context. - Navigation of entries for a diary need to be below the entry; not at the side navigation bar.

I am thankful for your service. Keep up the great work.

Raven February 07, 2014

Just wanted to give you my own thanks. <3 You are doing an amazing job here.

SilentEcho February 07, 2014

Would love to be able to block certain users from reading. I know you're working on that... Thank you for giving us all someplace to land!!

Jersey_Mama February 07, 2014

All I got is thank you! I'm loving PB a lot. Love how clean and simple everything looks and feels. OD was awful for many reason. I stayed because that's where I started. I hated going on there anymore. It made my head spin just looking at the site anymore.

simple mind Jersey_Mama ⋅ February 07, 2014


Figuring It Out February 07, 2014

No suggestions here. You are doing an amazing thing by giving us ODers a place to go. It's a large job to accept and we are all grateful. THANK YOU!

Reading_Blankie 📚 February 07, 2014

Starbucks friday for sure. ;P Try to relax some this weekend, hmm?

irritated-mommy5834 February 07, 2014

Please make an android app for prosebox!

seafarer February 07, 2014

just Thank You for all you've done and continue to do..... we refugees appreciate you very much!

Reading_Blankie 📚 February 07, 2014

Ack! I'm sure you've had this suggestion before, but can we have an "edit" button for comments? I have a 1980's keyboard( because it's vintage and cool with the added bonus of the "clicky clacky" sound.) My "s" key likes to sneak up into my words sometimes, thus making odd words. And my one-shanded self types fast and often doesn't spell check right away. I'm also a grammar goober too and I get angry when I can't fix something. --makes face at you-- With love and affection

Have a restful weekend pulllleassssseee!:)

Deleted user February 07, 2014


Stay offline this weekend and relax. :)

and that is my only suggestion. Besides, everything else in PB is sufficient for now.

HarleyBabe February 07, 2014

My only suggestion still is more color schemes. The rest of the site is amazing.

swiftsteel February 08, 2014

Im sure this has been suggested by others but can you steal some of the layout features from OpenDiary? A template on peoples journals that says their Age, gender and where they are from ? Also being able to click from entry to entry instead of having to go back to the profile page everytime would be nice.

Halcyon swiftsteel ⋅ February 08, 2014

You can do that now - it's the bottom left panel. You can go back and forth by book or by author...if I understood you correctly anyway.

However, I WOULD like that to be higher up, instead of having to scroll down to the bottom of the page to go to the next entry -_- Maybe a top bar, or small arrows by the entry title.

Wicked Nights February 08, 2014

Meh... Suggestions can wait, right now I'd just like some bacon. Have a great weekend. See ya on the other side.

celador February 08, 2014

Thank you for changing the font. You're doing a great job, really you are. x

Blue Echo February 08, 2014

Most of the suggestions are going to be along the lines of "make it just like OD!" I see no problem with following your own vision for the site; much to my surprise, I'm actually liking a lot of things better.

But...(you saw that coming, right?) I do kind of wish I could login with my username instead of my email address. I frequently access the site from my phone, and typing in my email address takes forever! Minor annoyance, though. (I know, obvious answer: get a shorter email address...)

Nemoquenihil February 08, 2014

Former od user. I'm sure you've heard it before but thanks for this. Prosebox is a great thing. That being said, don't let us OD people push you around and change it to OD. This place is unique and should stay that way. I had a suggestion but all that would do is make it more like OD. (although ice cream tuesday would be great.

Deleted user Nemoquenihil ⋅ February 08, 2014

I am a former OD user too. SimpleMind is asking for suggestions and people are giving him suggestions. OD people are not pushing him around.

simple mind Nemoquenihil ⋅ February 09, 2014

I appreciate that. There's definitely a tendency to push things that direction, and it's really not my vision for the place, beyond the type of community OD had.

Lobbastah February 08, 2014

Aren't you glad you aren't asking for suggestions? Heh.

