Canadian Lass

Entries 320

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I feel like i should make an entry, but i really have nothing to write.... seriously.. I sat here monday night staring at the screen, but had nothing to write about. So i will do this instead.......

February 28, 2018

Re-booked in A Day in the Life of Me

May 11th 915am...... 8hr fast, than its all over, except the healing, and praying I don’t get dry socket etc etc /sigh stressedlife

February 24, 2018

unbooked.. in A Day in the Life of Me

well, not yet… I have to call and re-book the surgery… I only realized today that the day its booked for is the weekend prior to Geequinox, a mini sci-fi show that I work the ticket office for fo...

So I finally have a price and date for my tooth extraction… insurance is going to cover all but $370 of it. :( I pulled what little I had in my Tangerine account to throw on my once again defunc...

Got to my apt fine this morning…place was easy enough to find, leaving was painful… consultation cost was only partially covered by my work coverage, cause even though it wasn’t a “dental exam” ...

January 25, 2018

sickie in A Day in the Life of Me

Home from a short shift at job #2. Currently curled up on the couch with my travel mug full of tea, just had some mr. noodles, and feeling like a huge pile of uck. woke up feeling like utter shi...

But not really.. kinda cause I really probably shouldn’t have, but not really cause I did get a great deal… I kinda went on a mini shopping spree today… I sent just under $62 bucks on clothes ton...

January 15, 2018

weekend in A Day in the Life of Me

Sent out 4 postcards on Saturday.... $10 in postage… ugh lol Sunday a friend delivered shelves from mom. An old metal set she had in a closet that she used for craft storage, so i spent the after...

I have decided to re-activate my postcrossing account tonight :) I had an email from a person in Kazakhstan who wanted to do a direct swap, so i fired an email back saying sure! and then went and...

January 04, 2018

Storm day in A Day in the Life of Me

So we have a powerful storm hitting here today ( Shit ton of wind, loads of rain possible snow.. Got woken up at 9am just before...

2017 highlights -D becoming officially a Permanent Canadian Resident -Pulling off D’s Becoming Legal Celebration without him knowing what was happening -Meeting Diana Gabaldon -Getting Gargoyled...

December 28, 2017

Settling in A Day in the Life of Me

Slowly getting settled in the new unit. Still have a ton of stuff to sort out, and loads of stuff i will need to go through at some point in the future to try and purge stuff I’ve been hanging o...

She still has her bed in there… we now have a futon stuffed in the Den though.. mom’s coming tomorrow.. i am PRAYING she gets her shit out today! Cause then at least D and I can start moving stuf...

Sooooo she hasn’t finished moving out yet..... Landlord was in contact with her today…apparently she plans having the last of her shit out by weeks end.... She originally told him 18th (yesterda...

December 10, 2017

Stressed AF in A Day in the Life of Me

its the 10th of December… the neighbor in the other basement apartment is moving out on the 18th (officially), the new landlord (don’t think i mentioned, the house sold?) has offered it to us, f...

December 03, 2017

Sickie in A Day in the Life of Me

I did a strange thing for me today, I went to work, and then an hour and a half later, told the assistant manager I was in to much pain from all over. which is true-ish. Alot of it hadn’t kicked...

Found out a friend/old co-worker died yesterday morning.... breast cancer, that I THOUGHT she had been beating.. guess I was wrong.... Tomorrow is a year since Dad.... good news is I discovered...

how I can manage to go so long between entries.... opps my bad.. but ya all know I am alive cause I do manage to pop a word or two on you’re entries! I honestly haven’t had that much to write abo...

September 06, 2017

Phones in A Day in the Life of Me

So I dropped my Samsung S6 last week and smashed the hell out of the screen. I was so upset, It was all I could do to keep the tears back until I got home, which wasn’t far, because I was on m...

July 13, 2017

home in A Day in the Life of Me

Was away for a week back in my home town. Went Tuesday, came back yesterday. original plan/idea to go down was for a massive yard sale over the weekend we were going to have. We got rained out. ...

Sent hubby a pic of my stopwatch off my phone after I completed a 1.10.1 plank today!! super pumped about it, because I spent forever trying to get there!!! I spent so long being stuck at 15 se...

Threw D a surprise dinner at one of the local pubs in celebration of him getting his permanent residence status on sunday. Been planning it since the end of May, and he never had a clue! He was s...

I didnt get a chance to post this yesterday, those of you on FB already know, but Ds LEGAL NOW!!!! we got his Permanent Residence yesterday!! He’s massively hurt his back at work friday, so i’ve...

D’s hurt his back Friday while at work. Bad enough work made him call someone to bring him home. He called me while in the car with my uncles, to figure out where the nearest walk in clinic was....

Thinking mostly of my sweet friend in England today, who lost her fiancee 6 months ago, and should of had her walk down the aisle today, I am heartbroken for her, but know that her close family ...

Books 1

328 Entries