ermentrude ⋅ 53

I prefer the term childlike to childish, it had a more mature ring to it. To me I'm me. Determined, understanding with a little bit of a temper. I'm married and have children. I also have a brother and two sisters, I work in a school with various kids who need a little extra help, one way or another. And to all those people I imagine that I'm someone slightly different, depending on their needs. Once you read me I will become, to you, who you need me to be.

Let's Go Diem the Carpe!

Flint Lockwood.

Entries 635

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My mum loved nature. This is a poem that always reminds me of her. W. H. Davies Leisure WHAT is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare? No time to stand beneath the boughs...

I did end up taking yesterday off work, my asthma was not playing nice. I had decided on Thursday night when I couldn’t sleep because lying down triggered coughing fits. In the morning I waited f...

Rollercoaster rides are the way of the world right now. From hysterical giggles to growling; climbing, dropping, climbing, dropping. sigh. On top of this I can’t run because of a deeply seated ch...

You’re teaching maths to year 5 when one of them looks out of the window and announces that one bird is jumping on top of another. You look out of the window to see two pigeons have a full-on, fe...

It’s almost like Pavlov’s dog, I’m in the bath so I must write an entry! A friend is coming over soon so I can’t be long but I’m here for a reason. It is almost Rich’s birthday which can only m...

As each day goes past writing gets harder because more stuff happens! However I wanted to mention this. I’ve mentioned before that I only stayed on open diary back in the early days (I started in...

Spontaneous is an interesting word, you see it was spontaneous but it had been planned for a long time. Many years ago I looked at my friends tragus piercing and thought it looked cool, the idea...

Every year I reach this point and I’m glad that November only has 30 days! Tonight I’m going out with a friend to celebrate both our birthdays - hers was October but she’s had problems with her t...

It’s end-of-Nojomo eve, the one before the last, the penultimate… I’ve been ordering advent calendar bits and bobs with a little disappointment. Firstly, the printer ink refills I ordered seemed ...

They would never admit it; I’m so boring, so embarrassing yet, when at home, they hover around me, if i go upstairs they drift up there, when I go downstairs they drift down there. The conservato...

We’ve actually done fun and interesting things today! I kid you not 👏😨 It started without an alarm but was still a run day nonetheless 🏃 - today was a 13km day - I love Sunday runs because I see ...

I was asked to reveal all, to gush profusely about my morning of shopping, solo.... I had a lovely morning despite the tortoiseshell cat, Amba, whinging from 5:30am to be let into L’s room. Aagh!...

My alarm went off at 4:45am today which can only mean one thing - it’s a run day. I don’t need any looks of gobsmackedness, or anything, it’s what I do to get the runs slotted into my life. So I ...

Is that time of November, when Nojomo really starts to limp. I mean, how can there be anything that interesting to write about every day! On the day that my tendency to helicopter parent was me...

Gah, I had a plan for an entry earlier but I don’t remember at all what it was going to be about. Ah well! I ran this morning - 5km including 1.5km fartlek (stop sniggering, that’s Swedish for s...

Day 2 of being on the sofa. Today I’ve sorted out the big pile of post that’s been collecting for the past several months… Most of it went into the recycling, I’ve got a couple of Medicins Sans F...

I’m at home with a dodgy tummy. Not really sure why, I don’t have a temperature just, well you know, my visit to the loo was quicker than it should have been! I’m taking advantage and using it a...

It’s one of those rare years - my birthday will land on a weekend! Sadly, because of the leap year, it’s going to be a while before it happens again however in exactly two weeks time I’ll be cele...

I think that one of the issues with having anxiety but not wanting people to know is that, when you’re away with school for a week, you store all those little anxieties up for your mum to deal wi...

Just passing the time until the return of the prodigal coach… Well, the one carrying the vast majority of our year six kids home from Wales. Muddy, tired, hungry, grumpy. Yes I’m sure they’ll be ...

Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? There are many, many politicians. Despite being a pacifist, seeing two politicians really makes me want to punch them. Of course, being a...

Tonight is the last night that T will be away. This week has been lovely, L has blossomed, and I’m seeing the L I used to know. The one who isn’t scared of being teased and punched. She’s even co...

Wednesdays are a double whammy day, running and swimming. 🏃 🏊. This morning, at crack o’ sparrows fart, was THE BOMB. I just let fly, went for it. Legged it around the 5k course I’d set for mysel...

And there is the most scintillating title ever! Not a lot happened… We had a quiet day. But on Friday we’re all wearing spotty clothes to school for Children in Need and I really wanted some of ...

Five days of freedom… How mean is that? Oh… You don’t know what I’m talking about? Our school have residential trips for every year group from year 3 to year 6. Their first one is for one night,...