Butterfly4Him February 08, 2014

Eventually, when your large influx calms down, perhaps ways to decorate our PB's?? Colors, add graphics, etc. Just sayin,' :*)) This is so good to be able to come to and write something, when you feel led to do so. T.Y. Simple Mind, for making this site for us. It's getting near time, to make peace from mourning for the loss of OD and get on with a new community and interact with our old friends, plus meet new ones!!!! bighugz.

james ensor February 08, 2014

I suggest a button on each entry. It would be like a like button, but instead of liking someone, you'd be giving them promissory notes that can be redeemed for Twizzlers and/or sexual favors later.

Krud james ensor ⋅ February 18, 2014

That seems a bit skeezy. I mean really. Twizzlers?

woman in the moon February 08, 2014

Maybe a Help entry where we could leave notes? I would like to delete a Bookmark and don't know how and don't know where to go to ask.

simple mind woman in the moon ⋅ February 08, 2014

Clicking the Follow button toggles it on and off. So just click it again to remove it.

woman in the moon simple mind ⋅ February 08, 2014

thank you.

Deleted user February 08, 2014

I love you, m'lord. I trust your instincts and vision. I agree with pancake Tuesdays on friday night, naked Thursdays, and you taking some time off to be with your family. Hey, Valentine's Day is coming up, maybe a trip to somewhere warm for a few days is in order.

Halcyon February 08, 2014

I would love some sort of visible way to "like"/"upvote" someone's comment. Sometimes I just want someone to know I thought they were amazing, without having to tell them. Because I am shallow.

synapse Halcyon ⋅ February 09, 2014

I would upvote this post

Krud Halcyon ⋅ February 18, 2014

But no downvote button, please.

QUEENCESS AZARA Krud ⋅ February 24, 2014

I upvote your "no downvote button".

Halcyon February 08, 2014

Oh, and I second a random button. Also, having the reader's choice was a nice way of discovering new bookmarks. Maybe instead of reader's choice, to make it different, just spotlight a random diarist out of the blue.

Loki Halcyon ⋅ February 09, 2014

  • i love this idea!
Deleted user February 08, 2014

I'd like to be able to change the position of the "More entries..." box. I think it would be useful if it were top-left or top-right when viewing an entry, because I'd more frequently want to navigate to other entries when I'm reading someone else's, than I would want to use the "My Prosebox" functions.

Perhaps "My Prosebox" could collapse to the left in some situations, and "More Entries..." could move upward?

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ March 26, 2014

Just poking through my suggestion box. I've actually been thinking about better ways to optimize menu locations and such. So I should have something a bit better at some point.

Maui Jim February 08, 2014


Inasmuch as you're really not asking for suggestions...

I won't leave one...! (smiles)

Tacobelle February 08, 2014

Pleeeeeaaaassse could the textarea input on the "write an entry" page be bigger or, at least, resizeable?

Loki Tacobelle ⋅ February 09, 2014

  • i second this.
Lobbastah February 09, 2014

Maybe in addition to a Suggestion Box, you should have an Appreciation Box, which we'd fill with thank-yous and such. And Prosebux, which you could redeem for your own PB Toilet.

simple mind Lobbastah ⋅ February 09, 2014

Love it! :D

LoserKid187 February 09, 2014

is there a way to change our password?

simple mind LoserKid187 ⋅ February 09, 2014

Right now you can log out and use the Forgot Password link to email you a reset link . I've been meaning to add a way to do it while logged in.

LoserKid187 simple mind ⋅ February 09, 2014

Thank you :)

moneypenny simple mind ⋅ February 13, 2014

Ah, thank you for this. I wondered also.

swiftsteel February 09, 2014

Could we get LARGER icon image sizes please? its the primary way you identify with the journal author

^H February 09, 2014

Do you think you could do something with the "More entries" box? Being half-blind, I tend to read with the font pretty big. When I do that, the box pops up underneath comments and content.

dieflying ^H ⋅ February 10, 2014

this is my suggestion, too. when i'm mobile and zoom in to read the text, that horrible more entries box floats under the text. very annoying.

