

by Azzura

Entries 60

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August 01, 2021


By the way if a lot of what I say doesn’t make sense it’s because I’m doing voice to text and it doesn’t always say the right word. So it’s 11:00 still I’m pretty hard on myself when I don’t get...

July 30, 2021

Psychic Woes

Will probably shoot some videos today It’s fridayyyyyyyyy Don’t know what I’ll do. I had a few ppl inquire about readings but no dice. I talk to My therapist today. I really like the abalone sh...

July 29, 2021


So my mom gave me her card BC she forgot it with me, which is probably pretty dangerous for her to do but I will get much I might go to h&M and get more clothes maybe some makeup a smoothie a...

July 28, 2021

Rough dry time rn

I wish I could feel more motivated with my business but I don’t right now I’m getting one like on something that takes me at least 10 to 15 minutes to make I don’t want to waste my time I don’t ...

July 27, 2021

Housing crisis?

I’m not really looking forward to talking to these  fake  housing people that are just going to feed me lies and excuses and try to turn my emotions against me to possibly revoke money or whateve...

July 26, 2021


One day just seems to bleed into the next all the time So I’m supposed to meet with Megan and Atlanta tomorrow to talk about I don’t know what I hope they don’t cancel on me to be honest with yo...

Im so hard on myself and everything right now. I feel empty sad grieving Fuck everything. No patience I don’t feel like communicating with anyone right now BC I have no patience I am more inte...

January 01, 2021

Nye bye 2020

Last night was like okay I guess for me it was more a personal feat to be able to get out and be around so many people considering my anxiety with everything and how much I don’t drink anymore or...

September 29, 2020

Protection spells

Got alot done today. Or did alot anyeays for fun. Bought a good book of self protection spells. Bow all I gotta do is buy more sage somewhere. So tired. I am having my tea i wish I would have sav...

September 17, 2020


Just woke up early Listening to Selena I guess…yea Selena cute  I love her So just chilling. Going to have some tea soon. Maybe do fake tan. Set need a bath. Hot water was off till later today....

August 09, 2020

Mourning morning

Day 3 of p Today is hard. I feel sad. I’m crying I’ve been crying for hours now. Last night anyways. My period and the stupid Mark, Jason shit. It’s crazy how much individual people can effect y...

August 08, 2020

Day 2

hey come stai io sono in un sacco di. So today is my second day of my period. It hurts a little bit. I was looking for a TENS machine they’re pretty expensive so looking for one used for now I th...

July 07, 2020



June 28, 2020


im overwhelmed with the state of my apt right now. i am outside i went to pick up some weed. talked to my mom. i read N email from my sister i cried. i am sad i dont hVe the relationship i wi...

April 23, 2020

roller coaster

so i am getting a bit of a 2nd wind or something. i should try to go to sleep soon though. I love both my cats so much. People not so much. they can fuck right off basically. blah. I am strug...

December 06, 2019


Well I;m not a product I will not further your productivity It's all just negativity I am a human fucking being Why does everything have to be about selling Why the fuck  do I have a best by...

October 14, 2019


Surprised i am not having any nightmares about the shooting or dreams about smoking because i quit. I dont know about you but October is a crazy month for me. And on the news it seems like craz...

October 13, 2019

7 days and a shooting

7 days and a shooting. So its a week smoke free and i was beside a guy who got shot last night. Last night i went out and as me and a friend were waiting for the streetcar home a guy started ...

October 09, 2019

Quit Smoking Day 3

So Day 3 of no smoking. Apparently this is supposed to be the worst day and it was the easiest. I had alot more energy and a better more positive attitude about everything. I waa in the elevato...

October 09, 2019

2 doink guys

2 doink guys So i told both of the sort of guys in my life how sick I am and all that shit. One fucking left me on read. The other one i have no fucking clue as I deleted the convo as to not ...

October 08, 2019

Smoke Free Day 2

Day 2 of quitting smoking and what do you know? Im on my period as well.... Cramps like crazy. My medicine regiment as well is pretty hardcore for me for my cold and possible underlying lung d...

October 07, 2019

Quitting smoking

I dont completely want to quit smoking but I HAVE to me being rushed to the hospital a few nights ago not able to breathe on oxygen nebulizers for 7 hours waa torture and scary, and it could have...

So I just got back from the hospital I was there since 6 am. I have a cold but it just kept getting worse. I woke up from a fitful sleep vommiting and could breathe. Was really scary and confusi...

September 30, 2019

Shitty poem

Drowning Never busy Make time for you Alone At home How do I even know if im alive Am i  better off alone I dont know Do i have a person Or am i my person? I dont know

So this guy i knew i recently googled him out of the blue. And i found out from a major editorial outlet online as of last year he was charged with 2 counts of sexual assault. An article follow...

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