
I am a professional shopper, interior decorator, furniture painter and a picker. I am also a new Nana to Brooks and baby Tucker

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76˚ is amazing! I spent the morning raking leaves out of my side patio.... I will blow the rest off and power wash it in a couple weeks. My day lilies are growing, my tulips actually have a few b...

Now that Mark is retired I reflect on how people may or may not live within their means???? Everyone’s numbers are different. What does it take you to live on for a year? Will you be able to com...

I couldn’t sleep last night so I was playing on my phone… Actually I was researching cirrhosis stuff when my phone rung. The phone was already in my hand and I could see it was Cole and it was 2:...

March 01, 2024

in like a lion in Hi This is Kat!

Well March came in like a lion here in Indiana… we had light snow and sleet that melted as it hit the warm ground but that counts sooooo it should go out like a lamb????? We really did not have m...

February 29, 2024

scary phone call in Hi This is Kat!

Last night around 4 Jo calls and she is totally wasted. She  was hard to understand. made my heart panic as I have been researching alcohol poisoning because I feel that is becoming a huge possib...

I am pretty sure Jo timed out at her job… it was never about the income she made it is all about insurance! which now is a mess because she will not be able to get medical insurance because she h...

February 27, 2024

springish in Hi This is Kat!

Last night we slept with the windows open! the lows were mid 60’s. It felt amazing! It was 75˚ yesterday… today we have spring showers with the highs in the mid 70’s! I love it! I sat on my front...

February 26, 2024

lots to do in Hi This is Kat!

It is almost March! I always feel like March is spring even tho we have really had no winter this year… maybe 2 or 3 weeks of cold temps but it has been warm all February! I ordered new umbrella...

February 24, 2024

let him pick pink in Hi This is Kat!

Crate & Barrel GO FISH Koi Goldfish 6” Highball Glass/Tumbler is the find of the day! These glasses are so fun and such high quality! I bought these for 60 dollars for 8 of them. I see them l...

I went to Jo’s condo this morning to bring her breakfast. I worry that she is now staying in the condo while she lets the thieving homeless man sleep on her brand new couch! He has taken ever...

February 18, 2024

life is balance in Hi This is Kat!

Well.... Mark almost has the 1st week over after his new knee! He is hardly taking any pain meds… This year we plan on traveling more now that Mark is retired :) I wanted to go to Italy but I t...

February 15, 2024

is it spring in Hi This is Kat!

loving how things are greening up! Tulip are poking their little heads out of the mulch and rocks! We have a cold Friday and Saturday coming this week and then back in the 60’s! Pool opens in Apr...

Here is Mark before his surgery Monday… Here he is a few hours after surgery! We had a great experience at the hospital.... so much good quality care! Someone was in his room every few mins to...

February 11, 2024

it's only money? in Hi This is Kat!

I cannot believe how much money we have put into the house the past 12 months or so! A new pool liner and new pool cover and pump which was probably 15 to 20,000. we had to get a new a/c furnace ...

February 10, 2024

birthday party in Hi This is Kat!

I feel so blessed that the past few weeks have been in the 50’s and 60’s here! It drops down over night but at least I feel a touch of spring! Trees are budding out as are my tulips :) give my w...

February 03, 2024

Death talk in Hi This is Kat!

Jo talks about death ALL the time! Kinda depressing but I listen! She told me to remember she gets extra insurance money if she dies at work… she has never told me that one but I guess it is for ...

February 01, 2024

cat eye... in Hi This is Kat!

I just ordered a pair of cat eye sunglasses from Patricia Nash. They are the British tan ones. I think they will be fun! I have a sunglass fetish! My favorites are Versace and Pradas… I have 3 ...

Our house isa two story home each floor has its own heating and air unit… two days ago when we got home from Kentucky to our house being COLD! The main floor furnace was not producing any heat at...

January 30, 2024

cosmic in Hi This is Kat!

Well my cat is basically finished… I am sure I will tweet it a tiny bit as I always do… but this is it! It is a large jewelry art probably my largest… 41 inches. Lots of jewelry. I try to keep a...

Well it is coming along.... I am down to the head and ears… going to redo the ears. I also will put a few atomic stars on it.... It has been one of the easiest and fun one to do. Jo is coming ...

This one will be super easy and fun to do. I wish I had more black brooches… I will hit the antique shops to find a few… :)  I am hanging this piece in my atomic cat bathroom.... fun! Okay now p...

The other day Jo told me that Cole lost the truck.... Ummm lost the truck??? When I tried to ask her what she meant she just avoided my question and never told me more. I have text her two or tre...

January 24, 2024

whirlwind in Hi This is Kat!

Whirlwind The past two weeks have been a whirlwind… Jo lost her phone and became unaccountable for her actions cause she was not checking in much with me because she has been in a drunker stupor....

I worry about Jo… She lost her phone a week and half ago… she still has not even bothered to buy a new one or really even look in her messy car… I bet 100 dollars that is in the car. She is a hoa...

True story! It is only about 8˚ here and we have about an inch or so of powder snow. it just blows around and makes it look even colder! I hate the cold! I think next winter I might become a snow...

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480 Entries