Loki February 09, 2014

  • i suggest loki.
Loki February 09, 2014

  • realistically, i suggest a location.
Nebiyah February 09, 2014

I suggest you take a nap. You've been working hard on all this, and everyone loves a nap. Unless they're weird...

edna million February 09, 2014

I suggest that you give yourself a million gold stars and then have an icy beer (or latte or whatever) and some deep breaths. And bask in having created something amazing.

xthetruthx February 10, 2014

I suggest being able to have colour text, font changes and sizes for entries. And a bigger text box. But I agree with some people above, take your time, don't stress relaxx :) and take care of urself first.

Deleted user xthetruthx ⋅ February 24, 2014

You can color text, and do limited font resizing for headings and whatnot. See

xthetruthx February 10, 2014

Oh and being able to edit your profile with backgrounds, pictures, about me section would be cool too

OceanBreeze xthetruthx ⋅ February 10, 2014


Even if it's just a text area we can put our info into. It would allow to write a profile description so people know what they're getting into before getting into us. The quote is cool and all but it allows no formatting (ie, no HTML), and it's too short to be effective in this realm of an info page.

Shattered February 10, 2014

A way to edit/delete notes would be great.

Or maybe I'm just too dumb to figure out how? February 10, 2014

Thank you so much for being our landing pad when the OD world died. I don't want you to be like OpenDiary. I enjoyed some of the features, but truly I'd like Prosebox to be it's own legend. <3 Thanks for having us. February 10, 2014

Well, okay, just one feature. When you're replying to notes, I would love to reply from the comments box instead of in the actual entry. That would be helpful.

NFL Girl February 10, 2014

I think a random button is less important than, say, diary circles where likeminded people with similar interests and goals can connect with one another. This is coming from a 13-year OD vet (survivor).

Figuring It Out NFL Girl ⋅ February 16, 2014

Agreed! I want circles! :(

Overachiever February 10, 2014

I suggest a prosebox IRC channel. No coding required!

TheMoor February 10, 2014

Don't know if this has been suggested before but what about export features. In a way, it's a feature that should never really be used but if we know that we can export our diaries then we'll have greater confidence in the safety of your diaries on your site.

caffeinequeen February 10, 2014

Sorry if someone already suggested this (writing this very quickly when I have a spare moment and don't have time to read all of the notes) but I'd LOVE to see private entries available.

Also, thank you for creating this site. I am truly grateful.

simple mind caffeinequeen ⋅ February 10, 2014

Well, you can create private books already. Also, drafts are private until you publish them.

Deleted user caffeinequeen ⋅ February 13, 2014

Just to follow up with what SM said, any entry you put in your 'private' book will naturally remain private.

artists*heart February 10, 2014

Diary circles like we had on OD.

Vilos Cohaagen February 11, 2014

I DO have one thing that I think needs fixing. My latest entry has all the details.

Deleted user February 11, 2014

Fluffernutter Tuesdays! : )

Country Wife February 11, 2014

I would ask for a purple theme but I know you don't make themes so all is good I just hope for a purple theme one day :). I suggest a day of R&R for you :) :)

Darcy0207 from OD February 11, 2014

I haven't looked at all the suggestions, so please excuse if this is a repeat. I'd love a block button. Someone was posting with tons of f-bombs. Seeing that FIRST thing in the morning is just not my fun way to start the day. Would love to be able to block that person.

Halcyon February 11, 2014

Is it possible to see who has you bookmarked? Or is that just naturally assumed that you are the bookmark of whoever friended you as well?

Deleted user Halcyon ⋅ February 24, 2014

You can't see who's bookmarked you, only who's friended you. You can friend someone without bookmarking them, and bookmark them without friending them.

Halcyon February 12, 2014

How about making some sort of community book/forum thing for OD refugees to reconnect with friends lost in the Great Collapse of '14?

