Entries 565
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A Lost Soul / The Election is still going on--Trump will win
My prescription Is low So I took a pill To let go While destiny and fate Point to the direction I will take Life had just begun Once I put the bullets In the gun It seems I’m too late To live i...
My novel reading Chapter 1 The Dream
My novel reading Chapter 1 The Dream [video]
The Elimination of Money / And the weird election
The Elimination of Money [Video] Okay, this is going to be a weird and long election. Remember, nothing is finalized until December 14th. The evidence for fraud is stacking up. I do not see the...
Silently Ostracized
The scenery is set In black and white I see no colors In day or night Everything stays the same And I don’t care What comes my way I was born Into the devil’s hands Using nature As my consequen...
World War 3 (2001 - 2028)
World War 3 (2001 - 2028) [Video]
Poof…and I Disappear
Poof…and I Disappear This night I hope to die When the stars and moon Illuminate the sky with gods and angels By my side I’m running faster Away from my fate Afraid of the destruction It will c...
Prospectus Program of Study Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership Problem Statement The problem is unresolved interpersonal conflict leads to distrust between an organization an...
Intermission Do you understand the Joke
Intermission Do you understand the Joke [Video]
The Terrible Decade, Confusion, Trump, The Queen, Ice Age, Disaster, WW III, Hope, Unitivism [Video]
Black Rose Red
Take a look at the world And tell me You like what you see It’s a lost cause When everyone remains fallen And hopeless I speak And my words just become air Flying up high Because I disturb your...
Authority Over Knowledge, Harrison Bergeron, Socialism, Unitivism, the Presidential Debate [Video] The reliance on members of authority is an important source of knowledge building within societ...
Black Rose Death
The morning dew Brings the stench of death A black rose Lays out on the ground And I wrap it in foil So our love doesn’t spoil The clouds blot out the sun The darkness appears to erase everythi...
Moses and Yahweh, the Passover, Christ, Ego rebirth, Age of Aquarius
Moses and Yahweh, the Passover, Christ, Ego rebirth, Age of Aquarius [Video]
The Death and Rebirth of Love part 3
She prays to God And wonders if Her prayers become Lost in flight Life and love Appear to be dead And her heart Continuously bleeds From the curse That has been place on her soul From a distance...
Moses and the Plagues the Self and the Ego
Moses and the Plagues the Self and the Ego [Video] The Bible and the Psyche Individuation Symbolism in the Old Testament by Edward F. Edinger (1994) “fear of self-sacrifice lurks deep in every e...
The Death and Rebirth of Love part 2
She hates today Cause she knows There is no love tomorrow Confused and broken Trying to put the pieces together Wondering who she will wake up to Tomorrow She knows life is surreal As the stars...
Updates, Grand Solar Minimum, Age of Aquarius
Updates, Grand Solar Minimum, Age of Aquarius [Video]
The Death and Rebirth of Love part 1
The scenery is set In her mind She is full of hope and despair Toward a past Filled with animosity The clouds scatter To provide her with moonlight Not a single star Is in her sights As she fa...
Giving Humanity the Blessings of Life
The odds have always been against us Humanity has been placed in the desert Starving to break free But cannot find their way For the Sun changes in the mirage Courage and bravery Are buried in t...
Moses and Yahweh The Exodus Setting the Stage [Video] Allan Lichtman is wrong and Trump will win [Video] Allan Lichtman video
The Deceitful Pentagram
A fog has covered The world in deceit The first snow Has fallen As the land Is consumed By a tundra dream And everything Circles around To the failures of Every human being I will paint th...
Virgo Sun Health, Decanates, and Cusp [Video] Intro to my dream journal [Video]
You buy what they sell
You buy What advertisers sell And you eat Your way through hell Just fuck and multiply Consume the lies Select and judge And throw away The ones that Don’t taste good on your tongue Don’t look ...
Virgo Woman, Man, and Attraction
Virgo Woman, Man, and Attraction [Video]
Future interpretations, the viral deceit, dualism, wars, the UK, the cycle stops, My Mercy [Video]
Book Description
This diary will focus on my poetry as I am writing a novel.