The Enabler

An OD Refugee (formerly known as Red Shoes)

Entries 10

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There are so few places left in life that are truly private. Bathrooms, doctor’s offices, a therapist’s place, and here. While I haven’t written much lately, this place was a comfort to know th...

I sit in the loft of the main cabin, desk scattered with love, poetry, and paintings. There is something equally sad and beautiful about orphaned art. It is what creates an atmosphere of timele...

I am writing this entry because there is something I wish to change about myself. I have discovered that I am prejudiced against sick people. Through the years of my marriage, My Ex's sickness ...

As I was working this evening, I got a call from The Kid that said, "I'm coming to get you in a half an hour. Wear crappy shoes and bring a flashlight. We're going to break into the sanitarium ...

I haven't been very active on okcupid for a while, but I still check my inbox. A few days ago, someone wrote me the first proper letter I've received in a long time. She is a playwright by trad...

I look at those ads with flashing gifs of Bush and Obama asking "Did he screw up?!" much differently than I used to. Turns out that when you're in the public eye, you tend to get a lot more scru...

The sun is dancing in the sky like a sugar filled 8 year old, gleefully and recklessly bouncing around, touching everything it can with no consideration for consequences. The air may still be co...

This isn't terribly private, but I don't feel like catching all of the crap that would be caused by me posting this on facebook - so here you are. In the national discussion that's opened up ove...

February 09, 2014

Glance in Whispers For the Masses

It's all in the eyes. In meeting a stranger, even those with the least clue as to how to read people can understand the connection or distance that comes with a glance. You can instantly be dia...

February 07, 2014

One. in Whispers For the Masses

Put your toes in the water. Put them in. Go on. One foot at a time. Just like before, the hardest part will be to keep the first rule of an online diary: If you're part of the story, you can't r...

Books 1

10 Entries