Deleted user February 12, 2014

Hey there i was wondering weather you can have a profile page so when people come across your entry's you have a section to just tell them a little about yourself what you like and dislike? so that you can also relate to those you are talking to people (update so fast i have hardly any time to keep up ) so would find this useful in order to get to know them better x

Elle February 12, 2014

This may have already been suggested, in fact it may already be a feature that I haven't found yet (being fairly new to the site) but i suggest a way to download entires or books. a very llikable feature in OD which a lot of new prosebox users are a former member of. Furthermore, maybe a way to down load entries that is more desirable, for instance OD only let you dl in notepad, which was not pleaseing to the eye with html coding and so on. and you were only allowed to dl 14 pages in pdf form. it was good to down load the stories of our lives but it was in an inconvenient way. there has to be a better way. thats my suggestion

ElvenAssassin February 12, 2014

I didn't intend to post, but then I started an entry at home, and saved it because I had to leave. I went to continue it on the bus, and lo and behold, I'm "locked" into the mobile site, even when I requested the desktop version. (Google on the Samsung Note 3 if it matters) I don't mind that the mobile site is streamlined, but it was rather irksome to be unable to switch.

simple mind ElvenAssassin ⋅ February 12, 2014

There's really only one site, but it uses a responsive framework that changes on the fly as you resize your browser. So things stack and display differently depending on how wide your display is. It might just be that your tablet (I'm assuming it's a tablet?) wasn't quite wide enough to trigger the wider view. You could experiment with orientation; landscape might give you more than portrait.

ElvenAssassin simple mind ⋅ February 12, 2014

Yeah, no idea why they named a phone and tablet the same thing... it's the phone, however. That would explain it, thanks. 1080 x 1920 resolution, and all I get is a drop down menu to write, check my bookmarks, comments, or settings. Landscape vs portrait only widens the screen, it doesn't add the menu on the side.

ElvenAssassin simple mind ⋅ February 13, 2014

Oh, oh, oh!

The left hand menu shows up when I click 'Prosebox' at the top. I didn't realize it was clickable, but I was desperate this morning, lol.

Deleted user February 13, 2014

How about being able to edit a comment? Sometimes I think of one more thing after I've posted a comment.

=bernard= February 13, 2014

I think like everyone else I am very grateful for PB. It works. Oh, and despite the fact Infinite Ocean doesn't like walnuts, I DO. You'll just have to pick them out, y'know I bet you were a picky eater as a kid. And I'm thinking Meat Loaf Fridays using Chuck's recipe. That way we can all stroke out together.

Icklewriter February 13, 2014

Hi. I just have the one, and I believe I'm not alone in wanting this, so here goes: It took me a while (and some help) to figure out that if I wanted an entry to be private, or read by members only, or friends only, that I had to create a whole book for that entry to live in. This is awkward. Would it be possible to be able to select on an entry-by-entry basis what you allow people to see? I'm not even sure I understand the point of 'books' but some people like them, and if you want to keep an entire book private, that's great, but I only want one, and I don't necessarily want everyone to be able to read everything I write. If I only have one book, I don't get the option, it's either all or nothing. Maybe I'm being inflexible, or just not understanding how this all works, but the ability to select entry-by-entry would be wonderful.

Sapphire Icklewriter ⋅ February 18, 2014

I am with ickewriter on this one. I've set up various books - a public one for my fitness and diet stuff, another for my creative writing, one private one for a personal project and one general diary type one. The diary one is currently members only but there are times when I would like to have an entry within that book as friend only - and there's no way of doing that. I really don't want to have a separate FO diary-type book ... That will just get very confusing, especially if I'm ever looking back for a specific entry. So having the ability to set the level of access for each entry is almost a deal breaker for me.

The other one is the ability to download books ...

Otherwise, I do like this site and I've been writing loads more than I have recently on OD, so thanks!

Krud Icklewriter ⋅ February 18, 2014

I didn't even realize this was the case until you just now mentioned it. Hmm. Yeah, I second this one.

TheSpiritWithinMe February 13, 2014

I suggest an email to get in contact with the diary master when people come across entries like this. Hope this person is not serious! Don't know who to contact

The Diva of Dorks February 14, 2014

thank you so much for providing us OD refugees shelter in the fallout.

can they be chocolate chip pancakes?

synapse February 14, 2014

Today I left a comment. Then I pressed space bar to scroll down. Instead of scrolling down I activated the comment button with the space bar and multiple posted my comment a bunch of times. Can you prevent that from happening somehow?

synapse February 14, 2014

ButtonishLady February 14, 2014

Suggestion... or help... is there a place to change your password? If not I think there should be a place. I like to change mine every now and then.

simple mind ButtonishLady ⋅ February 14, 2014

I'm going to add something better, but for now if you log out and use the Forgot Password link, it will email you a link to reset.

