
All kinds of nonsense spewing forth

by Mauimama

Entries 59

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September 03, 2014

Lots of stuff going on.

I am home this morning....10:15 emergency dentist appointment. Ouch! Things at work are really strange. As happens every September, our kindergarten kids leave for first grade and I stand at the...

My daughter got a call today about a teaching position, and thankfully, she got the job! She will be a special education teacher at the school where she did her student teaching. She will be wor...

I have had no time to write here for a much is going on. So, as I finish up my coffee, I'm going to try and update a bit. Work is nuts, enrollment t is down, summer staff has been cu...

July 19, 2014

What a week!

Two new kids started at the daycare center on Monday, one is three, the other is four. Mom neglected to tell us that they are both autistic, pretty severely autistic. It was quite a tough week. ...

July 09, 2014

Note to self

Dear self, When you decide to open a can of refried beans, do not....I not lift the lid of the can with your thumb.....because, you will slice your thumb open and bleed a lot and ...

July 06, 2014

Soooo tired.

I cannot seem to sleep without a lot of interruptions, therefore, I am feeling exhausted! I'm taking melatonin every night and sure, it helps me to fall asleep, but it cannot seem to stay aslee...

June 29, 2014

Another new car

Dear, darling Fred's car died a few weeks ago so finally, we went car shopping today. Now, anyone who knows anything about Fred, knows that he has some issues with anxiety. They came out full f...

June 24, 2014

Kinda strange.....

We just re established contact with most of hubby's family after lots of years of no contact. It was really hard to do, took a lot of thought and lots of prayers. So far, we've been with everyon...

June 23, 2014

Party time

We are getting ready for our princess's graduation party. The living room is a huge mess. Since our house is tiny, all of the party stuff is in a corner of the living room. There is a tower of be...

June 18, 2014

When it rains it pours

First princess's car bites the dust and now dear darling Fred's car has died! Hubby's truck is one it's last leg.....he blew a cylinder, whatever that is! Although princess has a new car, and g...

Seriously, all I am going to say beloved Blackhawks lost in overtime and will not be going to the Stanley Cup finals. They are still the champions in my book. That is all

May 30, 2014

New car...woo hoo

Yup, she did it, princess got a new car. A brand new car. It is beautiful and has all the bells and whistles. Her and I went out and made the purchase all on our own. I've been buying my own ca...

May 20, 2014

The beast has died

My daughters car, "the beast" has died....a slow, painful death. Now she is insane because she doesn't have transportation. She took my car to work today and my mom is picking me up and taking me...

May 19, 2014

I forgot.....

I forgot to write an entry about my daughters actual graduation.....I started with tears as soon as the cap and gown were put on....yup, emotional maniac that I am! We took lots of pictures befo...

May 19, 2014

I miss OD

I really miss open diary. I cannot seem to reconnect with many of my OD friends. I find myself wanting to write here but pretty hesitant. Who's going to read it and know what I'm talking about? ...

May 14, 2014

Woo hoo!

Anyone who knows me, knows that this is the time of year that I turn into a maniac woman......about hockey. Yup, it's playoff time. My kids got me an official NHL Chicago Blackhawks jersey for ...

Yup, finally after five long years, our princess will cross the stage and receive her bachelors degree in special education today. I can't believe this day is finally here. She hung her cap and...

April 30, 2014

Headache from hell

My princess started with a nasty headache on Sunday afternoon. We thought it was just lack of food, running around in the windy cold weather all day at special Olympics. She was chilled to the bo...

I spent Sunday at the Special Olympics with my daughter. She was a chaperone for one of her special ed students. I thought I knew my daughter inside and out....I was wrong. I saw a whole new s...

April 18, 2014

Woo hoo.....

I went to the doctor yesterday for a physical and refills on prescriptions. I was pretty nervous because I am obsessed with this stupid type 2 diabetes that has been thrust upon me. My last set o...

April 13, 2014

All moved out.....sad....

My oldest son moved out yesterday. I have very mixed was time, he turned 31 two weeks ago, he moved in with his girlfriend, who I really like, but I really will miss him a lot. H...

I went into work early today to find chaos. Two staff members decided that they were the bosses. It took me a while to help them realize that they were wrong! Until they stay awake at night tryin...

April 01, 2014

Vegas baby!

Well, the trip is over. I got home this afternoon. As usual, it was a blast! Mom hit a $1000.00 jackpot and my brother hit a $984.00 jackpot....I however, lost my butt! We walked until our fee...

We are leaving tomorrow night for our most excellent Las Vegas adventure. I cannot wait. I've been packed since Sunday, yup, I am a wee bit anxious. I cannot sleep tonight. My poor hubby finall...

March 20, 2014

Silly kitty

We have a cat. He is my daughters cat. She got him when she was a sophomore in college. Since she moved back home, he is now a full time resident in my very small, very crowded house. His name is...

Book Description

I am a wife, a mom. A business owner. My life is hectic, crazy and loads of fun. I am told that I have a wonderful humor and I like to share that with people. I value my privacy, hence the name of Mauimama. I do not live in Maui, it’s just one of my favorite places to vacation. My kids names will not ever be revealed as they value their privacy too.

If you choose to read my nonsense, please enjoy it.