
Entries 9

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February 22, 2014

V for Vendetta in LIfe and It's Beauty

I have V for Vendetta playing on the left side of my screen and Firefox open on the right. I'm supposed to be working. And doing work for school. And keeping up with my Facebook pages (my person ...

All my Crochet projects You can visit my projects page on Ravelry to see my projects, both in progress and completed.

January 29, 2014

Open Diary in LIfe and It's Beauty

I'm a little slow on the uptake apparently. I wrote an entry on OD then started noticing everyone talking about it shutting down. I kind of thought "eh, normal talk about how it's going downhill....

January 14, 2014

Break in LIfe and It's Beauty

I still have bad habits I need to break. Feeling like I have to walk on egg shells whenever someone is even slightly unhappy lest I provoke them and cause an angry outburst. Hurrying around th...

I love being busy. I'm not happy unless I'm busy. The past few weeks I've been busy, and my planner has been full, my schedule booked, kinda. At least enough to keep me happy. And then this "no...

December 19, 2013

Lazy Day & DID in LIfe and It's Beauty

It's strange not having anything scheduled this morning. Originally I only had one appointment today, then a second appointment was added. But the best part is they're both in the afternoon. One ...

I've been trying to access OD but it won't load at all. I've tried my laptop, phone, and kindle. Nothing. Looks like I'm here now. And my blog, which I forgot I had because of a concussion. You...

November 25, 2013

Concussion in LIfe and It's Beauty

I ended up giving myself a concussion this past week. I forget which day it happened, and a lot of details since. I banged my forehead off a solid wood door at a client's house, and about an hour...

November 12, 2013

College and Such in LIfe and It's Beauty

I suck at time management. I'll say that right up front. I suck at it. Like... REALLY suck at time management. I work, but only a few hours a day. It doesn't help that my schedule is so scatter...

Books 2

8 Entries