Entries 60
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Anniversary tomm of my attempted murder
Tommorow is the anniversary of the day my ex finally tried to kill me once and for all. I think its been three years now. The last few years have been hard. The last year was when the peace bond ...
My Almost Death anni
September 29th 2017 I was almost killed by my ex of 2 years. I met him in college years before. He physically assaulted me and I left immediately. I graudated almost failed from his harassing and...
I had a dream last night about meeting another person in my building who had a bad experience too with my ex friend neighbour. It was a cathartic dream in some ways. She told me about another pla...
Close neighbours to cold war
When I first moved I became friends with a woman who I now suspect is a narcassist. It became very whirlwind with her very fast. Several times she would start fights with me to the point where I...
So I am 32 years old and I feel like such a child Still. My father was molesting me as well as my bro sis and Mom growing up. As well as physical mental and emotional abuse. As a result I have ...
Done. Did.
You are so Irrevocably broken Damaged Stone wall Silencer One trick pony I knew the whole time you were a phoney Broken telephone Scratched record on repeat. Ill be fine You? I dont kn...
So it's kind of good I drank yesterday so I didn't drink today. Since I will be cleaning up Tommorow I hope to.get down to business and catch up on all of that shit that accumulated this mo...
I want validation from people. But the right kind. From the right people. But sometimes I see myself buying into all the wrong kind. It buoys me up. It sustains me. Sometimes it’s the only k...
I feel so raw right now. I hurt. I feel exposed. I feel vulnerable. Dont touch me. I’ll flinch away. I am feeling everything. I cant stop. I cant distract. I cant look away. I cant forget. All I...
Tired Was depressed all day But had some food a bath and chilled out and feel better. I am watching a TV show called Shrill. It’s pretty good. Getting more tired. 11 days till end of month.