Canadian Lass

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First SOME positive stuff.. We had our second wedding anniversary yesterday. We went out for Mexican. Something we have only ever had once, but the first time the meal was ruined by a whinger. Wa...

results came back today. It’s Cancer. All I know at this point, is due to his age, specialist down home won’t operate due to his age. I feel so helpless.

So he was in the city today, actually arrived last night as his apt was at 7 this morning. which of course didn’t actually get taken to until 830… registration didn’t even “open” till 730… Biops...

Had to take my baby to the vet today, can’t remember if I ever mentioned the discovery a few weeks ago of a lump on his tongue. So today, we took him in. We have a round of antibiotics for 7 da...

lol sorry, i know i kinda dropped a bomb then left ya all hanging with the news of dad being back in the hospital. I didn’t really have any news so there was nothing to write. Plus side is he’s h...

Dad’s back in the hospital. He had a CATscan earlier this week, and yesterday his doc called and told him he wanted him admitted back in the hospital ASAP. The mass in his lung is back. and its ...

and its great news for once!!!! His biopsy results came back yesterday, and he’s clean it was 100% a bacterial infection, and no signs of anything else. AND he’s finally getting out of the hosp...

So the good news… he’s down to one liter of oxygen now ( i am so confused as to how they measure that.....) The bad news… well, funny story… so his family doctor and the specialist on his case,...

Welll...... Only my father.... talked to mom last night..... guess who’s in the hospital for another 2 weeks?! they got the bacterial side of the biopsy results back yesterday. He (quite probab...

He’s still in hospital. Mom called to let me know yesterday they were keeping him longer. He ended up with an infection, and that’s why he was so cold all day after the biopsy. I just got off t...

April 29, 2016

Update in A Day in the Life of Me

Dad had his biopsy today. They kept him over night, after screwing mom around ALL DAY they told her after supper that they were going to keep him. His oxygen levels won’t stay where they are sup...

April 27, 2016

Better in A Day in the Life of Me

Keep forgetting to update. I was talking to the folks saturday night, Dad it actually doing better! He hasn’t actually had a biopsy yet.. but he said the blood he was spitting up has stopped, his...

Day one went alright, its retarded how I KNOW how to do customer approach, selling without selling, all the usual retail associate shit, but when your being “quizzed” about it, or “role-playing” ...

April 12, 2016

#2 in A Day in the Life of Me

Job #2, acquired and begins Thursday at 11am. It’s only a quick shift. 11-2. Paperwork, general training/POS stuff. But it should be great it’s at one of my fave clothing stores. As it is today ...

March 29, 2016

Paid in A Day in the Life of Me

Lawyer bill is done, well kinda. The Lawyer is paid. The bill will be worked on via con/craft shows. M paid it off today, so now its just literally wait and see on the paperwork. Waiting to star...

While at work today I relieved an email from the Lawyer. Would appear someone has been a bit less then honest with her intentions and now they are threatening to put my bill in collections due to...

While at work today I relieved an email from the Lawyer. Would appear someone has been a bit less then honest with her intentions and now they are threatening to put my bill in collections due to...

So many houses up for sale in our area at the moment. There is one that is PERFECT in EVERY way and we would die to have it… its $309,900 3 bed, 2 bath, built in the 1940s like most homes in this...

March 17, 2016

WOW!!! in A Day in the Life of Me

Woke up to a donation on the gofundme page!!( )!! amazed!!! anytime something comes through i am overwhelmed!!!! Ds away this week, so just me and the kitty, my first day off i...

I know I keep posting this here, but I am trying to make as good of a go of it as i can before I give up on it.... Please feel free to share it and pass it along, I know most of you don’t know m...

Thinking on having a fundraising table at the local market in a few weeks. Baked goods mostly as I don’t really have a lot of stuff to pare with and sell. I AM looking for a deal on BULK clock h...

So, meeting day. We met with a gentleman named Dakota, as Mr. Fillmore is obviously at work in Ottawa. He called the Immigration office to find out the current status of our file, which is sti...

February 22, 2016

Developments? in A Day in the Life of Me

what a day.. got to the gym, had a good workout and a nice sit in the sauna. Why are the gym showers so amazing btw?? Took hubby out for a treat date to a place called Humble Pie Kitchen for a ...

February 20, 2016

Gofundme in A Day in the Life of Me

morning rant Seriously…Someone started a page to raise 53 million for an untalented self-centered joke, and has managed to raise over 7k thus far, and yet I am having a hard time just getting SHA...

February 15, 2016

Ice Skating in A Day in the Life of Me

Took the hubby to the free out door skating rink for his first time ever skating. He did great!! I still haven’t been able to figure out how to post a pic here… so you’ll all just have to believe...

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328 Entries