ButtonishLady simple mind ⋅ February 14, 2014

Thank you!

Lapplander February 15, 2014

A probably bugg. I joined prosbox on the computer I am currently writing on. I *think I only had to choose username and password.

Then I typed in my e-mail.

I cant access the site on my laptop. Tried with just my user name, then it asks for e-mail. I type in the e-mail adress I used for this site, and it tells is not in the data base.

Mermy Cullen February 15, 2014

I vote for pancake Tuesday.

Deleted user February 15, 2014

This is small in the big scheme of things...but hey, I'll try anyway. Could you put the current author "previous" and "next" buttons at the top of their entry on the left and right sides? I find it more difficult to scroll down trying to find the next page. Maybe it's because I was at OD for 13 years. That's my only real dislike here.

Deleted user February 16, 2014

Please keep PB like PB and not like OD :)

ThisIsME February 16, 2014

What about a place to change our password?

ThisIsME February 16, 2014

Nm seen the comment above

Garnys February 16, 2014

I suggest that you receive a huge round of applause for everything that you have done and all that you continue to do!

Krud Garnys ⋅ February 18, 2014

Here, here!

Deleted user February 16, 2014

First off, let me say thank you for your hard work and dedication, and I am growing to love this place in a way that I never expected I would.

Some Feedback: Speaking only for myself, "Bookmarks" in its current incarnation is largely useless to me in , yes its great that it updates automatically, I love that a lot, but having to scroll back through all the recent posts of those you follow to find the individual you might be interested in reading at that specific moment in time is a PITA. I largely avoid it and just pick people from my friends list based on who Im in the mood for.

So Im just wondering if it would it be possible for it to show updated/unread posts besides the names in the friends list? I often do reading on my phone or while on the train, and being able to tell who has 1 or 2 posts that I've yet to read and who has 20 be sooooo helpful.

2) a radio or check box for deleting your own comments would be great. I accidentally left the a comment in the wrong persons diary the other day as I had more than one tab open at the time and got them mixed up, just being able to remove it would be super handy when mistakes like this occur.

Thanks again for all you do

Deleted user February 16, 2014

also, I hate these adds, and I'd like to give you money to remove them for me. :)

ThisIsME February 17, 2014

Ooo I have a real suggestion this time.Do you foresee us being able to only follow certain books of a member? Like they have books a,v,d but I only want updates from book v?

Krud ThisIsME ⋅ February 18, 2014

thumbs up

paraquatlung ThisIsME ⋅ February 23, 2014


Deleted user February 17, 2014

Just like how we can embed photos, can we possibly have the ability to embed videos too (not, YT videos, but a video from an actual hyperlink...ex: .mp4 files)? Please and thank you. I looked it up and there was a tutorial that called for using the '%' instead of the '!' but I didn't work out very well :P

The Tranquil Loon February 18, 2014

I would like to ask how do I privatize a note or delete a note left? I am sure one day I will for get to privatize a note I am leaving also--an edit would be nice! I am hoping for an answer to the above question ASAP!

simple mind The Tranquil Loon ⋅ February 18, 2014

Currently you can only privatize comments left on your own entry - by checking the box, and selecting "Privatize selected comments" (or something like that) from the drop-up button menu at the bottom. Will be adding the ability to delete and edit your own comments.

Deleted user February 18, 2014

i would like to be able to block users from reading my entries. i have received some harassing comments recently and i feel like this idiot will keep doing it even if i keep deleting them. beyond that, i'd like to be able to report a user for abuse. he was not only insulting me but also my friend who had commented on the same entry. the user's handle is Vilos Cohaagen, if you can do anything to prevent him access to my entries.

Darcy0207 from OD February 19, 2014

Is there any chance to have groups according to interests - such as pets, readers, recipes/food... etc.?

Deleted user Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ February 19, 2014

GREAT idea!

Deleted user Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ February 20, 2014

I miss interests; I screened potential friends this way on od haha

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ February 20, 2014

Maybe if enough people lobby for that idea, the person in charge will find a way to include it. I am finding, because of the "books", a lot of people who read. But I think there's gotta be another way.

