

by Azzura

Entries 60

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Tommorow is the anniversary of the day my ex finally tried to kill me once and for all. I think its been three years now. The last few years have been hard. The last year was when the peace bond ...

September 19, 2019

My Almost Death anni

September 29th 2017 I was almost killed by my ex of 2 years. I met him in college years before. He physically assaulted me and I left immediately. I graudated almost failed from his harassing and...

September 19, 2019


I had a dream last night about meeting another person in my building who had a bad experience too with my ex friend neighbour. It was a cathartic dream in some ways. She told me about another pla...

September 08, 2019

Close neighbours to cold war

When I first moved I became friends with a woman who I now suspect is a narcassist. It became very whirlwind with her very fast. Several times she would start fights with me to the point where I...

September 07, 2019


So I am 32 years old and I feel like such a child Still. My father was molesting me as well as my bro sis and Mom growing up. As well as physical mental and emotional abuse. As a result I have ...

September 05, 2019

Done. Did.

You are so Irrevocably broken Damaged Stone wall Silencer One trick pony I knew the whole time you were a phoney Broken telephone Scratched record on repeat. Ill be fine You? I dont kn...

June 28, 2019


So it's kind of good I drank yesterday so I didn't drink today. Since I will be cleaning up Tommorow   I hope to.get  down to business and catch up on all of that shit that  accumulated  this mo...

February 16, 2019


I want validation from people. But the right kind. From the right people. But sometimes I see myself buying into all the wrong kind. It buoys me up. It sustains me. Sometimes it’s the only k...

February 03, 2019


I feel so raw right now. I hurt. I feel exposed. I feel vulnerable. Dont touch me. I’ll flinch away. I am feeling everything. I cant stop. I cant distract. I cant look away. I cant forget. All I...

March 17, 2018


Tired Was depressed all day But had some food a bath and chilled out and feel better. I am watching a TV show called Shrill. It’s pretty good. Getting more tired. 11 days till end of month.

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