Deleted user February 19, 2014

please make it easier to respond to comments...there are too many steps involved. a bonus would be making it a little more efficient to read bookmarks. right now i have 84 updates. i want to follow so many, but when it gets to those kind of numbers i gotta restrict myself, which is a a shame.

wandering thought Deleted user ⋅ February 23, 2014

If it just showed up that so and so had updated instead of every single entry showing up separately that would be helpful.

Deleted user February 20, 2014

thankyou ^_^ but one tiny thing,


I don't personally need it bc you were kind and did it for me<3_<3 but it would help others

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ February 20, 2014

Already done, you can change it under Settings now.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ February 20, 2014

oh yay well now there is no other thing to do

Deleted user February 20, 2014

Is there a way to delete one's account?

km February 20, 2014

the only thing I need is an ability to back up easily. what I want is an easier way to respond to comments.

wandering thought km ⋅ February 23, 2014

I agree with needing an easier way to respond to comments.

Deleted user km ⋅ February 25, 2014


wandering thought February 23, 2014

Is there a "reader choice"? Or something that has entries that people want to highlight for others to look at? If there isn't that would be cool

Deleted user February 25, 2014

The ability to block the various morons wandering around, just loose, would be appreciated. Also, the ability to link pictures in comments like you can in entries. There are more but my robot brain needs beer.

Loki February 26, 2014

  • please could there be an option to disable private comments. they creep me out. i do not want to see them in my prose. =S
Deleted user March 06, 2014

dear simple mind, i can never get past 4 comments in a row on anyone's books. once i say something, that person replies, i say something else, and they reply again, the reply button is missing from the 4th comment. is this some kind of conservation technique in the prosebox code? if not, it would be nice to have long comment trains.

Darcy0207 from OD March 07, 2014

I don't know how you figure out which ads go on the site... contracts, agreements, passing it on to another company, whatever. I'm just tired of seeing scantily clad babes on my pages - I am not a man, not trolling for women. I find it rather insulting.
I understand ads pertaining to my interests - it makes commercial sense - but this.. a waste of time - yours AND mine.

simple mind Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ March 07, 2014

It's Google Ads. I don't have a great deal of control. HOWEVER - I have adjusted my settings in an attempt to block all sensitive content. Not sure how effective it will be, but there should be noticeable improvement once the new settings kick in.

Darcy0207 from OD simple mind ⋅ March 07, 2014

thanks for the reply. I thought google ads were sent to people with like interests. I have NO idea what I might have posted that would trigger, young voluptuous ladies interested in men. I am a 62 y/o female... LOL... with NO interests in that area!

Deleted user March 14, 2014

Sorry, don't care for you last change. I was very comfortable with the way the entry page was before. Why change it to have the icons down the side and not have an open box for editing. I don't care for the looks or the feel of it. Thanks for listening.

Thoughtstream March 18, 2014

Just a random suggestion. It'd be nice to be able to click a "I read this entry" button on entries so that the writer knows I read it. A lot of times I just want people to know I read it and don't necessarily need to write a comment. I also sometimes write entries and would love to know if people have read it.

It's simple and easy to click a read it button. It's often hard to come up with a comment. In the past, people have used an empty comment as a "read it" approach.

I'm imaging something akin to hearted (instagram) or liked (fb) but support for anonymous/private would be !!!!!

Deleted user March 18, 2014

An "edit comment" option would be nice.... or even the ability to delete a note..

World Pilot March 22, 2014

Here's one that doesn't have to do with the daily special at (a favorite restaurant):

When I build a link in an entry, how may I disable the "new tab" or "new window" function/coding? For example, if I want to create a link to another entry in my Prosebox, I don't want that link to open a new tab or window. However, if I build a link to an external site, I do want to open that page in a new tab/window. In html: < a href="URL goes here" target="new" > Link Name goes here < /a > (opens new tab/window) [snug up the spaces surrounding the "<" and ">" characters] < a href="URL goes here" > Link Name goes here < /a > (goes direct; doesn't open new tab/window) [snug 'em up again]

How do I disable the 'target="new"' function?

Thanks, WP

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